major themes in the philosophy of mathematics are mathematical
realism and anti-realism
math exists objectively and independent of human thought. Mathematical concepts are disembodied in the universe and available for us to uncover and bring into practical use.
There are many variations on realism, but the most popular form is
a metaphysical position which offers that mathematical entities are abstract, have no spatiotemporal or causal properties, and are eternal and unchanging.
holds that mathematics is a product of the human imagination and is carefully engineered to make formal statements about nature in order to aid our understanding of the behavior of the universe
which suggests that all of mathematics can be derived from a set of axioms or self-evident assumptions.
were the first major contributors to the dialogue of mathematics
plato and aristotle
Both a mathematician and a philosopher, he was the founder of the Academy in Athens (first institution of higher learning in the Western world)
There exists a realm of Forms, perfect ideals of which
things in this world are but imperfect copies.
plato’s philosophical theory
is the heart of Platonism.
theory of forms
Reality is unavailable to those who completely rely on their senses.
The material world is just a “shadow ” of the real world
allegory of the cave
Knowledge can only be achieved through pure reason.
The ideas of Mathematics had an existence of their own, beyond the mind, in the external world.
Mathematics exists in some world out there and mathematicians are merely discovering the truths of mathematics.
Plato’s position of the Nature of Mathematics
as a philosophy of mathematics is the view that at least the most basic mathematical objects (e.g., real numbers, Euclidean squares) actually exist, independently of the human mind which conceives them. Their properties are discovered, not created
A student of Plato at Academy
✔ A tutor of Alexander the Great,
son of King Philip II
✔ Founder of the Lyceum in Athens (a rival institution of the Academy)
Developed the theory of “empiricism”. In order to understand the universe, one needs to observe it, measure it or try to look at it.
How can it be that mathematics, being after all a product of human thought which is independent of experience, is so admirably appropriate to the objects of reality
The structures of mathematics are intrinsic to nature. Moreover, if the universe disappeared tomorrow, our eternal mathematical truth would still exist. It is up to us to discover mathematics and its workings.
sets introduced by
george cantor
is a collection of clearly defined objects, called elements of a set.
Sets are usually denoted by capital letters of the English alphabet while small letters denote elements of the set
It enumerates, lists, or tabulates distinct elements of a set which are separated by a comma and enclosed by a pair of braces {}.
roster method
It uses a phrase that describes the property of the elements of the set and enclosing it by a pair of braces.
rule method