Legislations Flashcards
What are MINs?
- Marine Information Notes
- Valid for a short period of time, such as timetables for MCA exams
- Relevant to a small group of people, such as training establishments for equipment manufacturers
What are MSNs?
- Merchant Shipping Notices
- Mandatory Information that must be complied with under UK Legislation
- Relate to statutory instruments and contains technical detail of such regulations
What are MGNs?
- Marine Guidance Notes
- Gives significant advice and guidance relating to the improvement of the safety of shipping and of life at sea and to prevent or minimize pollution from shipping
What is the difference between a ‘Notice’ and a ‘Note’?
Note: General Information
Notice: Law
Which MSN contains the OOW syllabus?
MSN 1858 Requirements for deck officers on large yachts over 24m
(On MCA website now)
Which MGN explains how to Keep a Safe Navigational Watch?
MGN 315 (M)
What are the suffixes at the end of M notices and their meanings?
- (M) for merchant ship
- (F) for fishing vessels
- (M+F) for both merchant ships and fishing vessels.
What is MGN 71 (M)?
Musters, drills, on-board training and instructions, and decision support system
What is MGN 137 (M+F)?
Look-out during periods of darkness and restricted visibility
What is MGN 199 (M)?
Dangers of interaction
What is MGN 324 (M+F)?
Radio: Operational guidance on the use of VHF radio and Automatic identification Systems (AIS) at sea
What is MGN 364 (M+F)?
Navigation: Traffic separation schemes - Application of Rule 10 and Navigation in the Dover Strait
What is MGN 369 (M+F)?
Navigation: Navigation in restricted visibility
What is MGN 379?
Navigation: use of electronic navigation aids
What is MGN 477?
Seafarer Employment Agreement (SEA)
How can you obtain the weekly Notice to Mariners?
- Chart shop
- Management company post them to you
- Download them directly from the UKHO website
What are the 8 sections of Weekly Notice to Mariners?
Every Slutty Nun Sucks Little Robbies Naughty Dick
- Explanatory Notes. Publications List
- ADMIRALTY Notices to Mariners. Updates to Standard Nautical Charts
- Reprints of NAVAREA I Navigational Warnings
- Updates to ADMIRALTY Sailing Directions
- Updates to ADMIRALTY List of Lights
and Fog Signals - Updates to ADMIRALTY List of Radio Signals
- Updates to Miscellaneous ADMIRALTY Nautical Publications
- Updates to ADMIRALTY Digital Services
What is the ADMIRALTY Cumulative List?
- Released twice each year (January + June)
- Contains corrections for the previous 2 years
- This allows you to check for previous corrections that may have been missed on the weekly corrections
What are Temporary and Preliminary Notices?
- Published in weekly notices and by NAVTEX and Nav warnings
- Marked with pencil on the chart including the correction number in the bottom left hand corner
- Then removed when the particular event has ended or a permanent correction produced
What information does the Annual Summary of Admiralty Notices to Mariners contain?
- Annual Statutory Notices to Mariners Numbers
- Summary of Temporary and Preliminary Notices to Mariners still in force at the start of the year
- Cumulative Summary of Amendments to ADMIRALTY Sailing Directions
What is the Large Yacht Code?
Provides design criteria, construction standards and other safety measures for yachts carrying no more than 12 passengers so as to minimise the risk to such yachts, persons on board and the environment.
What is the Red Ensign Group Yacht Code?
The REG Code combines the existing Large Yacht Code version 3 and the Passenger Yacht Code into a single document and came into force on 1 January 2019
What is the regulation structure?
What is the difference between a Code and Convention?
Conventions contain basic requirements which are then enlarged upon and explained in the Codes
e.g.SOLAS states we must carry life buoys, LSA Code states the specifics (Size Weight), LYC States quantity.
What is the IMO?
International Maritime Organisation
The IMO is a body empowered by UN to actively develop maritime safety regulations and protect the maritime environment.
