Quiz 19 Flashcards
The _________ is both the mechanical weight-bearing base of the spinal column and the fused central posterior section of the pelvic girdle.
1 ischium
2 thorax
3 sacrum
4 coccyx
Which of the following statements regarding the power lift is correct?
1 It is not recommended for people with weak knees or thighs.
2 It is the safest and most powerful method of lifting a patient.
3 It involves using your lower back instead of your legs to lift.
4 The leg muscles should remain relaxed during the power lift.
Which of the following MOST accurately describes the correct position of the EMTs who are executing the diamond carry technique?
1 one at the head, two at the feet, and a fourth EMT balancing the torso
2 two at the head, two at the feet, and a fifth EMT balancing the torso
3 two at the head, one at the feet, and one on the left side of the patient’s torso
4 one at the head, one at the feet, and one on each side of the patient’s torso
With proper technique, you and your partner should be able to safely lift a patient who weighs up to ______ lb.
1 150
2 220
3 175
4 190
When using a body drag to pull a patient who is on the ground, you should:
1 avoid situations involving strenuous effort lasting more than 5 minutes.
2 kneel to minimize the distance that you will have to lean over.
3 extend your elbows as far beyond your anterior torso as possible.
4 bend your back laterally to maximize your amount of pulling power.
Aggressive ambulance driving may have a negative effect on other motorists because:
1 it may not allow for their reaction time to respond to your vehicle.
2 they often freeze when they see the lights in the rearview mirror.
3 they move to the right or drive as close to the curb as possible.
4 hey may become enraged and attempt to run you off the road.
The process of removing dirt, dust, blood, or other visible contaminants from a surface or equipment is called:
1 disinfection.
2 sterilization.
3 cleaning.
4 high-level disinfection.
In most instances, you should move a patient on a wheeled ambulance stretcher by:
1 pushing the head of the stretcher while your partner guides the foot.
2 slightly lifting the stretcher to prevent unnecessary patient movement.
3 retracting the undercarriage and carrying the stretcher to the ambulance.
4 pushing the foot of the stretcher while your partner guides the head.
When moving a conscious, weak patient down a flight of stairs, you should:
1 place the wheeled stretcher at the bottom of the stairs and carry the patient down the stairs with a stair chair.
2 collapse the undercarriage of the wheeled stretcher and carefully carry the patient down the stairs on the stretcher.
3 secure the patient to a scoop stretcher and carry him or her headfirst down the stairs to the awaiting stretcher.
4 assist the patient in walking down the
stairs and place him or her on the wheeled
stretcher at the bottom of the stairs.
Which of the following statements regarding the neonatal isolette is correct?
1 The isolette serves to keep the neonate warm and protects from excess handling.
2 The safest type of isolette is one that takes the place of the ambulance stretcher.
3 If an isolette is not available, the neonate can safely be transported on the stretcher.
4 A freestanding isolette should be used, not one that is secured to the stretcher.
Other than personal safety equipment, which of the following should be the most readily accessible item in the back of an ambulance?
1 emergency childbirth kit
2 stethoscope and penlight
3 pneumatic antishock garment (PASG) and traction splint
4 bleeding control supplies
Which of the following items would most likely require special protocols in order to be carried on the ambulance?
2 automated external defibrillator (AED)
3 devices for restraining a patient
4 pediatric nonrebreathing masks
Immediately upon arriving at the scene of an emergency call involving a traumatic injury, you should notify the dispatcher of your arrival and then:
1 carefully assess the mechanism of injury.
2 determine if additional units are needed.
3 observe the scene for safety hazards.
4 quickly gain access to the patient.
During the transport phase of an ambulance call, it is MOST important to:
1 reassess unstable patients at least every 15 minutes.
2 reassess the patient only if he or she deteriorates.
3 complete the run form before arrival at the hospital.
4 converse with the patient and provide reassurance.
Which of the following is not a general guidelines for safe ambulance driving:
1 avoiding one-way streets whenever possible.
2 using the siren as much as possible.
3 assuming that other drivers will not see you.
4 avoiding routes with heavy traffic congestion.
If you properly assess and stabilize a patient at the scene, driving to the hospital with excessive speed:
1 increases the patient’s chance for survival.
2 is often necessary if the patient is critical.
3 will decrease the driver’s reaction time.
4 is allowable according to state law.
Which of the following statements regarding the use of the warning lights and siren on the ambulance is correct?
1 It is generally acceptable to increase your speed if lights and siren are in use.
2 If the patient is stable, you may use the warning lights without the siren.
3 Warning lights and siren should be avoided, even if the patient is unstable.
4 If it is necessary to use the siren, you should tell the patient beforehand.
Typically medivac helicopters fly between:
1 100 and 120 mph.
2 130 and 150 mph.
3 120 and 140 mph.
4 150 and 200 mph.
Characteristics of a safe ambulance operator include:
1 an offensive attitude about driving during an emergency call.
2 realizing that lights and siren will be effective traffic tools.
3 the ability to operate an ambulance at a high rate of speed.
4 a positive attitude about the ability to tolerate other drivers.
_____________ is defined as the ability to reach the patient.
1 Rescue
2 Access
3 Disentanglement
4 Extrication
The rescue team is in the process of extricating a 40-year-old male from his truck. The patient’s wife, who was uninjured in the crash, is calmly observing the extrication and asks you if her husband will be all right. You should:
1 ask her follow-up questions about the crash.
2 ensure that she is in a safe area, away from the scene.
3 allow her to observe the extrication and keep her calm.
4 allow her to talk to her husband during the extrication.
In contrast to simple access, complex access:
1 involves forcible entry into a vehicle.
2 does not involve the breaking of glass.
3 often involves simply unlocking a door.
4 is a skill commonly taught to EMTs.
Disentanglement involves:
1 gaining access to a patient in a crashed vehicle.
2 the use of simple access tools such as a pry bar.
3 removing a patient from a dangerous position.
4 extrication techniques that EMTs are trained in.
Which of the following situations would require the use of a specialized rescue team?
1 an obese patient who must be moved to the ambulance
2 a patient trapped in a cave or a confined space
3 a patient in a badly damaged car, not entrapped
4 a patient found floating facedown in a swimming pool
Trench collapses usually involve large areas of falling dirt that weigh approximately _______ per cubic foot.
1 100 lb
2 150 lb
3 50 lb
4 200 lb
The reasons for rescue failure can be referred to by the mnemonic FAILURE. According to this mnemonic, the “U” stands for:
1 unprepared to effectively manage the scene.
2 undertrained to correctly utilize equipment.
3 underestimating the logistics of the incident.
4 underutilizing personnel at the scene.
Your unit has been dispatched to stand by at the scene of a structure fire. There are no injuries of which you are aware. Upon arriving at the scene, you should:
1 ask the incident commander where the ambulance should be staged.
2 contact medical control and apprise him or her of the situation.
3 set up a staging area where fire fighters can be treated if necessary.
4 park your ambulance behind the incident commander’s vehicle.
You and your partner are standing by at the scene of a residential fire when you hear the incident commander state “We have located a victim” over the radio. You should:
1 notify the hospital that you will be transporting a burn patient to their facility.
2 locate the victim and provide initial care while your partner stays with the ambulance.
3 immediately locate the incident commander and ask where the victim is located.
4 remain with the ambulance and wait for fire personnel to bring the victim to you.