psychopathology Flashcards
social norms
a rule held by group of people regarding behaviour of others
what is deviation from social norms
behaviour that is unexpected/ unacceptable by group
what is statistical deviation
stastical deviation is abnormal from the typical statistical average/ mean and is more infrequent
statistical deviation strengths
identifies intellectual disability IQ
-forms clinical assessment for mental disorder
statistical deviation weakness
-abnormal doesn’t mean disorder
deviations from social norms weakness
- cultural relativism (different from country to country)
- unethical labelling abnormaal
deviations from social norms strengths
-can be used in anti-social personality disorder
failure to function adequately
can’t cope on day to day basis/ ordinary demands of life
what is deviation from ideal mental health
- criteria that individual must meet in order to have good mental health
failure to function adequately strengths
can identify when professional help needed
-treatment targeted
failure to function adequately weakness
labelling abnormal for different life choices eg gap year
-discrimination ETHICS
deviation from ideal mental health strengths
-covers most reasoning behind why people seek help VALIDITY
deviation from ideal mental health weakness
-culture bound
self actualisation may have different interpretations
diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorder
what’s a specific phobia
phobia of object or situation
social anxiety NON SPECIFIC
phobia of social situations
agoraphobia NON SPECIFIC
fear of outside/ public space and worry no help if something goes wrong
behavioural characteristics of phobias
- anxiety
- panic
- avoidance
emotional characteristics of phobias
- unreasonable emotional response
- attention to stimulus
cognitive characteristics of phobias
- irrational beliefs
- cognitive distortions
maintenance of phobia
operant conditioning