psychosocial test 2 Flashcards
List the five components of communication
sender receiver message feedback context
Compare the characteristics of verbal and nonverbal communication
verbal=relates to anything associated with the spoken word. includes speaking, writing, use of language ad symbols, and arrangement of words of phrases.
nonverbal=messages sent and receive without the use of words. expressed through appearance, body motions, use of space, and non language sounds. facial expressions, gestures, posture
Identify three interventions for communicating with people who do not speak your language or have mental and emotional problems
use a computer device
realize that every interaction is a part of the total therapeutic process
establish trust and a routine
listen attentively
adapt your behavior to accommodate the difference
ask for a translator
Describe eight therapeutic communication skills
acceptance interest respect honesty concreteness assistance permission protection
Describe the difference between a social relationship and a therapeutic relationship
social=a two-way energy exchange based on the sharing of personal opinions, attitudes, and tastes
therapeutic=directed energy exchange between two people, a flow that moves clients toward more constructive ways of thinking and effective ways of coping
the focus of energies is primarily on the client. the therapeutic relationship is consciously directed. care providers consciously establish a connection with clients to help them cope
List three ways to establish therapeutic rapport
developed through a concern for others
active interest in the well-being of one’s clients
a belief in the worth and dignity of each individual
accepting attitude
Describe the four characteristics of the therapeutic relationship
therapeutic use of self
Explain the meaning of therapeutic use of self
ways in which we interact with, attend to, and encourage clients
focusing energies on the client
sharing personal information, but still focusing on the client
feel good about yourself-become aware of your own feelings and attitudes
work to develop an awareness of how your actions, gestures, and expressions affect other people
State two goals of the therapeutic environment
provide protection, support, and education
Discuss five environmental factors that are assessed daily
Examine how care providers explanation influences clients behaviors
define disturbed communication
unsuccessful interactions that result from an interference in the sending or receiving of messages, inadequate mastery of the language being used, insufficient info, or no opportunity for feedback
describe the two types of communication
intrapersonal=take place within oneself and are commonly refered to as our “self talk.” conversations that we have with ourselves when solving problems, making plans, and reacting emotionally.
inerpersonal=interactions that occur between tow or more persons. verbal and nonverbal messages that are sent and received during every interaction.
factors that influence communication
social class relationships perceptions values parts of the message
define communication style
refers to the rituals connected with greeting and departure, the lines of conversation, and the directness of communication