Quiz 4 Flashcards
Which of the following constitute active surveillance for disease outbreaks?
Actively looking for cases of disease. For example, by monitoring and analyzing hospital admission data.
Which of the following pathogens are transmitted by airborne route?
Measles virus, mycobacterium tuberculosis, and varicella-zoster virus.
Which of the following routes of transmission might be associated with pathogens that cause common source outbreaks of disease?
little, or no, person-to-person transmission of the pathogen. A route of transmission involving indirect contact via fomites.
In public health practice, which of the following constitute components of an outbreak investigation?
Verifying diagnoses and confirm outbreak. defining a case and case finding , tabulate data, control measures, formulate and test hypothesis, plan and execute additional studies
evaluate control measures, communicate findings
Which of the following are components of cough etiquette?
cover your nose and mouth when you cough or sneeze, use a tissue or sleeve instead of your hands, dispose of used tissue into a waste container, and practice hand hygiene afterwards
Against which of the following diseases could herd immunity help to protect a human population?
Only for communicable diseases. NOT Clostridium tetani (tetanus), rabies virus, or Rickettsia rickettsii (Rocky mountain spotted fever), west nile
Use of disinfectant would be appropriate for which of the following?
reducing microbial contamination on surfaces and inanimate objects
Over what distance drop droplet transmission occur most efficiently?
within 3 feet
Which of the following may serve as reservoirs for exogenous pathogens of humans?
environment (soil, river water), infected non-human animals, and other, infected humans.
Which of the following statements is/are true of exposure, as the term is used to describe pathogen transmission?
a host comes into contact with a source of some pathogen. Exposure does not always result in infection
If they are involved in transferring pathogens from one host to another, which of the following would best be described as fomites?
Fomites are inanimate objects like gym towels and toilet seats
Which of the following is/are characteristics of most pathogens that are maintained in humans?
Most pathogens that are maintained in humans only infect humans through horizontal transmission
Which of the following transmission routes generally involve indirect contact?
only fecal-oral transmission
Which of the following test results would allow pathogens isolated from individual patients to be definitely linked to a common source when they occur during an outbreak
PFGE patterns - DNA fingerprint of a pathogen isolate
In public health, which of the following is/are control measures that would be implemented only in response to an outbreak in disease?
Only in response would be recall of contaminated food, and post exposure prophylaxis. isolation of TB patients and vaccination of pets for rabies happens all the time
Which of the following are examples of personal protective equipment?
gloves, gown, mask, eye protection, face-shield, N95 respirator
Which of the following diseases is post-exposure prophylaxis a standard health response?
Hep A and is standard for food-borne hepatitis, meningococcal diseases, rabies
In public health, which of the following is/are routine control measures?
sanitation of water supply, treatment of sewage, inspecting of food supply, immunization programs, isolation orders.
Which of the following are components of the standard precautions used in infection control practice?
safe injection practice, cough etiquette, use of PPE, and safe handling of equipment and items, and hand hygiene.
Which of the following characteristics would enable a pathogen to be transmitted efficiency to naive hosts?
It would need to become airborne in respiratory drop nuclei.
Which of the following may be vectors for human pathogens?
arthropods such as ticks and fleas
Which of the following are considered to be vertical routes of pathogen transmission?
from mother to baby either - across placenta during pregnancy (placental-fetal), during the process of giving birth (maternal-parturition), or after birth (maternal-neonatal).
Which of the following types of pathogens are most likely to be transmitted vertically by the maternal parturition route?
pathogens that are transmitted horizontally by the urogenital-sexual route also would have the opportunity to be transmitted vertically during parturition
Which of the following are reasons why public health agencies may investigate an outbreak of disease?
identify and implement control measures that can stop an ongoing outbreak, or when the lessons learned can be used to prevent similar outbreaks in the future
Which of the following statements is/are true of zoonotic infections?
Zoonotic infections are ones that are transmitted to humans from a vertebrate non-human animal reservoir.