psychology test 2 (pt. 2) Flashcards
what are the two theories of hearing?
- place theory
- frequency theory
Explain place theory.
pitch is determined by the place along the basilar membrane of the cochlea that vibrates the most (explains Med+Hi Freq)
explain frequency theory
hair cells vibrate the same number of times per second as the sounds that reach them (explains Lo Freq)
explain what figure-ground is, (gestalt principles)
the visual field is perceived in terms of an object (figure) standing out against a background (ground)
- one figure stands out but in ambiguous figures, one figure alternates with another
what is Gestalts main principle of perceptual organization?
Our perception is the sum of our parts
what are the 4 Gestalt principles of perceptual organization?
- similarity
- proximity
- continuity
- closure
explain what perceptual constancy is and give examples.
- We perceive objects as maintaining stable properties (e. Size, shape), despite changes in distance, viewing angle, or lighting
Size constancy
Shape constancy
Colour constancy
what are the 2 depth perceptions?
- Binocular depth cues
- monocular depth cues
explain what binocular depth cues is.
visual depth cues that depend on both eyes working together
(Binocular depth cues) explain convergence
your eyes cross when you put your finger on your nose
(Binocular depth cues) explain binocular disparity
your two eyes see the world differently but your brain puts it together.
explain what monocular depth cues is.
visual depth cues perceived by one eye alone.
what are the 2 ways to process information?
- bottom-up processing
- top-down processing
explain bottom-up processing
begins with individual components of a stimulus that are detected by the sensory receptors.
explain top-down processing.
past experience and knowledge influence our perception.
explain the brain’s way of paying attention and filtering info.
Process of filtering out some information while selecting other information for further processing.
- Your brain filters out the things that aren’t important so that you can understand things better and grow your knowledge.
what is “learning”?
A relatively permanent change in behaviour, knowledge, capability, or attitude acquired through experience.
what are the 3 forms of learning?
- classical conditioning
- operant conditioning
- observational conditioning
explain the behaviorism theory
The study of observable behaviour, and the relationship between stimulus and response.
name the each person who was involved with each of the 3 types of learning.
-Ivan Pavlov (classical conditioning)
- John B. Watson (classical conditioning
- B. F. Skinner (operant conditioning)