GMDSS Flashcards
Receipt of a distress message, VHF in Mid Atlantic
Listen to channel 16 and immediately acknowledge then gather the following information
- Position and nature of distressed craft
- Identity, call sign and name
- Number of POB’s
- Type of assistance required
- Relay distress message ashore and to other vessels in vicinity
- Proceed at best speed
- Contact Coast radio station
- Prep for assistance, all crew on deck
- X-band radar on for SART
- Lookouts on deck with binoculars
- Prep Rescue boat/life rafts
- Medical station
Receipt of a distress message, VHF in Area A1 (Solent)
Listen to Channel 16 and defer for a short time to allow coast radio stations to answer
If no response then acknowledge receipt of message and establish comms and gather the following information:
- Position and nature of distressed craft
- Identity, call sign and name
- Number of POB’s
- Type of assistance required
- Relay distress message ashore and to other vessels in vicinity
- Proceed at best speed
- Contact Coast radio station
- Prep for assistance, all crew on deck
- X-band radar on for SART
- Lookouts on deck with binoculars
- Prep Rescue boat/life rafts
- Medical station
Receipt of a distress message, MF in Mid Atlantic
Tune to Channel 2182 and immediately acknowledge and gather the following information:
- Position and nature of distressed craft
- Identity, call sign and name
- Number of POB’s
- Type of assistance required
- Relay distress message ashore and to other vessels in vicinity
- Proceed at best speed
- Contact Coast radio station
- Prep for assistance, all crew on deck
- X-band radar on for SART
- Lookouts on deck with binoculars
- Prep Rescue boat/life rafts
- Medical station
Receipt of a distress message, HF in any areas
- Tune to appropriate station and listen for comms
- Do not acknowledge
- If no shore acknowledgement, relay ashore
What is GMDSS?
Global Maritime Distress and Safety System
It is an internationally agreed upon set of safety procedures, types of equipment and communication protocols used to increase safety and make it easier to rescue ships, boats or aircraft in distress.
What is NAVTEX?
An international automated medium frequency direct-printing service for delivery of navigational and meteorological warnings and forecasts, as well as urgent maritime safety information to ships.
How would you send a Mayday message?
Mayday, Mayday, Mayday
This is Motor Yacht LOST, LOST, LOST
Call sign Golf Juliet Uniform Siera
MMSI 232456789
Mayday Motor Yacht LOST
Call sign Golf Juliet Uniform Siera
MMSI 232456789
Position 50 degrees 20 minutes North 005 degrees 50 minutes West
Fire in engine room
Require immediate assistance
25 persons on board
What is the minimum GMDSS ships are required to carry?
- VHF radio installation capable of transmitting a DSC on channel 70 and radiotelephony on 16, 13 and 6
- 1 SART under 500 GT and 2 over 500GT
- 2 portable VHF receivers if under 500 GT and 3 over 500 GT
- NAVTEX receiver
- Inmarsat EGC receiver
M - Mayday
I - Identity (Name, Callsign, MMSI)
P - Position (Lat/Long, Brg/Dist from point)
D - Nature of Distress
A - Assistance Required
N - No of POB
I - Further Information
O - Over (I Require a response)
What is an EPIRB?
Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacon is a GMDSS distress signalling device to alert search and rescue services (SAR) in case of an emergency out at sea.
An EPIRB transmits signals to the satellite. The signal consists of an encrypted identification number (all in digital code) which holds information such as the ship’s identification, date of the event, the nature of distress, emergency contacts and the position.
What is a SART?
Search and Rescue Transponder is a type of GMDSS distress signalling device for use in emergencies.
It has a receiver that detects the signals from X-band radars. If it detects a signal it immediately transmits 12 pulses on the same frequency. This is seen on the radar screen as 12 dots and as the vessel comes closer these become arcs. The first dot is the SART.
What are the 2 Inmarsat Special Access codes used for medical advice?
- SAC 32: used to obtain medical advice. The Land Earth Station will provide a link with a TMAS.
- SAC 38: used when the condition of an injured or sick person on board justifies medical assistance. Allows calls to be routed to the associated RCC.
What items should be carried in GMDSS Sea Area A1?
What items should be carried in GMDSS Sea Area A1 + A2?
- MF (DSC)
What items should be carried in GMDSS Sea Area A1 + A2 + A3?
- MF (DSC)
What items should be carried in GMDSS Sea Area A1 + A2 + A3 + A4?
What is TMAS?
Telemedical Assistance Services
Distant medical advice and support service through marine radio, e-mail, telephone or fax.
What are the daily radio tests that need to be carried out?
- Function of DSC facilities (VHF, MF and HF) using built-in test functions
- Battery supplies to GMDSS equipment including charging stations
- Printers checked enough paper
- Radio log checked and signed by master
What are the weekly GMDSS checks that need to be carried out?
- Function of DSC facilities by way of a test call with a coastal station on 2187.5 kHz
- Reserve power supplies to GMDSS equipment other than batteries e.g. motor generator
What are the monthly radio tests that need to be carried out?
- EPIRB function (using built in test) and condition
- SART function (using built in test) and condition
- Condition and security of batteries
- Condition of aerials and insulators
- Each survival craft two-way VHF equipment
What are the sea areas?
A1: with in range of VHF dsc coats station +- 20-30 miles
A2: in range of MF DSC Coast station +- 100miles
A3: with in range of Inmarsat foot print
A4: in polar regions outside of Inmarsat and VHF and MF and therefore only HF dsc.
What is the NAVTEX frequency and what are the mandatory subject letters?
518khz with range of 250-400miles
490khz local language messages
A- NAV warnings
B- Met warnings
D- SAR and piracy
L- additional NAV warnings
What publications can you find detailed information about NAVTEX?
ALRS vol. 3 and vol. 5
How would you send a Mayday Relay message?
Mayday relay x 3
All stations x 3
This is vessel name x 3
Call sign x 1
Casualty info
Functional Requirements of GMDSS on every ship
Transmit and receive:
- Ship to shore distress by at least two methods separate and independent of each other
- Ship to ship distress alerts
- SAR co-ordinating comms
- On scene Comms
- Locating signals (SART)
- Maritime Safety Information (MSI)
- General communications to and from shore
- Bridge to bridge
Which vessels need to comply with GMDSS carriage requirements?
Commercial vessels over 300 GT
What does MMSI mean?
Maritime Mobile Service Identity Number
What are three methods to ensure availability of GMDSS equipment at sea according to SOLAS?
- At sea electronic maintenance
- Shore-based maintenance
- Duplication of certain equipment