Pt education and collaboration 1 Flashcards
What is motivation?
The reason we act a particular way
What must one have for motivation and completion of a goal?
- desire to achieve goal
- commit to an action to accomplish it?
What is adherence and compliance?
Degree to which pts follow a tx regimen
What are the 5 dimensions of adherence?
- pt related factors
- social/economic factors
- therapy related factors
- condition related factors
- health system related factors
% of pts who comply with HEP
What are the factors affecting motivation and adherence?
- locus of control
- self-efficacy
- self-esteem
- social determinants
Factors affecting motivation and adherence:
What they think they can do vs. what they can do
Factors affecting motivation and adherence:
Self esteem
How they feel about themselves
Factors affecting motivation and adherence:
Social determinants
- literacy
- education
- residence
- income
are changes feasible for them?
Barriers to adherence
- environment
- health
- supervision and direction
- time, family, occupation
Barriers to adherence:
- money
- transportation
- water
Barriers to adherence:
- chronic illness/injury decrease adherence
- old people/poor health
Barriers to adherence:
Supervision and direction
Need to know if they’re doing it right
Barriers to adherence:
Time, family, occupation
- time of day
- does this time conflict with family/job?
What are some strategies for overcoming barriers?
- is there time at work to do HEP?
- increase motivation and compliance through education
- involve pt in process to cater to their learning style
Factors of pt motivation
- personal factors
- situational/environmental factors
- cognitive factors
- behavioral factors
Patient motivation:
Personal factors
- self-motivation
- biomedical status
- socioeconomic status
- gender
- marital status
- education
Motivation: personal factors
Biomedical status
Pt perception of own health
Motivation: personal factors
Socioeconomic status
Available money for shoes, gym
Motivation: personal factors
Males more likely to exercise
Motivation: personal factors
Marital status
Increased motivation
Motivation: situational factors
Positive factors
- support from loved ones
- convenience of exercise
- setting/time of day
Motivation: cognitive factors
- perception of self
- internal LOC
- self-motivation
Motivation: behavioral factors
- important to hold accountable for actions
- set goals
- sign a contract
- public announcement better than personal one