Pulmonary, TBP Flashcards
2 types of acute respiratory failure
1) Hypoxic
2) Hypercapnic
Hypoxemic respiratory failure is characterized by pO2 levels of
Less than 60 mmHg
Hypercapnic respiratory failure is characterised by pCO2 level of
> 45mmHg
General mechanism of atelectasis
Airways and alveoli are unable to fill hence blood is shunted from arteries to veins without adequate oxygenation
Type of atelectasis: Lesion external to the lungs (pleural cavity)
Type of atelectasis: Lesion in the airway
Type of atelectasis: Loss of surfactant
Type of atelectasis: Localized or generalised fibrosis
Disease of the lungs that impairs the ability of air to leave the alveoli during expiration
Obstructive lung disease
Obstructive lung diseases (4)
1) Bronchiectasis
2) Asthma
3) Chronic bronchitis
4) Emphysema
Disease process characterized by loss of pulmonary parenchyma (septae and walls) and dilation of terminal airways
Type of emphysema: Affects respiratory bronchioles
Type of emphysema: Affects alveoli and alveolar acini and eventually respiratory bronchioles
Type of emphysema: Involves upper lobes
Type of emphysema: Associated with smoking
Type of emphysema: Involves lower lobes
Associated with α1-antitrypsin deficiency
Loss in emphysema: Pulmonary elastance vs pulmonary compliance
Pulmonary elastance
Mechanism of air-trapping in emphysema
When the patient breathes out, the airways collapse, trapping air because of reduced driving pressure
General mechanism of emphysema
Imbalance in protease-antiprotease and oxidant-antioxidant
Mechanisms of centriacinar emphysema by cigarette smoking (3)
1) Induction NFkβ that attracts neutrophils with resultant production of TNF and IL-8 that activate neutrophils causing them to release damaging proteases
2) Inactivation of antiproteases
3) Production of ROS
Complication of emphysema: Hypoxia-induced vasospasm and loss of vascular surface area
Pulmonary htn
Complication of emphysema: Right-sided heart failure secondary to pulmonary hypertension
Cor pulmonale
Complication of emphysema: Shunting of blood to areas of poor ventilation
VQ mismatch