why is marketing both a science and an art?
marketing is a science because we do research, gather and interpret data to understand more about our customers, the new trends in the market, the different marketing approaches, and to help our business gain profit. it is also an art because it needs creativity to attract customers
what is marketing according to dr philip kotler
marketing is the science and art of exploring, creating, and delivering value to satisfy the target market
marketing by american marketing association 2013
the activity, set of institutions, and processes for
creating, communicating, delivering and exchanging
offerings that have value for customers, clients,
partners, and society at large
what is marketing
marketing is both a science and an art of satisfying customers wants and needs to gain profitability and a competitive advantage
Aspirations that every company
would like to pursue
marketing goals
strategies or implementation steps
to attain the identified goals.
marketing objectives
differentiate marketing goals and objectives
marketing goals are the aspirations that the company wants to pursue while marketing objectives are the specific goals that can be measured in short term or long term and it should also be smart. smart stands for s (specific) m (measurable) a (attainable) r (realistic/relevant) t (time bound)
example of marketing goals and objectives
goal: to boost brand awareness and image
obj: to achieve 10% brand awareness locally through online advertisement by the end of the month
4P’s marketing mix
product (creative value)
price (capturing value)
place (delivering value)
promotion (communicating value)
4-Step Approach to Reach Marketing Goals
A (awareness)
R (repeat purchase)
A (availability)
T (trial)
make target market know you by informing, persuading target customers
repeat purchase
you need to create a good relationship with your customers through quality products and services that will satisfy their wants and needs
your products should be available to your target customers according to their purchase pattern
you need to promote your product to form an impression for example giving free tester products, money back guarantee
philip kotler
marketing is not the art of finding clever ways to dispose what you make. it is the art of creating genuine customer value
traditional marketing approaches
Production Concept
Product Concept
Selling Concept
Marketing Concept
Relationship Marketing Concept
Societal Marketing Concept
Production Concept
it focuses on mass production and distribution of products so there is lower production cost which results to lower price and it also focuses more on quantity
ex: fast food, production of paper, pencil
what is market
interaction between customer and seller
types of market
physical market, online platform, black market
product concept
it focuses more on the product itself and its innovation, and it focuses more on quantity
example cellphones, computers, laptops, cars
(too much product quality may neglect customer’s needs)
selling concept