psychological disorders Flashcards
what is the DSM?
used by clinicians and researchers to diagnose and classify mental disorders. DSM contains descriptions, symptoms and other criteria for diagnosing mental disorders.
what is labeling theory? what was Rosenhan’s study?
states that people act in ways that correspond with how they are labeled by their peers. it is most often used in the study of psychiatric diagnosis, where labeling individuals tends to foster actual deviant behavior.
rosenhan’s study - participants in the study feigned symptoms of mental illness to gain admission, but once they were admitted, they acted normally and claimed to be feeling fine. psychiatric institutions couldn’t reliably distinguish between individuals who were mentally unwell and those who were pretending to be so. study brought to light significant concerns about the reliability and validity of psychiatric diagnoses.
what are anxiety disorders?
characterized by intense, frequent, or continuous anxiety
what is generalized anxiety disorder?
global, persistent, chronic, and excessive anxiety. produces fear, worry, and a constant feeling of being overwhelmed. persistent, excessive, and unrealistic worry about everyday things.
what is panic disorder? what are panic attacks?
attacks of extreme fear that are out of proportion to what the situation calls for
what are phobias?
irrational fear of a specific object or situation (ex: phobia of clowns)
what is social anxiety disorder?
intense fear of being in social or performance situations
what is obsessive-compulsive disorder? what are obsessions and compulsions?
recurrent obsessions and compulsions that cause distress and significantly interfere with an individual’s life
obsessions- unwanted, persistent thoughts that cause distress
compulsions- behaviors that must be performed to get rid of obsessions
what is major depressive disorder?
feelings of extreme sadness, emptiness, thoughts of hopelessness. depressed mood may emerge without clear trigger
what is bipolar disorder?
extreme mood swings- alternating between depression and mania
what is mania?
period of abnormally euphoric mood, increased energy
what is schizophrenia?
interpret situations abnormally. hallucinations. disruptions in thought processes, perceptions, emotional responsiveness, and social interactions. associated with psychotic symptoms.
what does it mean to have psychotic symptoms?
a collection of symptoms that affect the mind, where there has been some loss of contact with reality. during an episode of psychosis, a person’s thoughts and perceptions are disrupted and they may have difficulty recognizing what is real and what is not.
what are delusions and hallucinations?
delusions- strongly held, fixed beliefs that have no basis in reality (false belief)
hallucinations- sensory perceptions that distort or are experienced (experience)
what is disorganized speech?
skips from topic to topic with no correlation to the next
what is word salad?
a mixture of words or phrases that is confused and difficult to understand (ex: Trees summer… green… I gardening… water hard sun summer set…)
what are catatonic symptoms?
motor symptoms (ex: not moving · Not talking · Sluggish response · Staring · Parroting someone’s movements or speech over and over)
what are positive and negative symptoms?
positive- presence of something not usually there (delusions, hallucinations)
negative- absence of something (flat affect, expressionless faces)
what is dissociative identity disorder?
involves “switching” to other identities. you may feel as if you have two or more people talking or living inside your head. you may feel like you’re possessed by other identities.
condition marked by temp. disruption in ones memory, consciousness or self identity
what are personality disorders?
personality traits that are inflexible across a broad range of situations
what is borderline personality disorder?
extreme variability in mood, relationships, and self-perceptions. misinterpret others’ actions as signs of abandonment or rejection
what is narcissistic personality disorder?
grandiose sense of self-importance, exaggeration of abilities and accomplishments, excessive need for admiration