England's relations with Spain Flashcards
How were Anglo-Spanish relations in the 1560s?
they were usually cordial
Briefly what were 3 reasons why Anglo-Spanish relations deteriorate?
- Activity of Hawkins breaking Spanish trading monopoly
- situation in the Netherlands
- Taking Duke of Alba’s money
What was the goal of Hawkins which contributed to the deterioration of Anglo-Spanish relations?
to break the Spanish trading monopoly in the Caribbean. This created such a reaction from Spain that in 1568 they blocked his fleet, and only 2 ships escaped
IN what year did the Spanish retaliate to Hawkins who had sought to break the Spanish trading monopoly in the Caribbean, by blocking his fleet and having only 2 escape?
How did the situation in the Netherlands begin?
this began because Philip II wanted a tighter form of political organisation in the Netherlands under more direct Spanish control to root out heresy
Why was Elizabeth reluctant at first to help Dutch Protestants?
because she had suffered heavily from her French adventure and had qualms about aiding rebels against a sovereign monarch
What happened in Novemebr 1568?
a storm forced several Spanish vessels carrying 400,000 florins which was intended to pay the army of the Duke of Alba, Philip’s general in the Netherlands, to seek refuge in the shelter of English ports in Devon and Cornwall.
How many florins did Elizabeth remove from Spanish vessels in 1568 November which was intended to pay the army of the Duke of Alba, Philip’s general in the Netherlands, ?
a storm forced several Spanish vessels carrying 400,000 florins which was intended to pay the army of the Duke of Alba, Philip’s general in the Netherlands, to seek refuge in the shelter of English ports in Devon and Cornwall.
When was this?
November 1568
How did the Duke of Alba react to Elizabeth seizing 400,000 florins from Spanish vessels which was supposed to pay his troops?
he seized English ships and property in the Netherlands with the encouragement of Spanish ambassador in England De Spes
Who were the Sea Beggers?
Dutch pirates licensed by the rebel leader William of Orange
how in 1572 did Elizabeth inadvertently contribute to the deterioration of Anglo-Spanish relations?
as she expelled the Sea Beggers (Dutch pirates licensed by the rebel leader William of Orange) from English ports who were then forced to land in the dutch port of Brielle and their occupation of the port, sparked off full scale revolt against the rule of Spain
What year did Elizabeth expel the Sea Beggers (Dutch pirates licensed by the rebel leader William of Orange) from English ports who were then forced to land in the dutch port of Brielle and their occupation of the port, sparked off full scale revolt against the rule of Spain?
By what year had all the 17 provinces of the Netherlands risen against what they saw as atrocities by the Spanish army?
What was the Pacification of Ghent 1576?
this was produced by the 17 provinces in the Netherlands which called for the expulsion of all foreign troops and the restoration of the provinces’ autonomy; a situation favoured by Elizabeth
What year was the Pacification of Ghent?
this was produced by the 17 provinces in the Netherlands which called for the expulsion of all foreign troops and the restoration of the provinces’ autonomy; a situation favoured by Elizabeth
What was produced by the 17 provinces in the Netherlands which called for the expulsion of all foreign troops and the restoration of the provinces’ autonomy; a situation favoured by Elizabeth in 1576?
The Pacification of Ghent
Who did Elizabeth contemplate marriage with in order to retain English influence in the Netherlands?
Duke of Anjou
What was the name of the Northern Protestant division in the Netherlands?
Union of Utrecht
What was the name of the Catholic division in the Netherlands?
Union of Arras
Who made peace with the Catholic division, Union of Arras, thereby creating a basis by which the new governor-general, the Duke of Parama, could begin his reconquest of northern provinces?
the Spanish
Why was it bad for England that the Spanish made peace with the Catholic division, Union of Arras?
as this meant the new governor-general, Duke of Parma, could begin in reconquest of northern divisions
Why was Spanish power strengthened in 1580?
through the annexation of Portugal
How did Elizabeth adopt a more overtly anti-Spanish position in 3 ways from 1580?
- Supporter Portuguese pretender, Don Antonio
- Knighting Drake on circumnavigating the globe
- Treating the Spanish ambassador contemptuously
Why did Elizabeth lose support of Don Antonio, Portuguese pretender?
as he was illegitimate and so this conflicted with her belief of sovereign authority
How from 1580 did the situation in the Netherlands deteriorate from an English perspective? (2)
- Spain became stronger through the annexation of Portugal
- Parma’s reconquest of the north gained momentum leaving only the provinces of Holland and Zeeland in Protestant hands
From 1580 the situation in the Netherlands began to deteriorate from an English perspective after Parma’s reconquest of the north gained momentum leaving only which provides in Protestant hands?
Zeeland and Holland
When was rebel leader, William of Orange assassinated which made matters worse for England?
In what treaty did Philip II and the Catholic League in France come to an agreement?
