purcommmm Flashcards
Asser)ng that television is responsible for shaping or cul)va)ng the viewer’s concep)on of
cultivation theory
An editor as “gatekeeper” takes into considera)on when deciding news which news will be
published and which news will not.
Assump)ons: (1) The press and the media do not reflect reality; they filter and shape it. (2)
Media concentra)on on a few issues and subjects leads the public to perceive those issues as
more important than other issues.
- A^er the public’s aren)on is drawn to certain topics or issues decided by the news media
(agenda-seqng), the media then influence the public on how to think about these issues
agenda setting theory
framing consist of 3 elements
language, thought, forethought
Mass media can influence a very large group of people “directly, immediately and powerfully.”
magic bullet
Opinion leaders receive the informa)on, then pass on their own interpreta)ons in addi)on to
the actual media content. Lazarsfeld et, al (1968) coined the term “personal influence”. The
audience is “powerless to resist the impact of the message.”
two-step flow theory
How channels differ, not only in terms of their content, but also regarding on how they
s)mulate and modify thoughts and senses. “Symbolic environment of any communica)ve”
medium theory
also encourages cri)cal thinking and self-expression, enabling ci)zens to
Decisively exercise their democra)c rights. In our lives, it is our ability to responsibly comprehend, use mass
communica)on, and access as a media literate person.
media literacy
how to spot fake news
check the source
be aware of fake photos
verify the person
examine evidence
types of media
print media
oldest form of medium, transferring media text to paper
in large quantities
gamit pag print
newspaper, tabloids, broadsheets
type of media that distribute audio and video
content via VHF (very high frequency) or UHF
(ultra high frequency) airwaves., cable television
broadcast media
oldest existing radio station in the
it implies a lower standard in factual
reporting and suggests a biased emphasis on
crime news and celebrity gossip