Quiz 1 Flashcards
Examples of human uses for non-human vertebrates
labor, food, companions, spirit guides, teaching, recreation, entertainment
Naturalistic attitude
primary interest and affection for wildlife and the outdoors
Ecologistic attitude
primary concern for the environment as a system, for interrelationships between wildlefe species and natural habitat
Humanistic attitude
primary concern and strong affection for individual animals, principally pets
Moralistic attitude
primary concern for the right and wrong treatment of animals, with strong opposition to exploitation or cruelty towards animals
Scientistic attitude
primary interest in the physical attributes and biological functioning of animals
Aesthetic attitude
primary concern in the artisic and symbolic characteristics of animals
Utilitarian attitude
primary concern for the practical and material value of animals of the animals habitat
Dominionistic attitude
primary interest in the mastery and control of animals typically in sporting situations
Negativistic attitude
primary orientation for an actoive avoidance of animals due to indifference, dislike or fear
Moral obligation expanding circle
self, kin, social group/tribe, own race/nation/religion, all people, all animal life, all species, ecosystems and the earth
Anthropocentrism views
human place in nature is a god-given lord and master, value of nature is instrumental, intrinsic value is humans
Judeo-christian ethic
human place in nature is caretaker/steward, value of nature is holistic-intrinsic
Biocentrism views
human place in nature is one among equals, value of nature is individualistic-intrinsic, intrinsic value is individual organisms
Ecocentrism views
human place in nature is a member of the system, value of nature is holistic-intrinsic, intrinsic value is species, ecosystems
Indigenous Views
human place in nature is kinship with all living things with respect and reciprocity, value of nature is home, survival, spirituality, intrinsic-instrumental, intrinsic value is all individuals/species/places
belief that humans must be considered at the center of and above all other aspects of reality. Known as humanocentrism or human supremacy
Human exceptionalism
belief that human beings have a special status in nature based on god-given/acquired capacities that convey special rights and unique responsibilities
attribution/projection of uniquely human characteristics to non-human beings, phenomena, objects or concepts
denial of common traits with other species based on human exceptionalism