Pt. 2 Learning Theories and Health Care Flashcards
They key to learning and changing is the individual’s cognitition
Cognitive Learning Theories
A type of learning or PROBLEM SOLVING that happens ALL OF A SUDDEN through understanding of various parts of a problem rather than through trial error
Insight Theory
Who founded Insight Theory
Wolfgang Kohler
What animal did Kohler experiment with? what’s the name?
Chimpanzee named Sultan
The ____ is greater than the parts and therefore the situation must be viewed as a _______
The use of ___ ____ and mechanical trial and error should be minimized
Blind fubmbling
The _____ or ___ plays the central role in the learning process
purpose or motive
Who founded by discovery theory
Jerome Bruner
Inquiry based instruction
encourages learners to build on past experiences and knowledge, use their intuition, imagination and creativity, and search for now information to discover facts correlations and new truths
Discovery Theory
Learned through movement or action
- Play with a book
Leaning through images or icons
Look at pictures
Learn through abstract symbols
read for research
7 onwards
Who founded schema theory
David Rumelhart
all knowledge can be packaged into smaller units called schema
Schema theory
A ____ of related pieces of information, knowledge of memory that are stored in the mind
Who founded Assimilation Theory
David Ausubel
a process where new information is related to an existing relevant aspect of the individual’s knowledge structure
Meaningful Learning
Who founded the social learning theory
Albert Bandura
Perspective on learning includes consideration of the personal characteristics of the LEARNER BEHAVIOR PATTERNS and Environment
Social Learning Theory
Learning is an _______ ____ in which learners use sensory input to construct meaning
active process
Learners _________ _____ _______ with prior knowledge and experiences in meaning ways
link new information
Learning requires the use of ______ _____ __ ___________ to capture and develop thinking
Learning is influenced by many ___________ ________
contextual factors
Learning is influences by ______ _____, social interactions, interpersonal relations, and communication with others
emotional state
Learners motivation both _____ and _____ is a key component to ensure engagement and learning
extrinsic and intrinsic
Learners’ persistent effort, developmentally appropriate challenges, and instructional support results in _______ learning
Learners need __________over time to practice in supportive, respectful environments
multiples opportunities
Learners need regular, specific, and timely ______ with opportunities to use the feedback to maximize learning experiences
Learns reflect monitor, and adjust their thinking and ______ to achieve learning goals
A basic idea or rule which explains or controls how something happens or works
Which of the following are essential elements of social learning theory
behavior occurs through the environment
Individuals learn through observing and interacting with one another in a social environment
Processing and representation in memory
Reinforcement and punishment
Observation of role mode
Memory guides performance of models’ actions