puberty Flashcards
GnRH neurons start in the _______ and migrate through the _________ to final destination
GnRH neurons start in the nose and migrate through the forebrain to final destination
GnRH neurons are already mature at birth
follicular GnRH pulsatility
low amplitude and high frequency
luteal GnRH pulsatility
high amplitude and low frequency
GnRH secretion is governed by ________
The secretion of both LH and FSH sharply decline as GnRH secretion is changed from pulsatile to ________, but restoring pulsatile secretion of GnRH rapidly restores secretion of both hormones
process of puberty takes __years
_______ classification of sexual maturity commonly used
Tanner developed a scale in 1962 that divides the pubertal changes (SMR’s) into 5 classes based on
- Pubic hair* and breasts in females
- Pubic hair* and genitalia in males
At age 6 to 8 years increase in production of androgens in the adrenal glands
By___ years most young women have completed puberty, the growth rate slows, there is pubic and body hair, a rounded and curved figure because of widened pelvis, hips and breasts
First somatic sign
growth spurt (lasts 24-36 months) due to growth hormone and sex steroids
adipose changes
increase in girls and decrease in boys
brain matures at
negative feedback system before puberty is
very sensitive thus less estrogen is needed to activate system
(produced largely by adipocytes) is one factor that affects maturation of GnRH pulse generator and probably is associated with the initiation of puberty
Mechanisms initiating adrenarche are NOT associated with the mechanisms initiating gonadarche
adrenarche occurs despite absence of gonadarche
genetic condition where the primary symptom is a failure to start puberty or a failure to fully complete puberty. It occurs in both males and females and has the additional symptoms of hypogonadism and almost invariably infertility.
Kallman’s syndrome:
gonadarche occurs despite absence of adrenarche
Addison’s Disease:
gonadarche precedes adrenarche
Precocious Puberty: