Amphibians Flashcards
What are 4 characteristics of amphibians?
Non-amniotic eggs
Non keratinized (lacking fur, scales, feathers, claws- except clawed frog and bills)
Skin permeable to water and gases
Do amphibian eggs have shells?
Define ectothermic
Using the environment to regulate body temperature
Behavioral regulation chooses the locality within the habitat
Why do amphibians require water and moist conditions?
Because their skin is highly permeable to water and gases
Makes the susceptible to air and water pollutants
Why do spade foot toads have a spade?
Because they live in harsh environments like deserts as adults and dig down into substrate to keep cool
Name some environments amphibians can be found in
Ponds Lakes Streams Riparian zones Forests Deserts Tropical forests
What are warts on toads?
Tiny poison glands
Costal grooves
Refers to visible rib-like structures and can vary in number and visibility depending on species
Grooves along side flanks of salamanders
Evolutionary purpose is currently unknown
What are parotid glands and why are they usually easily visible?
Parotid glands are poison glands
Visible to ward off predators
What do bright colours usually represent in amphibians?
That they are poisonous
Don’t need camouflage as much because the bright colours warn that they are poisonous
What I an aposematic pose?
A display of parotid glands or bright colours to ward of predators
Shown by rough skinned newt lifting. Front end to show bright belly
What is a common measurement of amphibians?
Snout- vent length
Snout tympanum
What is a naso-labial groove?
Grooves from the nostrils to the mouth that have a capillary action to draw up moisture for chemical information processing
Why isn’t the tail if a salamander often measured?
Because the tail can fall off and be regrown so measurement an be inaccurate
Tail is difficult to straighten
How do frogs breathe?
Through their mouth(lungs)
Through their skin(mucus keeps skin moist to facilitate oxygen uptake)
- subcutaneous
Which glands produce poison?
Granular glands in the dermis under the epidermis
Larger than mucous glands?
Do frogs drink?
Not through their mouths
They absorb water through their skin like through a thin and absorbent belly patch that is close to the ground and therefore the water source.
Describe the western red-backed salamander including Latin name
Plethodon vehiculum Lungless terrestrial salamander Long,skinny and flat(large surface to volume ratio) Red dorsal stripe Short legs
An aquatic salamander with gills
Aquatic salamander with lungs and folds of skin
Not local
Why is the species name “vehiculum” given to the western red-backed salamander?
In the mating ritual the male gives the female a ride on his tail
Do frogs and salamanders in bc exhibit any parental care for offspring?
No frogs
Some salamanders
What 2 behaviors are common in mating rituals?
What kinds of of fertilization and reproductive modes are found in class Amphibia?
Internal (cloaca) External Oviparous (egg laying) Oviviparous (internal egg hatching) Viviparous (live birth)
What kind of effect can vocal calls have on mating?
Behavioral sexual isolation and species differentiation
Similar to birds
2 main types of amplexus
And what is amplexus?
Amplexus is different locations for mating embraces and is species specific
Pectoral (chest) axillary (armpit)
Pelvic inguinal (groin)
What is brood piracy and what can be the result?
External Fertilization by a male that did not take part in mating or amplexus after primary fertilization
Can result in genetic diversity of clutch
What is a pedamorph?
An adult larval stage
How do you tell salamander from frog tadpoles?
Salamander larva have external gills
4 species of salamanders that have no aquatic phase (lay eggs on damp land)
Western red- backed
Coeur d’alene
What is it?
Which species do this?
Sexually mature larva no terrestrial phase
Similar to pedomorphosis
Sometimes only individuals, sometimes whole populations
Frequently observed in NW salamander, giant salamander, and tiger salamander
Frogs and toads
What are the young unmetamorphosed amphibians of salamanders and frogs called?
Salamanders= larva (generic) Frogs = tadpoles
What is predator swamping?
Toads transform synchronously to overwhelm predators
Similar to schooling behavior of fish
Based on safety in numbers
What level are we supposed to know amphibians too?
Causes for global amphibian decline
Habitat loss Invasive/introduced species (culinary uses etc.) Increased uv radiation (sensitive skin) Pollution Over-collection Fungal pathogens
Chytridiomycosis is a fungal pathogen caused by what fungus?
Summarize the threat it poses
Caused by Batrachochytrium dendiobatides
Opportunistic because of prior issues such as pollution and affects skin ability to breathe
BC frog watch - what is it in brief?
A citizen participation project responsible for sightings of amphibians and reptiles
What are 3 major clades/orders of amphibian phylogeny?
Gymnophonia (Apoda) - caecilians
Anura - frogs and toads
Caudata - salamanders and newts
All toads are….
And all newts are…..?
What is Apoda?
‘not foot’
Describe the gymnophonia or caecilians
Legless burrowing amphibians
Bound to moist areas
How many species and how many families of anurans are there in BC?
12 species in 5 families
What are 2 main characteristics of anurans?
Tailless amphibians
Mostly external fertilization
How many species and how many families of Caudata are there in BC?
9 species in 4 families
What are 2 main characteristics of amphibians?
Tailed amphibians
Fertilization mostly internal
Amphibians have 3 lifestyle types. What are they?
Aquatic, terrestrial and amphibious
What are the green bits sometimes incorporated into some salamander eggs?
Green algae
How do you tell amphibians from reptiles?
Reptiles have scales and claws