Quiz 3 - Pt. 1 How Cellular Information is Altered Flashcards
We can alter cells by using ______ or genetic engineering. ______ is subjecting the cells to stress causing changes in the genetic make-up.
________ is the purposeful transfer of DNA from one type of organism to another.
Genetic Engineering`
mistakes in the genetic code (can arise from replication and/or damage)
organism with a genetic mutation
the organism without the genetic organism
Wild type
genetic construction of an organism
characteristics expressed by an organisms.
usually refers to transcription+translation+posttranslation processing
- Strain A has the tol operon for toluene degradation, and is in a reactor growing on glucose.
- Strain B has the tol operon for toluene degradation, and is in a reactor growing on toluene.
- These strains have the same _____, but ________
different phenotypes
base change may or may not result in an amino acid change
If the amino acid is the same as before the mutation there is ________.
no consequence
If the amino acid is different, but not in the region of the ______active site, there may be no consequences.
active site
If the mutation is in the active site, there may be some _______________
enzyme activity consequence
If the mutation changes the amino acid to a stop codon, the resulting protein will be _______ and probably ________.
truncated and probably not active
confers upon the mutant an advantage for growth, survival or detection under a set of environmental conditions that the wild type does not have.
Selectable mutation
Examples of Selectable Mutation or Selection
- Antibiotic resistance
- Ability to grow on toluene
- Inability toproduce lysine
- Ability to produce bioluminescence
- Ability to produce more of an enzyme
- Inability to grow at higher temperatures
Natural Mutation Rates
* 10^-3 - 10^-9 =
* 10^-6 =
mutations per cell conversion
1 mutation/1,000,000 divisions
Increase Mutation Rates
____ : chemicals, radiation
_________ (i.e. lots of divisions)
Lots of growth
Why do we want to increase mutations?
- We want a cell to develop ____________ that are _______ for us.
- For example, ________ inhibition of lysine to increase lysine production
- specific characteristics, advantages
- removing feed back
uptake of free DNA by a cell. The cell membrane has to be permeable to DNA.