IRT Questions Flashcards
What is RTR and how does it affect your instrument approach?
Radar Termination Range – the point at which your radar service terminates. On an approach, you continue after RTR until your MAPt,at Valley RTR is 0.5nm before MAPt, so fly to the MAPt using nav kit, or if that has failed, fly at your MDH for 10 seconds, then action a missed approach.
What category of approach does the Hawk T2 fly when configured? When Flapless?
C, or E when flapless.
Identify the symbols for IAF/FAF on the TAP.
As per TAP.
What do the Bold numbers indicate on the IAM?
IAM is based on QNH.
What angle of bank should you fly when joining the TACAN hold? How does this change when established?
30 degrees, then 25 degrees when established.
What are the azimuth/glidepath limits on an ILS approach?
Half scale deflection.
What is the tolerance on the azimuth on a TACAN approach?
Within 5 degrees of published tracks.
What is the tolerance on MDH for your rating?
+100ft, -0ft.
Describe an on track join of an airway.
Any description based on entering the airway having established the airway centreline at the reporting point.
Describe a join at a point of an airway.
Any description based on entering the airway at right angles to the airway reporting point (cutting the corner as required).
What rule of thumb can you use to work out the anticipation in NM required for a 90 degree turn in the airways structure?
Move the decimal point of your mach number one to the right, and subtract 2 from the first digit, i.e. 0.65M = 4.5nm anticipation, 0.8M = 6nm anticipation.
Where would you find guidance on how to complete the flight plan request?
Yellow book, Sqn IREs, Ops assistants.
If you have a programmed takeoff time of 0900, what time should you put in the flight plan under departure time?
10 minutes before your takeoff time (estimated off-blocks time).
If you expect to join CAS at ROLEX at 0910, what is the tolerance for time at that point?
+/- 3 minutes
Under normal circumstances, when is the latest time before startup/taxi clearance that you can submit a flight plan?
1 hour.
How do you calculate a safety altitude?
Find the highest obstacle within 5nm of intended track, add 1000ft to the elevation and round up to the nearest 100ft. If mountainous terrain is present (>3000ft but <5000ft) then add 2000ft to the elevation of the highest obstacle. If mountain/lee waves are present due to the mountainous terrain, add 5000ft to the elevation of the highest obstacle. If mountains >5000ft in height, add an amount of clearance equal to the height of the mountains above surrounding terrain.