Buoyage Flashcards
What would you do if while steaming North you found a north cardinal in front of you?
- Take all the way off
- Inform the master
- Check my position
- Check echo sounder
You are steaming 270° and you see a North cardinal what do you do? Alter to Port or Starboard?
Alter course to starboard and leave the buoy on my port side
What is the light sequence for a North Cardinal?
White, Q or VQ continuous flashing
What is the light sequence for an East Cardinal?
White, Q(3) 10s or VQ(3) 5s
What is the light sequence for a South Cardinal?
White, Q(6) + LFl 15s or VQ(6) + LFl 10s
What is the light sequence for a West Cardinal?
White, Q(9) 15s or VQ(9) 10s
What are the characteristics of an Emergency Wreck Buoy?
Colour: Vertical blue and yellow stripes
Shapes: Pillar or spar
Top Marks: Upright yellow cross
Lights: Occulting alternate blue and yellow lights. On for 1 second, off for 0.5 seconds. (distance of 4 NM)
Maybe fitted with Racon Morse Code ‘D’
What are the characteristics of an Isolated Danger Buoy?
Colour: Horizontal Black & Red stripes
Shapes: Conical, pillar or spar
Top Marks: Black double-spheres
Lights: White, group flashing (2)
Retroreflectors: Blue over red bands
What are the characteristics of a Safe Water Mark?
Colour: Vertical red & white stripes
Shapes: Spherical, pillar or spar
Top Marks: If a top mark is carried it is a single red sphere
Lights: White, Iso or Oc, L.Fl.10s or Morse(A)
Retroreflectors: Red and white stripes or bands
Which side would you pass?
Keep the buoy on the port side
Rule 9 States that we drive on the right hand side of the channel
What are the characteristics of a Port Lateral Mark in IALA A?
Colour: Red
Shape: Can, pillar or spar
Top Marks: Single red can
Retroreflector: Red band or square
Lights: Red, anythnig except composite group flashing (2+1)
What are the characteristics of a Starboard Lateral Mark in IALA A?
Colour: Green
Shapes: Conical, pillar or spar
Top Marks: Single green cone point upwards
Retroreflector: Green band or triangle
Lights: Green, anything except composite group flashing (2+1)
What are the characteristics of a Preferred Channel Marker to Port in IALA A?
Colour: Green with red band
Shapes: Conical, pillar or spar
Top Marks: Single green cone point upwards
Retroreflector: Green band or triangle
Lights: Green light flashing 2 + 1
What are the characteristics of a Preferred Channel Marker to Starboard in IALA A?
Colour: Red with Green Band
Shapes: Can, pillar or spar
Top Marks: Single red can
Retroreflector: Red band or square
Lights: Red light flashing 2 + 1
What IALA system is this buoy?
What IALA system is this buoy?
What IALA system is this buoy?
What IALA system is this buoy?
You are heading Due East and you see a North Cardinal, what are you going to do?
I am going to pass North of the North Cardinal, therefore I would alter course to Port
What is the light sequence for this buoy?
Group Flashing 2
What does Isophase mean?
Equal light and dark
What does Occulting mean?
More light than dark
More on than off
What does Flashing mean?
More dark than light
More off than on
What does Quick Flashing mean?
Flashes are at a frequency of between 50 and 79 flashes per minute.
What does Very Quick Flashing mean?
Flashes are repeated at a frequency between 80 and 159 flashes per minute.
What is a fixed light?
A continuous light that does not go out
What is Long Flashing?
L.Fl duration of flash is more than 2 seconds
What is the top mark for a special marker?
Yellow X
What is the top mark for a Emergency Wrecking Marking Bouy?
Upright yellow cross
What Racon would be on an Emergency Wreck Mark?
Delta, look at the colours
What Racon would be on a Safe Water mark?
What are the uses of special marks?
C - Cables and Pipelines
R - Recreation Zones
O - ODAS Buoy (Ocean Data Acquisition Buoy Fl 5 sec every 20) up to 12m in diameter
F - Firing Zones (Military Areas)/Fishing
T - TSS/Trawling
S - Spoil Grounds/Sailing
What colour reflective tape do the cardinal buoys have?
North - Blue above Yellow
East - Blue and Blue
South - Yellow above Blue
West - Yellow and Yellow
What is the difference between a Virtual and Synthetic AIS Buoy?
Synthetic AIS ATON - A physical aid to navigation structure, without an AIS transmitter, but for which AIS messages are broadcast from another (usually land-based) location.
Virtual AIS ATON - An aid to navigation with no physical structure. It exists only through AIS messages broadcast from another location.
What countries are in the IALA A and IALA B regions?
Region A: Europe, Australia, New Zealand, Africa, the Gulf and some Asian countries
Region B: North, South, Central America, Japan, Korea and the Philippines
What shape are port hand lateral markers?
Cans = Port hand side
What is the flag meaning of NC?
I am in distress and require immediate assistance
What is the flag meaning of RY?
Keep clear and at slow speed
What is the flag meaning of YG?
You appear not to be complying with the traffic seperation scheme
What is the use of a cardinal mark?
- Indicate the deepest water in an area
- Indicate safe side to pass the danger on
- Draw attention to a feature in a channel such as a bend, junction or end of a shoal
What is the use of an isolated danger mark?
Erected on or above isolated dangers of limited extent which have navigable water all around them.
What is the use of a safe water mark?
- Indicate that there is navigable water all around the mark
- Used as a centreline, mid-channel or landfall buoy or to indicate best point of passage under a fixed bridge