quiz 1 Flashcards
receive info
Axon Hillock
where axon originates (cone shaped), where info is gathered & integrated
Carries action potential from cell body to axon terminal
insulates axons to increase speed that action potentials are conducted, formed by glial cells
Nodes of Randeveir
uninsulated patches of axon, increases signal boosting
Axon terminals
transmit neuron’s signals across synapses to other cells
axon collateral
axon splits into multiple branches
Input Zone
Neurons collect & process info from the environment to other cells
Integration Zone
Decision to produce Neural signal
conduction zone
info is transmitted over distances (axon)
Output Zone
Neuron transfers info to other cells (axon terminal)
Multipolar Neuron
1 axon, multiple dendrites
Bipolar Neuron
1 axon, 1 dendrite (sensory systems - vision, smell, sight)
Unipolar Neuron
after leaving cell body splits into 2 sections - dendritic branches & axon (spinal & cranial nerves - pain, temperature, etc.)
Presynaptic Membrane
transmits info by releasing neurotransmitter (on axon terminal)
Synaptic Cleft
space between pre / post synaptic neurons
Postsynaptic Membrane
receives info
Axonal Transport
transport materials from cell body to axon terminals & back to cell body
Electrical Movement
electrical signals down axon to target innervating neuron
Schwan Cells
Type of Glial cell that forms Myelin in peripheral Nervous System
Microglial Cells
remove cellular debris from injured / dead cells (Glial Cell)
form myelin in CNS & myelinates axons (glial cell)
star shaped, run in all directions, control blood flow, help form membrane that contains the brain (glial cell)
Peripheral Nervous System
nerves & neurons outside the brain / spinal cord
Somatic Nervous System
major muscles / sensory systems, receives info VOLUNTARILY (PNS)
Cranial Nerve
connected directly to brain (PNS / Somatic Nervous System)
Spinal Nerves
Emerges from spinal cord, 31 pairs that carry sensory & motor axons
Autonomic Nervous System
Connections of internal organs, involuntary
Sympathetic Nervous System
“Fight or Flight” - increase in heart rate & blood pressure, relaxes bladder, inhibits digestion (Autonomic Nervous System in PNS)
Parasympathetic Nervous System
“rest & digest” - decreases heart rate, stimulates digestion, contracts bladder (Autonomic Nervous System of PNS)
Cerebral Cortex
Thick sheet covering cerebral hemisphere
Corpus Callosum
Connects left & right hemisphere
Frontal Lobe
Higher Order executive functioning, voluntary movement
Parietal Lobe
Processes somatosensory info
Temporal Lobe
Processes emotions & language
Occipital Lobe
Processes visual stimuli
Develops into 2 subdivisions
Forebrain (anterior) - becomes cerebral hemisphere in adult brain
Forebrain - posterior becomes thalamus & hypothalamus in adulthood
middle division of neural tube
Develops into 3 structures
coordination & control
origin of cranial nerves (midbrain)
Heart Rate & respiration (midbrain)
Limbic System
Emotion & Learning
Emotional regulation & perception of odor (limbic system)
Hippocampus & Fornix
Learning / Memory (limbic System)
Olfactory bulb
Smell (limbic system)
regulate hormones & motivated behaviors - thirst, hunger, temp. regulation (limbic system)
Directs sensory info to appropriate region of cortex (limbic system)
Cingulate Gyrus
Direction of attention to specific thing (limbic System)
Substantia Nigra (Midbrain - Tegementum)
innervates basal ganglia & loss of its neurons (leads to Parkinsons)
Roof of Midbrain
Superior Colliculi
Vision (midbrain - tectum)
Inferior Colliculi
Hearing (midbrain - tectum)
3 membranes that protect brain & spinal cord
dura mater
outer sheet, tough layer (meninges)
Thin layer between dura & pita (meninges)
Pita Mater
Innermost meninges, adheres tightly to brain
Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF)
fluid that fills the cerebral ventricles, picks up waste for clearance, conveys nutrients
Glymphatic System
lymphatic system in brain that removes waste & moves nutrients / signaling compounds
Occurs in sleep
“trash collector””
Cerebral Arteries
3 pairs of large arteries within skull that supply blood to cerebral Cortex
blood brain barrier
- makes movement of substances from blood vessels into cells more difficult
- protects brain from infections
clot, narrowing or rupture that interrupts blood supply to specific brain region