Question of the Day Even Months Flashcards
- Minimum Fuel A46
You are conducting a BINGO recovery from the Lake District. Valley is rwy 31RH, IRMs and you are experiencing higher than forecast headwind. You calculate that you will require a short pattern GCA to land above FOG.
Valley ATC inform you that you are number 2 in the pattern to another minimum fuel aircraft and are unable to provide a short pattern GCA.
You declare a PAN, what should you consider doing?
A46 FOB 2350 Minimum Fuel:
PAN for fuel. If an aircraft is operating in the RAF Valley or Mona visual circuit/instrument pattern and due to an unforseen event i.e. Go Around, it is estimated that the aircraft will land below the minimum fuel to divert, aircrew can declare “PAN PAN PAN, PAN PAN PAN, PAN PAN PAN - Fuel”. The call should be made to ATC as soon as possible and ATC should provide the most expeditious priority recovery and sterilise the rwy if possible. If the rwy sterilisation is likely to result in other aircraft landing at / below their own minima then the emergency aircraft should be instructed to divert immediately.
- U/S Anti-G Equipment A06
You conduct a G-awareness check prior to commencing an MPM serial and identify their rear-cockpit QFI is experiencing slow inflation of the anti-g suit.
What are your considerations?
A06 - FOB 2135 - Aircrew Medical requirements
4 FTS G-restriction when anti-G system is not 100% serviceable. If the anti-G system or associated AEA us found to be unserviceable, or crew G tolerance is severely compromised, the sortie should be discontinued unless the Aircraft Commander deems it safe to continue. Only sorties that normally experience <3G should be continued with an absolute limit of 4G.
- Airbourne Checks A10
You have been tasked to conduct a dual CV sortie, your allocated aircraft has an outstanding Airborne Check requirement.
How does this affect your sortie authorization and profile?
A10 - FOB 2301 - Flying Requirements Post Maintenance
- Additional requirement for the Aircraft Commander to receive a briefing from qualified engineering personnel.
- The authorization sheets should be suitably annotated.
Are there any additional considerations?
- Multi-Type Flying A14/A15
You gained your PPL whilst holding for Valley. You have been offered the opportunity to weekend fly with Mona Flying Club.
Can you?
What restrictions apply?
A15 – FOB 2305 – Supervision of Flying
Staff Pilots/QFIs: Yes, with the following considerations:
- Aircrew should keep their supervisors informed of any additional flying.
What restrictions apply?
- Supervisors should discuss (and record) the potential for cognitive failure.
- Aircrew should report any incidents where they felt they were influenced by flying other aircraft types.
A14 - FOB 2305 - Supervision of Flying
Trainee Pilots: No, unless under exceptional circumstances and a waiver issued by ADFT.
Sqn Cdrs are responsible for ensuring the following procedures are adhered to:
- Ensure the maximum flying rate in accordance with A44 has not been exceeded.
- Ensure the first sortie of the week is dual.
- Brief or quiz the following during the first sortie:
Engine and airframe limits
Pins procedure and emergency egress drill
Handling characteristics (take-off technique, stall and spin recovery)
Emergency of the day - Trainees should notify the sqn of intended recreational flying one week prior.
- The trainee should have his civilian logbook available on the sqn.
- Solo Trainee Flying A14
You are airborne solo (trainee), a similar type has suffered a birdstrike in the circuit and is requesting assistance for a visual inspection. No other aircraft are in the vicinity.
Can you conduct the visual inspection?
If so, what restrictions apply?
A14 - FOB 2305 - Supervision of Flying
- XXV (F) and 72 Sqn trainees shall not conduct visual inspections of other aircraft.
- IV (AC) Sqn trainees may conduct visual inspections of other Hawk T2 aircraft from the normal echelon and line-astern positions only.
- Airfield Approach Minima A16
You are conducting an IRT profile. The weather at Valley has deteriorated such that the reported visibility is less than the published approach minima.
Can you conduct training approaches at Valley?
A16 - FOB 2305 - Supervision of Flying
Yes. Approaches may be flown for training, to terminate in a low approach by the procedure minima, irrespective of the visibility or RVR.
- Unusual Occurrence A01
During climb out from RAF Valley whilst turning towards your operating area you experience an aileron control restriction. The aircraft is recovered safely, what are your follow up considerations?