Treaty of Joinville 1584
What was the Treaty of Joinville 1584?
this was an agreement between Philip II and the Catholic League in France where Philip promised to finance the Guise faction
To counteract the terms of the Treaty of Joinsville 1584 between Spain and Catholic League, who did Elizabeth make an alliance with?
with the Dutch Protestant rebels in the Treaty of Nonsuch in 1585 and sent troops to the Netherlands under the command of the Earl of Leicester
What year was the Treaty of Nonsuch between Elizabeth and the Dutch Protestant rebels in the Netherlands?
What was the terms under the Treaty of Nonsuch 1584 between Dutch Protestant rebels and Elizabeth?
that she would sent troops to the Netherlands under the command of the Earl of Leicester
In what 4 ways was the Treaty of Nonsuch a failure?
- The troops were irregularly paid and were ill disciplined that they alienated the Dutch
- The Dutch felt betrayed when two officers, Stanley and Rowland deserted and joined Parma
- English commanders quarrelled amongst themselves
- Leicester quarrelled with the Dutch
How many years did it take to organise the expedition against England?
2 years to come into fruition
How was the Spanish invasion delayed?
due to a successful English attack on Spanish ships in the harbour at Cadiz in 1587
Where was there a successful English attack on Spanish ships in 1587 which delayed the Spanish invasion for a year?
in the harbour at Cadiz
When did the Armada set sail?
July 1558
Where was the Armada forced to sail in hopes to return to Spain because of a hazardous storm?
north towards Scotland and then back south to the west of Ireland which cost them many many ships lost at sea.
How did Elizabeth use the defeat of the Spanish Armada in propaganda?
she depicted in a number of portraits England’s international triumph, with help of the Protestant wind
After the Armada, how many years did the war against Spain drag on?
16 years
Elizabeth sought national security above all else. However, for many at court and in the armed forces, what were their reasons?
English security and religious surivival against a universal Catholic conspiracy
While some councillors took a ‘minimalistic’ view in strategic decisions, what did others such as John Hawkins favour?
he favoured a more expansive naval campaign, which they argued could be self-financing, and pressing for a land campaign in the Netherlands
From 1595 how many attacks did England make on mainland Spain and its colonies?
from what year did England make 3 attacks on mainland Spain and its colonies?
What was one of the short-lived victory of England’s attack on mainland Spain in 1596?
their capture and occupation of Cadiz
Why did both Hawkins and Drake die at sea?
because of their unsuccessul attack on Panama, which they had believed wa the weakest point of the Spanish empire
Why was it so significant that the English captured and occupied Cadiz in 1596?
this humiliated Philip II and prevented Spanish merchant vessels from sailing to the West Indies which proved a blow to the Spanish. This also led him to miscalculate an invasion of England in autumn out of anger, which resulted in the destroyal of most of his fleet due to storms
How to Elizabeth respond to Spanish assisstance to a rebellion in Ireland which had caused speculation that Philip II would use Ireland as a base for invasion?
she used a fleet under the command of the Earl of Essex to attack a Spanish fleet in labour in north-west Spain in 1597 which however failed due to winds-winds of which also defeated the Spanish setting sail for Ireland
Why in 1597 did Elizabeth sent a fleet nder the command of the Earl of Essex to attack a Spanish fleet in labour in north-west Spain, which however failed due to winds-winds of which also defeated the Spanish setting sail for Ireland ?
as Elizabeth was responding to Spanish assisstance to a rebellion in Ireland which had caused speculation that Philip II would use Ireland as a base for invasion
Why was it down to luck that the Spanish never reached Ireland to assist the rebellion in 1597?
as the fleet under the command of the Earl of Essex was unsuccessful due to winds, which allowed the Spanish to set sail for Ireland- it was only a storm which prevented this otherwise unopposed invasion.
Why was the Armada defeated?
the English were quick to exploit the opportunities offered by the vagaries of the weather, such as by using fireships in the night. Also they benefited from superior gunnery and manoeuvrability
In what year was Sir Vere made commander of the English forces in the Netherlands and proved highly capable atfter he forged a positive relationship with the Dutch leader,nMaurice of Nassau
by what year had the Spanish been expelled from all of the lands of the Northern Netherlands?
By 1594 where had the Spanish been expelled?
from all of the lands of the Northern Netherlands
How were english strategic objectives triumphantly complete?
as the northern Netherlands became an independent state; and while the southern Netherland remained under Spanish sovereignty, they also achieved a degree of autonomy. No foreign authority was entrenched in the netherlands
Elizabeth and her councuillors changed the emphasis on foreign policy away from dynastic considerations and the desire for glory to what type of approach?
to an approach of national interest
In what 3 years did victory seem around the corner but never came?
1589, 1591, 1596
How long was the war with Spain?
19 years
How was Elizabeth successful in trade with Spain?
- Treaty of bristol
- survival of the cloth export traffic to Cental Europe
How much of Elizabeth’s wartime expenditure take the form of loans and subsidies to allies?
over £1 million