Puritan Religious developments Flashcards
What led to the Vestiarian Controversy ?
an emergence of tensions between the queen who desired conformity and obedience based on complete acceptance of the Settlement and the Puritans who believed in the eradication of superstitious practices
What was the Vestiarian Controversy?
Several figures within the Church decided that they could not obey the rules on clerical dress laid down in the Act of Uniformity and royal injunctions which had specified wearing traditionally Catholic dress.
How did the queen punish the prominent Oxford academic Thomas Sampson for his involvement in the Vestiarian Controversy and refusal to wear the required vestments as defined under the Settlement?
she forced him from his post at Christ Church College
Who was punished by the Queen from his post at Christ Church college for his refusal to wear the required vestments as defined under the Settlement?
Oxford academic, Thomas Sampson
Who issued the “Advertisements” in 1566 which required the clergy to follow the Settlement?
Archbishop Parker
How many London clergymen refused to signify their support and were consequently deprived of their posts?
What did the whole business of the Vestiarian Controversy show?
the extent of the queen’s determination to enforce the settlement
During the Vestiarian Controversary what were reforming bishops caught between?
between obeying the royal supremacy and the desire to remove the remaining vestiges of Catholic practises wihtin the Church
What did Presbyterians hope for with the Church of England which was already Calvinist in doctrine?
that it should be further reformed in its structure such as the removal of bishops and its forms of worship in that everyone should be of equal status
Why did the Presbyterian faction partly emerge in reaction to?
to the Vestiarian Controversey
Some Prebysterians began to question the scriptural basis for the authority of bishops and other aspects of the Church. These criticisms were voiced in two pamphlets known as what?
the two Admonitions
What did the first Adomitions attack? from the Presbyterian faction
the Book of Common Prayer and called for an abolition of bishops
What did the Second Admonition do?
it provided a detailed description of a Presbyterian system of Church government
What did Whitgift argue in a pamphlet war between himself and Cartwright?
that the Presbyterians attitude was destructive and would split the Church
What was a geographical problem with the Presbyterian movement?
it was a narrow movement largely confined to London, Essex and Suffolk
What did the 3 figures The Earl of Huntingdon, Earl of Leicester and even Lord Burghley do to protect some Prebysterians?
they defended clergymen who fell foul with authorities because of their alleged sympathy for the Presbyterian movement
Attempts from Presbyterians to bring change through Parliament failed, however when were they succesfful?
When they looked for change through local assemblies and provincal and national synods
Who were two Presbyterians who attempted to bring change through parliament in 1587 but failed?
Peter Turner and Anthony Cope
IN what year did two Presbyterians Turner and Cope attempt to bring change through Parliament but failed?
How did Turner and Cope, two Presbyterians, attempt to bring change through Parliament but failed?
they both introduced bills which if enacted would have replaced the Book of Common Prayer with a new prayer book stropped of any remaining popish elements; neither bill granted support
Who was Whitgift?
he was the Archbishop of Canterbury
Who was determined to destroy Presbyteriansim?
the Archbishop of Canterbury, Whitgift
Who issued Three Articles to which clergy had to subscribe?
the Archbishop of Canterbury, Whitgift
What were the Three Articles 1583 to which the clergy had to subscribe which were wrote by the Archbishop of Canterbury, Whitgift in an attempt to destroy Prebysteriansm which he feared would split the church?
- Acknowedlegment of the royal supremacy
- Acceptance of the prayer book as the word of God
- Acceptance that the 39 Articles (1563 1571)conformed to the word of God
Why was Archbishop Whitgift pressured by councillors such as Leicester and Walsingham into reducing the second of the Three Articles ?
2. Acceptance of the prayer book as the word of God
as this created a crisis of conscience for many clergy not just Prebysterians, who thought that the prayer book lacked scriptural justification
How did Archbishop change the second of the Three Articles after pressure from councillors Leciester and Walsingham who believed that itcreated a crisis of conscience for many clergy not just Prebysterians, who thought that the prayer book lacked scriptural justification?
he modified it to being just a simple acceptance of the prayer book
In what two instances were Archbishop Whitgifts campaign in the Three Articles a success?
- He forced Burghley’s protege Gifford out of his post
- Cartwright was refused a licence to preach despite Leciesters pleas (he had been involved in a pamphlet conflict with Whitgift following the two Admonitions
What year was the Three Articles?
Why was Presysterianism in decline by the 1580s?
As very few were prepared to bresk with the Church of England by refusing to accept the 1583 Three Articles and the failure of Cope and Turner in Parliament in 1587 reflected the futility of a parliamentary approach and the death of John Field who was its key organiser in 89’
What was the most extreme form of Puritansm which most mantream Puritans regarded with abhorrence?
What was the desires of Separatism?
to root out all popish and superstitious elements which the Church of England was incapable of doing given their being opposed to the queens status as Supreme Governor
Separatist movements in London, although small, were sufficient to alarm the authorities which led to the passing of which act in 1593?
Act Against Seditious Sectaries
How many people were executed for devising and circulating seditious books contrary to the Act against Seditious Sectaries in 1593?
When did Puritan influence decline?
late 80s
Why in particular did the Puritan influence decline in the late 80s?
because of the deaths of Leicester, Mildmay and Walsingham whom were its political supporters at court and the defeat of the Spanish Armada reduced the perceived threat of Catholisism
When were the fundamentally Calvinist beliefs of the Church of England reaffirmed?
in the Lambeth Articles of 1595
What was the Lambeth Articles of 1595?
they were a series of 9 points of doctrine approved by Whitgift and issued under his authority which essentially asserted the Calvinist doctrine of the Church of England