A01 - FOB 1410 - Occurrence Reporting
- Report the event on company frequency after landing.
- After shut-down, debrief the groundcrew to ensure the post-flight servicing is not started.
- Debrief the Occurrence with an SME engineer.
- Raise a fault and declare the aircraft unserviceable.
- Report the occurrence as part of the in-brief and subsequently to ASMT.
- Ensure digital cockpit recordings are preserved.
- Phase 5 A17
It is flying phase 5, with cloud reported base 4000 ft and tops 10 000 ft. You are an unrated ab-initio student flying solo. Are you permitted to transit the cloud layer to conduct medium level handling? What restrictions apply?
A17 - FOB 2305 - Supervision of Flying
- Texan T1 – No, unless Adv Inst Test has been completed.
- Hawk T2 - Yes.
- Maximum cloud penetration 5000 ft Texan and 10 000 ft Hawk with no IF required below the radar vector chart (see associated phase chart for pre-requisite sorties).
- The weather at Valley is gleaming, excellent visibility and no cloud. You decide you would like to conduct a VFR departure to ML, can you?
A21 - FOB 2307 - Rules of the Air
You cannot plan to depart VFR.
Medium level departures. In order to ensure safe deconfliction between departing and recovering traffic, all non-low level departing traffic should be IFR requesting either a TS or DS on initial contact with Radar.
- Rader to Visual A22
What is the difference between Radar to Visual and Radar to Initial?
What height are ATC permitted to descend you to and what restrictions apply?
A22 - FOB 2307 - Rules of the Air
Radar to Initial - ATC should provide vectors to Initial for the RWY in use.
Radar to Visual - ATC should provide vectors to achieve VMC by the most expedient means.
Height - ATC will descend you to the limits of the RVC (DS / TS).
Where a further descent is required, “request further descent”, ATC will descend you to RVC - 500 ft (TS only).
- ILS against the Stream – A22
You are planning to conduct an ILS against the stream. ATC direct you to Point X, 4000 ft for the procedure.
Where is Point X?
What restrictions apply to an ILS against the stream?
A22 0 Fob 2307 - Rules of the Air
ILS against the stream. An ILS may be flown against the stream from Point X (VYL 320/16) commencing at 4000 ft. If the visual circuit is busy or if there is departing traffic, the approach should be discontinued by 2200 ft QFE or 6 DME, whichever is reached first.
- A5 Pass Recovery – A22
You are conducting a recovery from the A5 pass.
When should you begin your climb out of the A5 pass and to what height?
A22 - FOB 2307 - Rules of the Air
Aircraft recovering from the A5 pass should start to climb before reaching the quarry by Bethesda.
The Menai Strait should be crossed at or above 2500 ft Valley QFE unless forced lower by weather.
- Rotary Recoveries A22
You are recovering VFR to RWY 31RH from the south and have been made aware of a rotary recovery via Cable Bay. Where is this and at what height do you expect the traffic to be at?
A22 - FOB 2307 - Rules of the Air
Cable Bay lies directly south of Rhosneigr.
Rotary recovering via Cable Bay should be not above 250ft QFE, unless ATC advised.
- Visual Recovery vs. Radar Recovery – A23
Valley weather is OVC 1200 ft, you are conducting a visual recovery having exited LL at the Llyn Peninsular. What height should you climb to initially?
You are made aware of instrument traffic currently on Valley Talk down to RWY 31RH conducting a TACAN approach, what considerations should you apply when positioning for your visual join?
A22 - FOB 2307 - Rules of the Air
Once inside 15 DME, low level recoveries from the south should remain at 1000 ft QFE.
A22 - FOB 2307 - Rules of the Air
Visual joining aircraft shall be responsible for ensuring sufficient and safe separation from other traffic.
Beware: TACAN traffic is offset to the dead side on all runways.
- Circuit Capacity – A23
There are 3 aircraft in the circuit. You are recovering a 2-ship for a VRIAB. Can you join the circuit? What limitations apply?
A23 - FOB 2307 - Rules of the Air
The maximum number of aircraft or speaking units in the visual circuit shall be 3 with one extra aircraft or speaking unit permitted providing it is joining to land, or departing.