Pulmonology Flashcards
Lobar pneumonia is associated with what organism?
Strep. pneumoniae
Most common lung lobe associated with bronchiectasis?
Lower lobes
What are the stages of pneumonia?
1) Congestion
2) Red hepatization
3) Gray hepatization
4) Resolution
Asbestosis is associated with which lung CA?
What is the Virchow’s triad?
Hypercoagulable state Endothelial injury Venous stasis (immobility, surgery, pregnancy)
Most common symptom of PE?
Dyspnea with tachycardia
Gold standard for diagnosing pulmonary embolism?
Pulmonary angiogram
Definition of sleep apnea?
Intermittent cessation of airflow >10s occurring at least 10-15x per hour
Type of lung CA not associated with smoking
Bronchoalveolar carcinoma
Type of lung CA associated with paraneoplastic syndromes
Small lung cell CA
Most common type of lung CA
AdenoCA (peripherally located)
Type of lung CA associated with hypercalcemia?
Squamous cell CA
Paraneoplastic syndromes associated with adenoCA of the lung
Nonbacterial verrucous endocarditis
Type of emphysema related to smoking ?
(S)entriacinar - Smoking
Panacinar Emphysema
a1- antitrypsin
Honeycomb lung is seen in which type of lung disease?
Restrictive Lung Disease
Air-filled cystic spaces surrounded by thickened scar tissue
Asbestosis is associated with which type of carcinoma?
Malignant mesothelioma
Asteroid bodies are seen in which condition?
Stellate inclusion bodied w/in giant cells
Type of lung CA that secretes PTH
Squamous Cell CA
Central in location and related to smoking
Oat cells decrived from Kulchitsky cells are seen in which condition
Small Cell CA
Secretes ACTH and ADH
Management of choice for small cell lung CA
Schaumann bodies are seen in which condition?
Laminated concretions of calcium and proteins
Noncaseating pulmonary granulomatous disease is seen in?
Respiratory tract + necrotizing glumerulonephritis is associated with what condition?
Wegener granulomatosis
Curschmann spirals is seen in which condition?
Bronchial asthma
Intralobular mucous plugs containing whorl-like accumulations of epithlial cells
Intra-alveolar hyaline membrane are seen in which condition?
Pneumoconiosis with increased susceptibility to tuberculosis
Ferruginous bodies are associated with?
Diffuse interstitial fibrosis
Asbestosis affects which part of the lungs?
Lower lobes
Giant cell pneumonia is associated with which infection?
Measles virus
Birbeck granules (tennis rackets) is associated with?
Eosinophilic granuloma
Variant of histiocytosis X syndrome
In interstitial pneumonia, what is the most common etiology?
Mycoplasma pneumoniae
Pancoast lung tumor affects which part of the lung?
Apex of the lung
Superior sulcus tumor; Horner syndrome
Charcot-Leyden crystals are seen in which condition?
Bronchial asthma
Crystalloids of eosinophil-derived proteins
Granulomatous vasculitis involving the lung
Churg-Strauss Disease