Quebec Expressions 2 Flashcards
Totally! For sure!
Sweet, cool
To chat someone up
Chanter la pomme avec qqun
To dump someone
La bobette
T’es ben chix
You’re looking chic
Partir sur une balloune
To party hard
I was drunk
J’étais saoul
To have a night out
Virer une brosse
Mettre qqch sur la glace
To shove something aside / put it under the table
He’s indecisive/ can’t make a decision
Il niaise avec la puck
Tu me niaises
You’re joking right? Is that a joke?
Not bad
Pas pire
You wanna hang out tomorrow?
Tu veux faire de quoi demain?
It’s raining cats and dogs
Il mouille à siaux
Not at all
Parler à travers son chapeau
To speak out out of your ass (though less vulgar)
Passer la nuit sur la corde à linge
When you loook tired from not sleeping
Être dans les patates/ champ
To be super wrong
To make up or invent a temporary solution
Pelleter par en avant
To do your work in small increments and not leave it all for when it becomes a mountain
Se peter les bretelles
To brag about oneself / boast
Il n’y a pas de quoi se peter les bretelles
There is nothing to brag about
Être su’l piton
To get back to form / back on your feet after being sick for example
C’est plate
This is boring!
Pogner un rhume
To catch a cold
Pogner les neufs
To get angry
Prendre son trou
To hide or make oneself small or forgotten
C’est quétaine
That’s old-fashioned/ out of date
Se faire passer un sapin
Se faire avoir /
to be had or fooled
To cloister oneself, stay inside all the time
´cabinned up’ lol
To put away something
S’a coche
Excellent, on point
Être tanné
To be fricken tired
Uncle, aunt
Mononc , matante
To take a seat
Tirer une bûche
That works
Ça marche, tiguidou!
Tsé veux dire
Y’know what I mean
C’es de valeur
That’s a shame
Vendredi fou
Black Friday