quiz 3 Flashcards
Ionotropic Receptor
- quick messaging
- receptor protein containing an ion channel that opens when receptor is bound by agonist
Metabolic Receptors
- longer lasting effect
- uses 2nd messenger system to open nearby ion channels
link across cell membrane to activate 2nd messengers
Amino Acid Neurotransmitters
itself is an amino acid (building block of proteins)
- Amino Acid Neurotrans.
- most widespread excitatory neurotransmitter
- too little = difficulty concentrating
- too much = excitotoxicity (damage to nerve cells)
Synaptic Plasticity
Strengthening / weakening of signaling between neurons over time
important w/ learning and memory
Long Term Potentiation
strengthening component of plasticity
“use it or lose it”
- amino acid neurotransmitter
- most widespread inhibitory neurotransmitter
Peptide Neurotransmitter
short chain of amino acids
signaling in brain & other areas
Opiod Peptides
endogenous mimicking of morphine in binding to opiod receptors & producing analgesia / reward
peptide neurotransmitter
Amine Neurotransmitters
based on modifications of a single amino acid nucleus
major targets for drug development
Acetylcholine (Ach)
- amine neurotransmitter
- role in neurotransmission in the forebrain
neurons that use Act as synaptic transmitters
project to cerebral cortex, amygdala, and hippocampus
basal forebrain
source of cholinergic projections in the brain
Dopamine (DA)
found in midbrain
substantia nigra
basal forebrain
Amine neurotransmitter
cells that use dopamine as synaptic transmitter
substantia nigra
source of projections of dopaminergic
loss of # of dopaminergic neurons leads to Parkinson’s
ventral tegmental area (VTA)
projects dopaminergic fibers to nucleus accubens
Mesolimbocortical pathway
important in processing reward
mesostriticital pathway
dopaminergic projection that originates in midbrain around the substantial nigra & projects to basal ganglia
motor control
amine neurotransmitter
produced in raphe nuclei
mood, vision, sex behavior, anxiety, sleep
cells use serotonin as synaptic transmitter
raphe nuclei
string of nuclei in midline of midbrain & brainstem that contain most of serotonergic neurons in brain
Norepinephrine (NE)
active in brain & sympathetic nervous system
amine neurotransmitter
use norepinephrine as transmitter
locus coeruleus
small nucleus in brainstem
neurons produce NE & modulate large areas of forebrain
lateral tegmental area
brainstem region that provides some or NE containing projections of the brain
Gas Neurotransmitters
soluble gases that diffuse between neurons
retrograde transmitters
released by postsynaptic neuron, diffuses back across synapse and let’s functioning of presynaptic neuron