Chronic Pain 2 Flashcards
Chronic care models: 6 interventions
- culture of caring and improvement
- well-informed care partners with excellent teamwork skills
- EMR to track data and trends
- Info to support clinical decision making
- support groups to encourage pt self management
- community advocacy for individuals with chronic pain
What is self-management?
- ability to manage sx, tx, physical, and psychological consequences and lifestyle change inherent in living with chronic condition
- advocates for personal responsibility
What is different about self-mgmt from the medical model?
- emphasizes importance of interactive and collaborative care between pt and healthcare professional
- not one-way passive care
What is acceptance of pain?
active willingness to engage in meaningful life activities regardless of pain sensations, thoughts, etc that may hinder
Why is acceptance of pain important for chronic pain pts?
- helps live fuller, more meaningful life
- positive correlation with QOL, disability, fear of pain, and depression
Acceptance of pain is strongly recommended to incorporate with
self-mgmt of chronic MSK pain
What are some important characteristics of a self-management program?
- self-efficacy building
- self-monitoring
- goal setting/action planning
- decision making
- problem solving
- self tailoring
- partnership b/w pts and providers
- community based
self-mgmt program: what is self-tailoring?
taking what you learn and tailoring it to you
self-mgmt program: Why should this be community based and close to home?
so that large numbers of pts have access
chronic pain support groups: focus
moving pts from singular focus on pain and medication discussions to behavioral changes that enhance life experience
pain mgmt plus group
alcohol, tobacco, drug education
pain mgmt plus group: goals
- help avoid pain agreement violations and overdose
- explore alternatives to substance use for coping
Pain coping measures
pain self-efficacy questionnaire
What is the PSEQ?
- 10 items
- assesses confidence in performing tasks despite pain
Tampa Scale for Kinesiophobia
What is the TSK?
measure of a pt’s fear of movement or reinjury due to pain
pain catastrophizing scale
What is the PCS?
assesses 3 factors of catastrophizing
What are the pain outcome measures?
Roland-Morris Disability Questionnaire
Depression, Anxiety, and Stress Scale
RMDQ measures
self-assessment of disability levels
DASS measures
presence of 3 negative emotional states
- depression
- anxiety
- stress