Questions from past papers Flashcards
What indicates the posterior broder of the maxillary denture?
The post dam which should sit 1-2mm anterior of the vibrating line between junction of the hard and soft palate
The maxillary denture should be at the level of the humular notch to produce a good posterior seal which is located between the distal surface of the tuberosity and the humular process of the medial pterygoid plate of maxilla
What are the 7 factors of deprivation?
Employment status Income Health and health care services Geographic access to services Crime Housing, living and workng conditons Education, skills and training
4 key aspects of waste transfer note?
Description of waste
Origin source of where the waste has come from
Transport and destination
How long should waste consignment transfer note be kept for?
Min of 3 years
What is the aim of suturing?
To reposition tissues To compress blood vessels To cover the bone To prevent wound breakdown To achieve heamostasis To encourage healing by primary intentions
What is the differnce between parallel and tapered posts?
Parallel - avoid wedging, greater retention, less likely to cause root fracture as load is not dispersed horinzontally
Tapered posts - Have high strength and stiffness, conservative, less retentive than parallel or threaded posts, should be used in small circular canals and avoid flared canals
What forces can displace a baseplate?
Gravity Mastication Tongue Talking/vibrations Active components
What is the function of a baseplate?
Used to provide anchorage, connnector for retentive components, cohesion and adhesion and stability
What happens when an IDB is insterted into the parotid gland?
Facial palsy - as the LA has been injected into the poarotid gland or has been aimed too far posteriorly
Patient has suspected bleeding disroder, what 3 blood tests would you ask for?
Cogulation screen
Thromobophillia and haemophilla factor screen
Name an inherited cogulation disorder?
Von willebrand disease
Hamophilllia A
Hamophillia B
What LA technique cannot be used on bleeding disorder patients?
Lingual infiltraions
What are problems with posts that are inserted into canals that are too wide or too narrow?
Narrow canals - Risk of perforation due to thin/tapering and narrow roots
Wide canals - requires further prep which weakens the tooth
What are the 4 components of the sinner circle?
What teeth are affected with MIH
1-4 permanent molars frequently associated with affected incisors
What one question would you ask about antenatal period?
Ask mother about 3rd trimester health if there was any pre-elampsia, gestational diabetes
2 questions to ask about child’s health from birth - 2years with MIH?
Has the child suffered from any medical problems in the years
How long did the mother breastfeed for
2 questions about birth of child with MIH?
Any birth trauam or anoxia
Was the child born before the due date
Why do you ask about specific timeframes with a child with MIH?
Because this is when the enamel matrix of crowns of first permanent molars and incisors are completed so any problems that can interact with the development of the enamel would cause developmental problems at this stage
What signs and symptoms would the patient present with with MIH?
Loss of tooth substance - breakdown of enamel, tooth wear present, secondary caries
Dentine hypersensititvity
Appearance - pooor aesthetics
Would the dentine be affected with MIH?
Dentine hypersenstivity can occur as the porour enamel exposes the detine which facilitiates fluid flow within the dentinal tubules to activate a-delta fibres