Mock paper Flashcards
What are 3 causes contributing to post op complications?
- Paitent traumatised area with finger or food
- Patient dislodged the blood clot too early due to rinsing
- Vasocontriction effects of LA have worn off
- Sutures have become loose or lost
- Vessels have opened up
What are the intiial management of post op bleeding?
- Apply pressure to the socket with a piece of damp gauze
- LA with vasoconstrictor present
- Suture the socket
- Surgicel pack placed
- Diathermy
What is one pre extraction test to check bleeding status?
What would you do if you could not stop the bleeding?
You would refer them to heamatology/ oral surgery deparment at their local hospital
What are 4 occlusal featues that can present due to prolonged digit sucking habit?
Proclined upper incisors
Retroclined lower incisors
Anterior open bite
Unilateral posterior cross bite
4 methods to stop a digit sucking habit
Bitter nail varnish Elastoplast over digit Positive reinforcement Socks over hands at night Removable habit breaker
What can prolonged digit sucking have on posterior teeth?
it can cause a postrior cross bite
The digit is placed in the mouth causing the mandible to drop and tongue held in a lower postiton
Sucking action caused by cheecks narrows the maxillary dentition and casues posterior cross bite
What are 5 functions of provisional restoration?
Improves aesthetics Improves mastication Improves speech Prevents senstivity Prevention of further damage
What are 3 types of provisonal resotrations?
Clear Plastic
What are the disadvantages of preformed provisonal crowns compared to custom made ones?
Unable to fit aswell as not tailored to the specific patient
Need a large supply of them available and so is costly
What are 4 factors that contribute to increased tooth mobility
Perio Trauma Chemo/radio Trauamatic occlusion (bruxism) Dental abscess
What 2 circustances would you intervene to reduce mobility of teeth?
Gives rise to symptoms - causing discomfort or difficulty chewing
It creates difficulty with resotrative treatment and needs to be stabilsed for debridement
It is progressively increasing and mobility due to advanced loss of attachement
Patient has recieved HPT, would tooth mobility increases or decrease?
Decrease as there is an increased in clinical attachement
Increases as calc deposits giving tooth support have now been remvoed
Patient has very mobile lower incisors which is causing pain but refuses XLA.
Advacned horizontal bone loss
What would you advise and disadvatnaged of this?
Splinting the teeth but this can create hygiene diificulties for the patient
Researchers at Glasgow Dental School are investigating whether nystatin prevents oral candidosis in patients receiving treatment for head and neck cancer.
What sutdy provides the highest level of evidence for effectiveness of this treatment
Cochrane Review (systemic review and meta analysis)
Researchers at Glasgow Dental School are investigating whether nystatin prevents oral candidosis in patients receiving treatment for head and neck cancer.
What would be an appropriate study design?
What are the 4 main features of RCT study design?
What are the standards developed to improve the reporting of RCT?