histo Flashcards


BPH- IHC sains p63, keratin 23betaE12, stain basal layer


classic seminoma

DCIS- high risk

embryonal carcinoma

endometrial hyperplasia

endometrioid type of endometrial carcinoma

fibroadenoma- freely mobile, well demarcated, and firm and Mammogram shows a circumscribed homogenous density



Granulosa cell tumor

hemrorrhagic focus of choriocarcinoma

intraductal papilloma-histopathological change in which it is the greatest risk factor for breast carcinoma

Intratubular Germ Cell Neoplasia look at the seminiferous tubules with large cells with clear cytoplasm, enlarged vesicular nulcei and prominent nucleoli

invasive squamous cell carcinoma of the cervix

photo a shows a normal testes while B shows testicular atrophy- notice the presence of only sertoli cells and no spermatogonia

placental alkaline phosphatase immunostain

prostatic adenocarcinoma

psammoma bodies- calcified spherules found any papillary tumor

seminoma with no necrosis or hemorrhage


serous adenocarcinoma

serous type of endometrial carcinoma

surface epithelial tumors- endometrioid carcinoma

Syncytiotrophoblastic giant cells are present in 10% to 20% of seminomas

yolk sac tumor