2019 paper Flashcards
What are the short term effects of child neglect
Physical health
Emotional health
Social development
Cognititve development
What are the long term effects of child neglect
Arrest Suicide attempt Heart Disease Diabetes Depression
What is the management of child neglect
Preventitive dental team management
Preventitive multi agency management
Child protection referral
What are the causes of congestive heart failure
Heart attack Diabetes Myocardial infarction Hypertension Cornoary artery disease
What are the symptoms of congestive heart disease
Rapid irregular heart beat Fatigue and weakness Shortness of breath Chest pain when breathing Cough, wheezing
What is the treatment for cogestive heart failure
Lifestyle changes
Medicaiton - ACE inhibitors, beta blockers, diuretics
Heart valve surgery
What are reasons for liver cirrohosis
Alcohol abuse Viral hepatitis Cycstic fibrosis Non alcoholic fatty liver disease Iron buildup in the body (hemochomatosis) Primary bilary cirrhosis
Why has a person with liver cirrohosis have thrombocytopenia
Reduced production of thrombopoetin (regulates platelet production)
Anti cancer agents
Bone marrow suppression by hep C virus
Due to splenomegagly associated with portal hypertension
Antiviral treatment with inteferon blind therapy or increased destruction of platelets through phagocytosis in enlarged spleen
What are the 5 key principles of adults with incapacity act
Benefit Minimium neessary intervention Take account of the wishes of the adult Consultation with relveant others Encourage the adult to exercise residual capacity
Who can give agreement for treatment
Patients with capacity
Medical and dental practiioners under section 47 of AWI act
Welfare Guardians
Welfare Power of Attorney
How many canals in upper first premolar
What is the corrected working length
It is a specific length measured from the apical terminus to a specific predefined point on the cornal area of the tooth
What radiograph are used for endo
PA - green
3 reasons to do non surgical before surgical therapy
Allows evaluation of patient motivation and plq control (reduces failure risk of surgery due to poor OH)
Deep pocket may heal following non surgical therapy
Improve soft tissue consistency for easier surgical management
Surgery is more invasive and has long term complications
What are 2 indications for surgical re-evaluation of therapy
Pocket >5mm persist
Furcation involvement
Excellent OH
Aim of surgical therapy
To arrest the disease by gaining access to complete root surface debridement
It is used to regenerate lost perio tissue
What can a dentist do afterwards to support patient
Review OH and TIPPS Review supra and subging calc routinely Carry out RSD routinely Reappraise mechanical plq control Perio pocket chart annually and include plq and bleeding levels
When do you reevalute non surgical therypy?
4-6weeks (some say 6-8weeks)