What is the MLC?
Maritime Labour Convention 2006
- Minimum requirements for seafarers to work on a ship
- Conditions of employment
- Accommodation, recreational
facilities, food and catering - Health protection, medical care, welfare and social security protection
- Compliance and enforcement
What is SOLAS?
International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea
- First adopted in 1914, in response to the Titanic disaster
- Specifies minimum standards for construction, equipment and operation of ships, compatible with their safety.
What are some of the important chapters of SOLAS?
- Chapter I: General Provisions
- Chapter II-1: Construction – Structure, Subdivision and Stability, Machinery and Electrical Installations
- Chapter II-2: Construction – Fire Protection, Fire Detection and Fire Extinction
- Chapter III: Life-saving Appliances and Arrangements
- Chapter IV: Radiocommunications
- Chapter V: Safety of Navigation
- Chapter IX: Management for the Safe Operation of Ships
- XI-1: Special Measures to Enhance Maritime Safety
- XI-2: Special Measures to Enhance Maritime Security
What are the relevant IMO/ILO Conventions?
- The International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS)
- International conventions of the standards of training certification and watch keeping for seafarers (STCW)
- International convention for the prevention of pollution of ships
- Maritime Labour convention (MLC)
What is the LSA Code?
The International Life-Saving Appliance (LSA) Code
Provides more specific technical requirements for the manufacturing, testing, maintenance and record keeping of life-saving appliances.
What is the FSS Code?
International Fire Safety Systems Code
Provide international standards for fire safety systems required by revised SOLAS chapter II-2
What is MARPOL?
International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships 73/78
Prevention of pollution of the marine environment by ships from operational or accidental causes.
What are the Annexes of MARPOL?
Oh No Here She Goes Again
O - Oil
N - Noxious Liquid Substances in Bulk
H - Harmful Substances Carried in Packaged Form
S - Sewage
G - Garbage
A - Air Pollution
What does Annex I of MARPOL cover?
The prevention of pollution by oil from operational measures as well as from accidental discharges.
What are Annex I discharge conditions?
- Ship proceeding en route
- Processed through oil filtering equipment
- Oil content 15ppm
- Must have an automatic stop if over 15ppm in special areas
What does Annex IV of MARPOL cover?
Contains requirements to control pollution of the sea by sewage, it is prohibited except when the ship has an approved sewage treatment plant or if the sewage has been comminuted and disinfected using an approved system at least 3 miles from nearest land. If not then it must be discharged at least 12 miles from the nearest land.
What does Annex V of MARPOL cover?
Deals with different types of garbage and specifies the distance from land and the manner in which they can be disposed of, the most important feature of the annex is the complete ban imposed on the disposal into the sea of all forms of plastics.
What does Annex VI of MARPOL cover?
Sets limits on sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxide emissions from ship exhausts and prohibits deliberate emissions of ozone depleting substances, designated emission control areas set more stringent standards for SOx, NOx and particulate matter.
The sulphur content of fuel should not exceed what percentage inside an emission control area (ECA)?
What is a Special Area?
Defined as certain sea areas in which, for technical reasons relating to their oceanographical and ecological condition and to their sea traffic, the adoption of special mandatory methods for the prevention of sea pollution is required.
Where are the Special Areas?
The Mediterranean Sea area, the Baltic Sea area, the Black Sea area, the Red Sea area, the Gulfs area, the Antarctic area and the wider Caribbean region.
Which vessels have to display placards which notify the crew and passengers of the discharge requirements?
Every ship of 12m of more in length
Which vessels have to carry a garbage management plan?
Every ship 100 GT and above and every ship which is certified to carry 15 or more persons
What is a Garbage Management Plan?
Provides written procedures for minimising, collecting, storing, processing and disposing of garbage, including the use of equipment on board. Also designates a person in charge of carrying out the plan.
