Quarter Final 3 Flashcards
What class increased?
The middle class
When the war was over, what discontinued?
Manufacture jobs that produced tanks, guns, weapons,etc; many people lost their jobs
Define demobilization
Bringing home soldiers
How many soldiers were in the army before and after demobilization?
12 million before - 3 million after
What MADE the Americans worried and scared?
A poll showed 60% would fall in earnings and not get jobs
What did the government do to help avoid depression?
Passed the GI Bill to help the soldiers
What were the 3 aspects of the GI Bill
It provided year of employment
Provided money for college
And helped veterans build houses or jump start business
Which aspect of the GI Bill was the greatest?
Education - many soldiers were just finishing high school when joining
What increased jobs ( think of GI Bill )
Offering money for houses. Someone had to build the houses and it created jobs.
Time when there were a lot of babies; post war activities
Baby boom
When soldiers came back from war how did they “get to business” ?
They made up for lost time and got married and had children
How much did soldiers have for college ?
500$ a year
How much was used for soldier education funding?
8 million
How much was it to live on own? With wife/husband?
50$ a month 75$ a month with family
When was the peak of the baby boom?
1957 - child born every 7 secs
How long did baby boom last?
How much did the population grow from baby boom?
What was the only economic problem?
Skyrocketed prices
Did gov control economy ?
How much did prices in creases?
When did meat price double
WHY were prices so high?
So much money for few little options
What hire people after the war?
The demand for goods went up so the production needed to go up
What the ironic thing about United States population to consumer goods
We only took up 6% of population of the world but provided 50% of consumer goods
What were new technological advances?
Computers, atomic energy
The rate at which goods and services are produced
What increased productivity
New technology
What did military spending increase
New product ideas, foreign goods, and new ideas
Trumans job before president
Vice President
What was so problamatic with rum an at president now?
He stepped into the Cold War and a trouble democracy, leaving people unsure of their security economically; weren’t sure of civil rights would be fair
What did Truman face (2 probz)
Restless labor movement and combative Republican Party
Why did workers go on strike?
They wanted more money and to take to keep up with inflation
What did the Taft Hartley act do?
Only outlawed the closed shop- only workers in unions could work
What did Truman do to reform?
Tried to reform civil rights relations
What executive order made military integrated?
1948 executive order 9981
Why did the Southern Democrats leave and start their our party?
They didn’t like th civil rights movement Truman was putting on
What was theSouthern democrats new leader for president?
South Carolina governor Strom Thurman
Broke with Truman because of foreign issues, new progressive party candidate
Henry Wallace
Who won 1948 elections?
Republican candidate for election against Truman
Thomas Dewey
What was the Fair Deal
Trumans campaign promise; would strengthen existing New deal programs such as national health care
1952 Republican candidates
Dwight Ike Eisenhower
Democratic candidate in 1952
Aldai Stevenson from Illinois go nor
Why was Eisenhower nominated
Was popular, balanced, middle of road guy
Why was spending increased during Eisenhower running?
He made the interstate system and spent on education
What were the Americans worried about at the beginning of the 1950’s?
Another depression; not having enough jobs
How many people moved to suburbs?
40 million
What suffered from the migration
Cities and rural areas
Why did people flock to suburbs?
Shortage of urban housing
Founded suburbs
William levitt
First town of suburbs
Federal housing administration
What FHA help do?
Help pay mortgages for long time like 30 years
What was popular in suburbs?
Shopping center
How many jumps did the cars go from
26 mill in 1945 to 60 mill 1960
New technology of cars
Powered steering , brakes and transmission
What did the car design remind people of?
Had chrome which looked like jet plane
What grew the suburbs