Hematopoietic/Lymphoid Flashcards
Most common cause of hereditary thrombophilia
Factor V leiden (resistance to protein C)
2nd most common cause: Prothrombin 20210A transition
Neutropenia + albinism + cranial and peripheral neuropathy + repeated infections
Chèdiak-Higashi Syndrome
Autosomal recessive
Iron deficiency + partially obstructing esophageal web is seen in which condition?
Plummer vinson syndrome
SE of Dilantin (Phenytoin)?
Folate deficiency
Most common cause of aplastic anemia?
Others: Benzene, chloramphenicol, alkylating agents, parvovirus, Hep C
G6PD deficiency affects which pathway?
Failure of erythrohexose-monophosphate shunt
Defect in sickle cell
GAG (glu) > GTG (val)
Most common immune hemolytic anemia?
Warm body auto-immune hemolytic anemia
Cold agglutin disease is associated with which blood group antigen?
I blood group antigen
Hereditary spherocytosis is a defect in which structure?
Bite cells are also associated with which condition?
G6PD deficiency
Type of hemoglobin with increased resistance to M. falciparum
Hemoglobin S
G6PD deficiency and (-) duffy blood group
Osteomyelitis in patients with sickle cell is due to which organism?
Heinz bodies are also seen in which condition?
G6PD deficiency
Most common malignancy of children
Type of ALL most responsive to therapy
ALL Positive CD10
Autosplenectomy is also seen in which condition?
Sickle cell
Auer rods is seen in which condtion?
Smudge cells is associated with?
Helmet cells are associated with which condition?
Thrombotic thrombocytopenic pupura
Traumatic injury; microangiopathic hemolytic anemia
Heterophil-negative infectious mono is also known as?
Teardrop-shaped erythrocytes is also seen in which condition?
Chronic idiopathic myelofibrosis
Heterophil-positive infectious mono is also seen in which condition?
Presents with atypical lymphocytes
Waldenstrom macroglobulinemia presents with?
M protein, Bence Jones proteins, Plasmacytoid lymphocytes
Important: abscence of bone lesion
Lytic bone lesions/punched-out lesions is seen in?
Multiple myeloma
Binucleated or multinucleated giant cells with eosinophilic inclusion-like nucleoli is also known as?
Reed-Sternberg cells
Reed-Sternberg cells is seen in which condition?
Hodgkin’s lymphoma
Most frequently occuring form of Hodgkin lymphoma
Nodular sclerosis Hodgkin lymphoma
Most common form of non-Hodgkin lymphoma
Follicular lymphoma
B-cell lymphoma; t(14;18)
Lymphoma that arises from sites of chronic inflammation/autoimmune disease is also known as?
Starry sky appearance is seen in which lymphoma?
Burkitt Lymphoma
Cell debris taken up by non-neoplastic macrophages
Pautrier microabscesses are seen in which type of infection?
Mycosis fungoides
Small pockets of tumor cells w/in epidermis
M proteins are seen in?
Multiple myeloma
Kappa or lambda light chain
Leukemic form of cutaneous T-cell lymphoma is known as?
Sezary syndrome
Hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia is also known as?
Osler-Weber-Rendu syndrome
Localized malformations of venules and capillaries
Cytogenic change in Burkitt lymphoma?
t(8;14); Increased expression of c-myc
Bence Jones proteins are seen in which condition?
Multiple myeloma
Hereditary deficiency of platelet-surface IIb/IIIa
Glanzmann thrombasthenia
Hereditary lack of GP Ib/IX/V
Bernard-Soulier syndrome
Dutcher bodies are associated with which condition?
Waldenstrom’s macroglobulinemia
PAS (+) with IgM deposits around the nucleus