Public acts of worship 2.2.2 Flashcards
What is the Salah prayer ?
A ritual Muslim prayer that is carried out five times everyday.
First duty to be introduced by Allah
Muslims declare their faith to Allah and gain Allah’s favour
What are the timings of the Salah prayer ?
Fajr: Morning prayer between dawn and sunrise
Zuhur: Midday prayer in the early afternoon
Asr: Late afternoon prayer
Maghrib: Prayer just after sunset
Isha: Night-time prayer
Define Minaret
Tower of a mosque
Define Adhan
Call to prayer
Recited in Arabic
Define Muezzin
The person who gives the Adhan
Define Iqmah
The second call to prayer made in the mosque
What is wudu ?
The ritual washing that Muslims must do before Salah prayer
Symbolic action to reinforce the Niyyah ( Worshiping Allah with a pure heart ) declaration that the believer makes as they begin
Washing all parts of the body eg. hands , feet, arms and mouth after completing the wudu they recite a saying,
What is the Jummah prayer ?
During the midday prayer time there is a congregational prayer ( Only Friday ) and Muslim men should make effort to attend
This prayer is a reminder of the wider Muslim community
Define Ummah
Unity of Muslims or community
Shi’a Muslim prayer ?
Shi’a Muslims pray 5 times a day but they are allowed to join together.
The midday salah and the afternoon
The evening and night-time prayers
Shia’a Muslims pray on a slab of wood or clay made from Kerbala ( A sacred city in Iraq ). To rest their heads.
The ground is a pure material and fulfils the need for the place of prayer to be clean
Why do Sunni Muslims believe that the Kerbala is wrong ?
It is suggesting that the city is more holy that Mecca
What is Du’a ?
A private prayer in which Muslims bring their concerns to Allah
It may include thanksgiving to Allah , asking for forgives or request for his help.
This prayer shows that they are seeking Allah’s guidance and are being faithful to Allah
Why are the beads used in prayer ?
Help the Muslim recite the 99 names of Allah as he has 99 names
or to recite phrases to glorify Allah
Why are some Muslims against prayer beads ?
Muhammed did not use them so many Muslims use their fingers to count recitations during their personal prayers
What is the pillar in the 5 pillars of Islam that represents charity donation ?
Zakah - Purification
Believed to purify a persons heart from greed
What is Nisab ?
The minimum net worth of an individual required to pay Zakah
Zakah details ?
Not just paid monetary but on a range of possessions eg livestock and produce
Amount paid varies , but in the west most mulims give 2.5 % of earinings that are above nisab
Each Muslim is accountable for paying the correct amount
Collected like normal tax in Muslim countries. But in non-Muslim countries they collect the taxt in Mosques ( Money used in the local community )
Why is Zakah not considered charity ?
Because Muslims see it as simply sharing the wealth of Allah and all Muslims have a right to share in it.
A method for making society fairer and showing practical concern for those in need
What is further donation called ?
Sadaqah - there are no limits compared to Zakah
What is Khums ?
A Islamic tax on 20 % of a persons excess earnings.
Shi’a Muslims pay Khums as one of the ten obligatory acts
Included payment on property as well as wealth gained from holy wars as commanded in the Qur’an
Paied once very year
Where does the money form Khums go ?
Helps the poor
supports Islamic organisations eg Muslim schools
Who do Shi’a Muslims pay it to ?
Originally paied to Allah but after his death it is now paid to the subsequent Imams
Sunni Muslims refuse to pay Khums now as they disagree in the succession
What is swam ?
Fasting in the month of ramadam
What does Swam represent ?
It commemorates Muhammad’s first revelation of the Qur’an. This happened on the 27th night of Ramadan and it is known as “The night of power”
What do Muslims do during Swam ?
Muslims go without food and drink during the daylight hours for the hole of the month.
It is a practice commanded in the Qur’an and that Muhammed followed.
Why are the final ten days important ?
Because the Hadith state that during this time that the night of power occurred
Some Muslim’s take days of work to focus on their worship
It was believed that it was the practice of Muhammed to spend these last ten days praying and studying the Qur’an.
What is Taraweeh ?
Prayers said every night at the Mosque during Ramadan
What indicates the End of Ramadan ?
The new moon indicates the start of Shawwal this is marked with the celebration of Id-Ul-Fitr ( Festival of fast breaking )
What are the effects of Swam on the believer ?
