INCLASS-Elizabeth&Catholic Threats Flashcards
Why was it not in Elizabeth’s interest to pursue an aggressively anti-Catholic policy?
as this would disturb domestic and foreign tranquillity
Why was religious division not permitted?
as this was seen as an invitation for civil war
How were the Marian bishops dealt with upon their refusal to accept the government’t legislative changes?
They were deprived of their positions rather than execution
Few clergy refused the Oath of Supremacy, how many?
What did Elizabeth hope for in regards to support for Catholicism upon accession to the throne?
that the long term effect on staunch Catholics of attending Church of England services would safely achieve a less radical sentiment upon supporters
What would happen to those in government offices who refused to take the Oath of Supremacy as specified by the Act of Uniformity?
they would lose their positions
What would be the punishment for a layman who attempted to persuade an priest to deviate from the doctrine of the 1559 Book of Common Prayer as specified under the Act of Uniformity 1559?
1st offence-100 mark fine
2nd offence-400 marks
What was put in place to prevent the cleric from using the familiar Catholic words to imply the Real Presence of Christ in the bread and wine as specified under the Act of Uniformity 1559?
It was ordered that nothing was to be added to the words said in the delivery of the Holy Communion
What was the penalty for failure to follow the specified rites as stated under the Act of Uniformity 1559?
6 months imprisonment and loss of first years income
What have regional studies showed about the conservative clergy operating in the Church of England?
that they made it clear that the old ways were the only way to salvation
What was a result of a second refusal of the Oath of Supremacy?
death penalty
What was the result of any priest found guilty of saying Mass, and any laymen who requested mass?
death penalty
Who did the Queen instruct not to demand subscription to the Oath of Supremacy a second time if it had been refused the first, in order to prevent the death penalty being invoked creating martyrs?
Archbishop Parker
There was no executions for the saying of Mass before what year?
Why did there begin to be executions for the saying of Mass after 1577?
as this is when the international climate had changed completely
Which Pope had hoped that Elizabeth might send representatives to the Council of Trent in 1559 which was a Council intended to spearhead reform in the Catholic Church?
Pope Pius IV
Pope Pius IV had hoped that Elizabeth might send representatives where in 1559?
to the Council of Trent which was a Council intended to spearhead reform in the Catholic Church
Why did Elizabeth not send representatives to the Council of Trent in 1559 which was a Council intended o spearhead reform in the Catholic Church?
as it became clear that the Pope had, by the end of 1560, firmly establish his authority over the Council
When was the arrival of Mary Stuart in England?
Why can we use 1568 as a convenient point from which to chart the implications of change in Elizabeth’s domestic policy?
as this was when Mary Stuart became a major factor in Elizabeth’s attitude towards Catholics
What plot was the Duke of Norfolk involved with in 1571 which resulted in his execution?
the Ridolfi Plot
What did Northumberland state as the main aim of the uprising in 1569/70?
to reform religion and restablish and safeguard the position of Mary stuart as heir to the throne
What year was the Northern Earls Revolt?
Once the Northern Earls recognised that the Catholics of England, such as in Lancashire and Cheshire would not rise up in revolt with them, how did they respond?
they fled across the border into Scotland
What were the 3 aims of the Northern Earls?
1) Norfolk marriage plot
2) Marry Queen of Scots as Queen
3) Anti-Cecil factionalism
What were the 3 reasons for the failure of the Northern Earls Revolt?
1) Lack of support from Catholic gentry
2) Distance from London
3) Norfolks loss of nerve upon being found out (begged)
When did Pope Pius V issue a Papal Bull ‘Regnans in Excelsis which excommunicated Elizabeth?
February 1570
What was the name of Pope Pius V’s Papal Bull which was issued in February 1570 and excommunicated Elizabeth?
Regnans in Excelsis
What did the Bull “Regnans in Excelsis” threaten English Catholics with?
that if they continued to obey their Queen they they too incurred the sentence of excommunication
Why was the Papal Bull “Regnans in Excelsis” issued in Feb 1570 largely irrelevant to the Northern Earls Revolt in 1569/70?
because Westmorland and Northumberland had fled before it appeared
Why was there little response from the Papal Bull “Regnans in Excelsis” issued in Feb 1570?
as it was poorly published and publicised
What year were the Treason Acts?
What did the 1571 Treason Acts do?
it made it a treasonable offence to deny that Elizabeth was the lawful queen
What was a specific order under the Treason Acts of 1971?
that anyone found using Regnans in Excelsis, or to try and convert another to Catholicism would be guilty of the treasonable offence
What made attitude change?
the arrival in England of missionary priests from continental Europe.