INCLASS-Impact of Religious Settlement Flashcards
Why did Elizabeth keep the episcopate (bishops)
as while she was Supreme Goveneor, she needed the episcopate to retain the function of organisation, administration and supervision
Why did the Queen not want a Church like Calvin’s Geneva reforms?
s it would be difficult to justify her superiority and control the church which was based on decision making by a number of people who had a remote centre of power. The monarchy requires a hierarchy to sustain
While Elizabeth was not Catholic, what can be said for various policies which were Catholic in essence such as the clergy and marriage?
it can be said that alike her father she valued tradition
Why was Elizabeths first step in attempting to encourage the Marian bishops to remain in office a failure?
as there was an unanimous refusal to take the oath accepting the Act of Supremacy
What does the fact that Elizabeth attempted to retain Catholic bishops reveal about her policy aims?
that she was more interested in 1559 to present an image of religious continuity than in securing full-blown Protestantism
What had Elixabeth hoped in attempting to encourage the Marian episcopate to remain in office?
that they would fall into the same mould as did many of them under her father’s time, careerist clergy with an inbuilt loyalty to the monarch
Why were the Protestant exiles not the preferential choice to become Elizabeth’s bishops than the Marian bishops?
as their recent experiences were not as crown servants but as refuges whose religious ideals had forced them from their country of birth, and thus too radical to have an inbuilt sense of loyalty to their monarch
What Act in 1559 allowed the Queen to control the wealth of bishops through having control over church property?
the Act of Exchange
What did the 1559 Act of Exchange allow Elizabeth to do?
this allowed her to control the wealth of the bishops through having the right to exchange church property for non-spiritual property in the possession of the church which the bishops had power and influence over
How did Elizabeth reward her nobility and gentry when she did not care to use her own money?
she would persuade her bishops to grant favourable leases to such laymen, which would be definite since the refusal of demands by a noble backed by the Queen was no light after
How did Elizabeth treat her bishops?
as subservient civli servants rather than generals leading armies of Protestants
What did the Visitations do?
they enforced the Royal Injunctions of 1559
What happened as a result of many of the visitors doing vistsiations being radically Protestant?
many images, relics and altars unique to catholicism were destroyed
Why were some 400 clergy either deprived of their positions or resigned between 1559-1564?
as during the visistitions, it was their job to examine the beliefs of the clergy and to punish those who refused to subscribe to the Act of Supremacy
How many clergy between which years were either deprived of their positions or resigned as a result of visitors being violent in their examination of the beliefs of the clergy and in punishment of those who refused to subscribe to the Act of Supremacy?
some 400
Why were most bishops in dismay in 1559?
when Elizabeth demanded that each church should retain a cruifix
What was the Vestarian Controversy in 1565 ?
this was when in 1565the Queen wrote to her Archbisop Parker to demand that he used his authority to ensure that the rites and practises of the clergy did not deviate from the settlement of 1559
What year was the Vestiarian controversy?
the Queen’s conviction in the Vestiarian Controversy reflects the importance of what?
the way that she attactched importance to her own wishes
Why was there a Vestierian Controversy?
as several bishops had turned a blind eye to clergy who had refused to use the appropriate vestments
What did Parker publish in 1566 following the Vestiarian Controversy?
Why was Parker scrutinised by the Queen following his publication of Advertisements following the Vestiarian Controversy?
as he showed a willingness to compromise on this issue rather than to impose the full vestments as required by the 1559 settlement
In what year was there a fashion parade where out of the 110 clergy men there, 37 refused to wear the appropriate vestments as they judged them to be papistical and were the suspended from their offices?
1566 following Archbishops publication of Advertisements
In 1566 following Archbishops publication of Advertisements, in a fashion parade how many clergy attended, and how many refuse to wear the appropriate vestments as they judged them to be papistical
Why was the Queen insistent upon the clergy wearing the vestments?
as it lay within the Queen’s authority to impose a certain standard of dress for the sake of civil order and as it did not come under the idea of adiaphora (afffecting after life) then it was her right to enforce
What is adiaphora?
t lay within the Queen’s authority to impose a certain standard of dress for the sake of civil order and as it did not come under the idea of adiaphora (afffecting after life) then it was her right to enforce
affecting the after life
Why did the Queen refuse to endorse the Advertisements officially when Archbishop Parker asked?
as he had compromised on the vestments issue
What year did Archbishop Parker introduce the 39 Articles which gave a definitive statement of church doctrine?
Which article in the 39 articles of 1563 is an example of Calvinist ideas?
article 17 through the concept of predestination (nothing you can do in this life will impact after life)
Elizabeth had no role in the writing of the 39 articles and did not approve them in statute until what year, regardless of them being made in 1563?
Why did Elizabeth not allow to make the 39 Articles statute until 1571?
as they included strongly worded condemnations of Catholic practises which were likely to cause resentment among her Catholic subjects and abroad