Which vessels have to carry a Garbage Record Book?
Every ship of 400 GT and above and every ship which is certified to carry 15 or more persons
What is SOPEP?
Shipboard Oil Pollution Emergency Plan
Advises the master how to react in case of an oil spill to prevent or at least mitigate negative effects on the environment
Which vessels have to carry a SOPEP plan?
All ships of 400 GT and above
Which vessels must employ a Safety Management System as per the Large Yacht Code?
All vessels over 500 GT.
What is SMS?
Safety Management System
-Safety and environmental policy
- Operational procedures for safety of people, undamaged property and pollution prevention for the marine environement
- Communications and how to contact the DPA
- Reporting measures for accidents, incidents and non-conformities
- Emergency procedures
- Management reviews and audits
What are the functional requirements of the SMS?
- Safety and environmental policy
- Operation procedures to keep people safe, property undamaged, prevent pollution, in compliance with relevant International and Flag legislation
- Communication lines defined and how to contact DPA
- Reporting procedures for accidents and non conformities
- Emergency procedures
- Management reviews, and audit procedures
What is the ISM Code?
International Safety Management Code
The objectives of the Code are to ensure safety at sea, prevention of human injury or loss of life, and avoidance of damage to the environment, in particular, to the marine environment, and to property.
What is the purpose of ISM?
The purpose of the ISM Code is to provide an international standard for the safe management and operation of ships and for pollution prevention.
What are the objectives of the ISM code?
3 P’s
People safe, property undamaged, pollution prevented
- Ensure safety at sea
- Prevention of human injury or loss of life
- Avoidance of damage to the environment, in particular the marine environment, and property
What is ISPS?
International Ship Port Facility Security Code
Control the access of unauthorised persons, monitor the activity or people and cargo, detect, and respond to security threats related to a vessel or port.
Which vessels are subject to ISPS?
- Passenger ships
- Cargo ships over 500GT
- Mobile offshore drilling units
With regards to ISPS code, how often should drills be conducted?
Every 3 months
What are the shipboard requirements under ISPS?
- Security equipment
- Ship Security Plan (SSP)
- Ship Security Officer
(SSO) - Company Security Officer (CSO)
- Continuous Synopsis Record (CSR)
What event sped up the ISPS Code?
9/11 bombing
What is Flag State Control (FSC)?
A flag state is a country where a company registers its commercial and merchant ships. The role of the flag state is to conduct regular inspections of each of their ships to ensure the safety of their cargo and crew members, they create or adopt regulations and legislature that all ships under their flag must follow.
What is Port State Control (PSC)?
The inspection of foreign ships in national ports to verify that the condition of the ship and it’s equipment comply with the requirements of international regulations and that the ship is manned and operated in compliance with these rules.
What is a (DOC)?
Document of Compliance
- Issued to the Company by Flag
- Shows you have complied with the requirements of the ISM Code
- Copy held onboard
- Valid for 5 years, with annual audit by Flag
What is an (SMC)?
Safety Management Certificate
- Issued to the vessel
- Valid for 5 years, with at least one intermediate audit between years 2 & 3
- Can be withdrawn for major non conformity
- Interim certificate valid for 6 months
What is SEP?
Safety and Environmental Protection
Identifies the need for the company to identify and establish an environmental protection policy.
Who is the designated person and what is their role?
The MCA considers the designated persons role to be highly important and expects companies to regard it in the same light and to consequently provide the necessary responsibility, authority and resources. Should be well experienced and must have direct access to the highest level in the management company.
What is a DPA?
Designated Person Ashore
- Link between ship and management company
- Have access to the highest levels of management
- Responsible for monitoring the safety and pollution prevention
When would you contact the DPA?
- Whenever you needed assistance from shore, or needed further clarification of something (fancy for not knowing something)
- Defect report
- Audit
- Inspection
- Emergency/ accident report
What is an SEA?