Muslims believe that their sins will be forgiven by Allah
Makes Muslims more grateful for what they have
deeper understanding of others
more sense of empathy
greater willingness to help
Thankful for what Allah has provided
What is Muttaqi ?
A person fully obedient to Allah
What is Taqwa ?
The development of obedience to Allah
Why do many Muslims Recite the Qur’an more during Ramadan ?
Increases their sense of closeness to Allah
Heightens their awareness and understanding of their faith and draws them together as a united community
What is the Hajj ?
The pilgrimage to Mecca
The holy city is Saudi Arabia
The shrine of the Kabba
When can it be completed ?
During the 8th and 13th days of the last month of the Islamic year , Dhul-Hijjah
What is Ihram ?
For men , two pieces of unsewn white cloth worn instead of their everyday cloths
A state of holiness that Muslims are required to be in before the beginning on Hajj
What are the requirements to complete the Hajj ?
Wash their bodies fully or perform Wudu before they arrive at mecca
Muslim men must wear specific clothing Ihram. Shows they are focused on their worship
The simple dress is symbolic of their humility to Allah
Not allowed to have intercourse during Hajj
In the state of Ihram Muslims will recite the Talbiyah prayer
What are the stages of The Hajj journey ?
Mecca - It is in the holy mosque to start their pilgrimage
Sa’y- the running - The running between the two hills known as As-Safa and Al-Marwa
Muslims will do this 7 X
Arafat - After the dawn prayer at Mina Muslims travel to the mount of Mercy at the plain of Arafat
Mina - There were the “ stoning of Iblis “ took place. Three pillars which represent Iblis and the Pilgrims throw seven stones at each pillar for three days. It recalls the time Allah tell Idrahim to sacrifice his son
Effects on Hajj ?
Greater sense of Ummah as they have worshiped together with more than 2 million other Muslims
The closeness of Allah they felt during the time will encourage them and leave then with lasting awe
Sins gone and felt relieved ( Asking for Allah’s forgiveness ) maybe drive them to be better Muslims
What is Id-ul-Adha ?
The festival of sacrifice which happens at the send of Hajj
Remembers the time when Allah provided a ram for Ibrahim to sacrifice instead of his son
What preparations take place before the festival takes place ?
An animal is selected for sacrifice
Bismillah is said over it - “In the name of Allah the merciful , the compassionate “
Once the animal is sacrificed the meat is roasted and divided into three portions
1/3 is kept by the family
1/3 is given to friends and relatives
Final portion is given to the poor and needy
What is the importance of Id-ul-Adha ?
A demonstration of Muslims willingness to make sacrifice for Allah
To be thankful to Allah for his provisions
Develops a sense of Ummah
Sign of support for those who are on Hajj and completing their animal sacrifice near Mecca
What is Id-ul-fitr ?
The festival of fast breaking that happens at the end of Ramadan
Before festival begins they must pay Zakah
First they will attend the mosque , The imam will deliver a sermon. The sermon focuses on the duty to care for the needy
After families will return home and have food and share presents
Muhammed called this day a day of reward
What is the Significance of Id-ul-fitr
Forget disagreements and they are thankful to Allah for all he does for them
their thankfulness includes the success that Allah has given them in the completion of their fasting
Look forward to their reward on the day of judgement
Go to the cemetery to remember those who died
What is Id-ul-Ghadeer ?
The day that the prophet Muhammed delivered his last sermon
What are the 5 pillars of ISLAM ?
Shahadah - declaration of faith
Salah - Prayer
Zakah - Giving money
Swam - Fasting during the month of ramadam
Hajj - The obligatory pilgrimage in mecca
What is the Festival Ashura ?
The day that the prophet Muhammed dedicated as a day of fasting
celebrates - The first day noah left the ark
When moses was saved from the Egyptians
Significance of the festival ( Ashura )
Hussayn’s death is seen By Shia’s as a symbol of the struggle against injustice and oppression
The mourning and whipping enable Muslims to link themselves with Hussayns suffering and death
Shia believe this will help them on the day of judgement
What is Jihad ?
What are the two types of Jihad ?
Lesser - Creating a good and fair Muslim society and some also believe it to include holy war
Greater - Follow the straight path and please Allah. They learn to become obedient to Allah