Publications Flashcards
Under SOLAS CHAPTER V which publications must be carried on all vessels over 150 GT?
- International Code of Signals
- International Aeronautical and Maritime Search and Rescue Manual Volume III (Mobile Stations) IMO and ICAO
- The Mariners Handbook (NP100) UKHO
- Merchant Shipping Notices, Marine Guidance Notes and Marine Information Notes MCA
- Notice to Mariners UKHO
- Annual Summary Notice to Mariners (NP247). part 1 and 2 UKHO
- List of Radio Signals UKHO
- List of Lights UKHO
- Sailing Directions UKHO
- Nautical Almanac UKHO
- Tide Tables UKHO
- Operating and Maintenance Instructions for All Navigation Aids on Board
- Declaration of maritime labour Compliance (DMLC) parts 1 & 2
- Code of Safe Working practices (COSWP)
What are the required publications for passage planning?
- Charts (UKHO)
- Lists of Radio Signals Vol 1-6 (UKHO)
- List of lights (UKHO)
- Sailing directions (UKHO)
- Tide Tables (UKHO)
- Tidal Stream Atlases (UKHO)
- Ocean Passages for the World (UKHO)
- Routeing Charts
- Operating and maintenance instructions for navigational aids carried by the ship
What are the 6 Admiralty Lists of Radio Signals Vol 1-6 (UKHO)?
May Rowdy Maidens Make Good Partners
M - Maritime Radio Stations (NP281)
R - Radio Aids to Navigation (NP282)
M - Maritime Safety Information Services (NP283)
M - Meteorological Observation Stations (NP284)
G - GMDSS Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (NP285)
P - Pilot Services, VTS and Port Operations (NP286)
What information is found in the ALRS Volume 1?
- Global Maritime Communications
- Satellite Communications
- Coastguard Communications
- Maritime Telemedical Assistance Service (TMAS)
- Radio Quarantine and Pollution Reports
- Maritime Security Threats Contact Table
What information is found in the ALRS Volume 2?
- Listing of VHF Radio Direction-Finding Stations
- Worldwide Listing of Radar Beacons
- Worldwide Listing of AIS and A to N
- Daylight Saving Times and Dates
- Electronic Position Fixing System
What information is found in the ALRS Volume 3?
- Maritime Weather Service
- Maritime Safety Information Broadcasts
- Worldwide NAVTEX and International Enhanced Group Call Service Information
- Submarine and Gunnery Warning Details
- Radio-fascimile Stations, Frequencies and Index of Map Areas
What information is found in the ALRS Volume 4?
All Meteorological Observation Stations
What information is found in the ALRS Volume 5?
- Worldwide Communications Requirements for GMDSS
- Distress Communications and Operational Procedures
- SOLAS Regulations
- Navtex and Maritime Safety Information
- Distress and Search & Rescue
What information is found in the ALRS Volume 6?
- Pilotage
- Vessel Traffic Services
- Vessel Reporting Systems
- Port Contact Information
What information could you find in Admiralty List of Lights and Fog Signals (UKHO)?
- (ADLL) is an advanced source of navigational light and fog signal information
- Coverage of more than 85,000 individual fixed light structures including lighthouses, lightships, lit floating marks and fog signals.
What information would you find in Admiralty Sailing directions (UKHO)?
- Weather
- Swell direction + frequency
- Tides + Currents
- Ports + Harbours
- Landmarks and Coastal Feature
- Pilotage Information
- Navigational Hazards
What information would you find in the Nautical Almanac (UKHO)?
- Tabulations of the sun
- Interpolation and altitude correction tables
- Pole star tables and diagrams
- Identification of stars and planets
- Navigational planets and stars to help determine positions at sea when using a sextant
- Times of sunrise, sunset, twilights, moonrise and moonset, phases of the Moon and eclipses of the Sun and Moon to help bridge crews plan observations
What information can you find in Admiralty Tide Tables (UKHO)?
Easy-to-use height, timing and tidal stream information to support the planning of departure and arrival times
What information can you find in Admiralty Tidal Stream Atlas (UKHO)?
A tidal atlas usually consists of a set of 12 or 13 diagrams, one for each hour of the tidal cycle, for a coastal region.
What information is found in COSWOP (MCA)?
The code details the regulatory framework for health and safety aboard ship, safety management and statutory duties underlying to the advice in the code and the areas that should be covered when introducing a new recruit to safety procedures on board.
What information is found in the Ships Captain’s Medical Guide?
The SCMG is intended primarily for use on vessels where there is no medical professional, such as a doctor, on board. It provides assistance and direction for crew members when it becomes necessary for them to assess and treat trauma and medical illness.
What information is found in the Mariners Handbook (NP100)?
- Tropical revolving storms - causes and avoidance
- Formation of frontal depressions in temperate latitudes
- Fog, ice, heavy weather ship handling
- IALA buoyage system
- Reporting dangers to navigation
- Hydrographic notes
What information is found in IAMSAR Volume III?
- Distress calling methods
- Medical emergencies
- Assistance to vessels
- MOB manoeuvres
- SAR techniques
What information is found in Ocean Passages of the world?
- Planning of deep-sea voyages on most major routes
- Weather
- Currents
- Ice hazards
- Distances between major ports
What information is found in the Bridge Procedures Guide?
- Effective Bridge Organisation
- Passage Planning
- Pilotage
- Abbreviations
- Definitions
- Ships Routeing
- Duties of Officer of the watch
- GMDSS watchkeeping
- Operation and maintenance of bridge equipment
What is Nories?
A book of Nautical Tables that is the essential requirement for anyone learning and practicing astronavigation
What information is found in International Code of Signals?
- Aids to Navigation
- Manoeuvres
- Miscellaneous
- MET - Weather
- Communications
- Flag Signalling
- Distress - Emergencies
Where can you find the required publications for vessels?
- Mariners handbook (NP100)
- MGN 610 - SOLAS chapter V: Guidance on the merchant shipping (safety of navigation) regulations
- Masters Guide to the UK Flag