Seafarers Employment Agreement MGN 477
Every seafarer working on a ship to which the MLC Minimum Requirements Regulations apply must have a written SEA which is a clearly written and legally enforceable contract for between the crew member and ship owner/master. It stipulates sufficient information to the crew member is provided with at least the minimum requirements under MLC.
What are the 3 security levels?
Level 1 -Normal
Level 2 - Heightened
Level 3 - Exceptional
What are the two parts of the DMLC?
Declaration of Maritime Compliance
DMLC Part 1 is issued by the attending surveyor, taking account of the specific provisions applying to the ship.
DMLC Part 2 is completed by the shipowner.
What is an SSP?
Ship Security Plan - defines the decision of the company with regard to the stage at which additional Declaration of Security should be completed when the ship is at each security level.
What is an SSAS alert system?
Ship Security Alert System
Press it, sends a message to shore authority about a security threat (piracy)
Which boats must comply with ISM?
Passenger ships, oil tankers, chemical tankers, gas carriers, bulk carriers and cargo high speed craft of 500 GT and upwards
Where does it state that the Captain has overriding authority?
ISM code
What is a non-conformity?
- Any activity onboard which is not in accordance with the procedures stipulated in the SMS
- Not doing something safely or properly
What is a major non-conformity?
- Safety Critical
- Serious risk to life or environment
- Immediate action is required
- Vessel not to sail until rectified
What is the difference between an Audit, Inspection, and Survey?
Inspection - compliance obligation
Audit- process of checking that compliance obligations have been met
Survey- Lead to Issue of certificate
This could be put as inspection is a “do” and audits are a “check”
What is a CSO?
Company Security Officer
They advise the ship what level of threat they might be under and to check the SSP is fit for the current security level
What is an SSO?
Ship Security Officer
In charge of all security duties and responsible for security equipment, training and drills for ISPS as per SSP.
What is a DOS?
Declaration of Security
Addresses the security requirements that could be shared by a port facility and a ship or between ships
As per SOLAS, when should a ship broadcast a danger message?
- Dangerous Ice
- A dangerous derelict or any other direct danger to navigation
- A tropical cyclone
- Sub-freezing air temperatures associated with gale force winds causing severe ice accretion on superstructures
- Winds of Force 10 and above if no storm warning has been received
What is STCW?
- International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers
1978, Amended in 1995 and 2010 (Manilla Amendments). - Basic safety training
- Personal survival techniques
- Fire prevention and fire fighting
- Elementary first aid
- Personal safety and social responsibilities
What is a CSR?
Continuous Synopsis Record
The CSR is a form of log book that stays with the ship for its whole life, and records all changes of owner, flag, name, class, ISM etc.
Which vessels must carry a CSR on board?
- Passenger ships on international voyages
- Cargo ships of 500GT and above on international voyages
- Class A passenger ships operating domestic services within UK waters
Who wrote the Bridge Procedures Guide?
International Chamber of Shipping Publications
Who are the International Chamber of Shipping Publications?
They promote and support shipping industry best practices and provide guidance across all key sectors and trades of the maritime industry.
Who are the MSA and what do they do?
Merchant Shipping Act 1995
Covers the requirements of the UK Administration to comply with international regulations agreed by the IMO with conventions such as SOLAS, MARPOL, STCW, Load Line, Collision Regulations and IAMSAR.
What would you expect from a ISPS survey?
- Ship security controls established and implement at all times
- Access control procedures
- SSP limited access and protected
- Security level correct and crew aware
- Stores are checked and stowed properly
- Security equipment maintained
- Regular drills
- Restricted areas identified
- SSAS operational and records of tests
- CSO available at all times
How long is a Maritime Labour Certificate valid for?
5 years
Who needs an SEA?
Every seafarer working on a UK sea-going ship to which the MLC minimum requirements
How did the ISM code come about?
Due to the MS Herald of Free Enterprise capsizing due to bow door being left open