Putting On and Removing Gloves Flashcards
What is a state exam tip for putting on and removing gloves?
That putting on and removing gloves is evaluated as a part of every skill, not as a separate skill
What supplies do you need to for putting on and removing gloves?
Gloves and a trash container
What is crucial to remember when taking the gloves out of the glove box?
To not touch the glove box with your recently washed hands. Use your elbow.
What do you need to do before you begin putting on your gloves?
Gather your supplies and make sure they are within easy reach. Do this before you wash your hands. It is crucial that you do not contaminate your recently washed hands.
What are the steps you need to take to properly put on gloves?
- Wash your hands.
IMPORTANT: Do not touch anything except the gloves with your clean hands.
What is the second step for putting on gloves?
Check for holes or tears by filling the glove with air (do not blow into it), squeeze the glove, and see if air escapes from it. Does the glove have holes or tears?
What is step three for putting on gloves?
Step 3: Put a glove on each hand, one at a time. Grab the cuff with your index finger and thumb
What is step 4 for putting in gloves?
Clasp your finger together to ensure the gloves are neither too loose nor too tight, as shown below.
What is the fifth step for putting on gloves?
- Look at the gloves to make sure there are no holes or tears.
What is the first step for removing gloves?
Step 1: Pinch the wrist or middle of one gloves hand with your opposite, gloves thumb and forefinger.
What is step two of removing gloves?
Step 2: Pull the glove down over your fingers so that it comes off inside out as shown below.
Twist, don’t touch the wrist or the rest of your hand. Do a garbage bag twist when you are halfway over the fingers.
What is step 3 of removing gloves?
Step 3: Crumple the glove you are holding into a small ball in the still gloved hand. Make it into a bundle.
What is the fourth step to removing gloves?
Step 4: Put one to two fingers of the involved hand under the cuff of the remaining glove and the crumpled glove as shown below.
What is step five of removing gloves?
Step 5: Pull the glove down over your fingers so that it comes off inside out (and it covers the bundled glove) Twist the top of the glove as you remove it.
What is step 6 of removing gloves?
Step 6: Place the soiled gloves into the appropriate trash container.
What is step 7 of removing gloves?
Step 7: Wash your hands
What is crucial to remember when removing gloves?
No matter what, don’t touch the outside of the gloves with your bare hands when removing them.