Future Directions for Client Education: Greater emphasis on wellness and Increase third-party reimbursement Flashcards
a word derived
from the old English word
for heal which is HAEL. It
means WHOLE
is holistic (total health) and it
includes the different dimensions of
health taking into account the
separate influences and interaction of
these dimensions (Aggleton &
Homans, 1987).
societal and
Broader dimension
mental, emotional, social, spiritual,
Individual Dimension
defined health as “a
state of being well and using every power the
individual possesses to the fullest extent.”
Florence Nightingale
defines health as “a state of complete
physical, mental and social well-being. And
not merely the absence of disease or
(Hippocrates) human well-being was
influenced by the sum-total of the environmental
factors: living habits, climate, quality of air, water, and
400 BC
- health was a result from the harmony
among three vital components, namely, body,
environment and lifestyle.
Ancient times
health and disease considered to be two
extremes of the same continuum, with health at one
extreme and death at the other-the absence of one,
indicated the presence of the other.
is considered as the goal of
public health in general and of
community health nursing in particular.
– refers to the
optimum level of functioning (OLOF) of
individuals, families and communities
which is affected by several factors in the
Modern concept of HEALTH
- Political factor
- Behavioral factor
- Hereditary factor
- Health care delivery system
- Environmental influences
- Socio-economic influence
Factors in the ecosystem which
affect the Optimum level of
functioning (OLOF)
________ can be
considered to be the
precursor of HEALTH.
It is an active process
involved in making
choices for a healthy
and fulfilling life.
All three components
collectively influence the
overall health of an
“everyone has the right to a standard of
living adequate for the health and well-being of himself
and of his family, including foods, clothing, housing and
medical care and necessary social services and the right
to security in the event of unemployment, sickness,
disability, widowhood, old age, or lack of livelihood in
circumstances beyond his control”.
Universal declaration of human rights
Article 25, section 1
- states that: “the state shall adopt an integrated and comprehensive
approach to health development which shall endeavor to make essential goods,
health and other social services available to all the people at affordable cost.
There shall be priority for the needs of the underprivileged, sick, elderly,
disabled, women, and children. The state
shall endeavor to provide free medical services to paupers”.
Philippine constitution of 1987, art. XIII, sec. 11
believes that “governments have a responsibility for the
health of their people which can be fulfilled only by the
provision of adequate health and social measures.” It
emphasizes three basic positive concepts of health
which are:
a. Reflecting concern for the individual as a total person;
b. Placing health in the context of the environment, and,
c. Equating health with productive and creative living.
WHO (1995)
way forward to a
healthy life.
viewed the
philosophy of wellness as a positive quality (as opposed to illness being
always negative) and visualized it as the integration of the spiritual,
intellectual, physical, emotional, environmental and social dimensions
of health to form a whole “healthy person”.
Greenberg (1992) and Donatelle and Davis (1996)
as “an integrated
method of functioning w/c is oriented toward maximizing the potential
which the individual is capable of.”
Dunn (1977) emphasized high-level wellness (HLW)
A state of mind
❖ The perception
❖ The integration of the mind, body
and spirit
❖ The level of self-actualization
Insurance coverage for healthcare services
historically has been structured on a model of care
with the physician as the primary provider being
reimbursed on a free-for-services basis.
WHAT DAE a new Medicare rule allows for
payment of Advanced Practice Registered Nurses
(APRNs) for the delivery of primary care services in
outpatient settings.
January 1, 2013,
- Now a separate billing code for patient education and
counseling by RNs is included in the _________ Common Procedural Terminology (CPT) codes, but
many restrictions exist in being able to use this code for
reimbursement of staff nurse services.
American Medial Association
the most independently functioning nurse.
Advance Practice Registered Nurse (APRN) –
The four core roles:
B. Certified Nurse Practitioner
C. Certified Nurse Midwife
D. Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist
Is an APRN who is an expert in a
specialized area
of practice
Clinical Nurse Specialist (CNS)
a. population
b. a setting
c. a disease specialty
d. a type of care
e. a type of a problem
f. Some other examples of CNS practice
setting include community, acute care,
restorative and palliative.
The specialty may be identified by:
Who provides health care to a group
of patients, usually in an outpatient,
ambulatory care, or community
based setting.
Certified Nurse Practitioner (NP)
An APRN who is also educated in
Certified Nurse Midwife
- With an advance education from a
nurse anesthesia-accredited
Certified Registered Nurse
Anesthetist (CRNA)
teaches behaviors
that promote wellness. They develop and
implement strategies to improve the health of
individuals and communities.
Health education specialists offer knowledge,
skills and training that complements the work of
others — health care providers, policy makers,
and human resource personnel.
health education specialist?
Assess the health needs of people and
- Test the effectiveness of programs and
educational materials. - Help people find health services or information.
- Provide training programs for other health
professionals or community health workers.
Advocate for improved health resources,
policies, procedures and services that
promote health.
- Collect and analyze data to learn about a
particular community to improve programs
and services. - Supervise staff who implement health
education programs.
Health educations specialists:
Where do health education specialists work?
Healthcare facilities, hospitals and clinics
* State, county, and public health departments
* Schools and universities
- Nonprofit organizations
- Businesses and industries
TRUE OR FALSE : Health education specialist employment is expected to
grow by 12 percent from 2014-2024. Growth is driven by
efforts to improve health and reduce healthcare costs.