Psychodynamics I & II Flashcards
What is psychic determinism?
Every event/symptom has meaning, consciousness is an exceptional psychic process (most processes are unconscious)
Describe the topographic model of human behavior and describe the layers
Conscious (Currently aware), Preconscious (Easily recalled), Repression barrier, Unconscious (Driving forces such as repressed thoughts and feelings)
What are the psychosexual stages of development?
Oral, Anal, Phallic, Latency, Genital
Describe the Oral stage of psychosexual development
Birth to 1.5 years, sucking, dependent (oral gratification, enjoy food, chew gum, smoke, drink, passive, dependent)
Describe the Anal stage of psychosexual development
1.5 - 4 yo, crawling, exploring (anal traits: fixation, neat, on time, correct, organized, stingy, controlled)
Describe the phallic stage of psychosexual development
3-6 yo, curious about sex differences and get close to parent of opposite sex
Describe the latency stage of psychosexual development
6 - adolescent, sexuality is latent, learn gender roles
Describe the genital stage of psychosexual development
Adolescent - on, capacity for intimacy
What are the parts of the structural model?
Id, Ego/ego defense mechanisms, superego
What is the id?
Fun, gratification
What is the superego? When does it develop?
Conscience, rules, morals, values; Age 5
What is the ego? What factors does the ego balance?
The evolving “I”; Id, Superego, Reality
If the ego can’t deal with something, what does it do?
Uses ego defense mechanisms
What is delusional projection?
Frank delusions about external reality, usually of a persecutory type
What is psychotic denial? Example?
Denial of external reality; I am Jesus
What is distortion?
Grossly reshaping external reality to suit inner needs
What are the Level (pathologic) I defense mechanisms?
Delusional projection, psychotic denial, distortion
What are the Level II (Immature) defense mechanisms? When/in whom are they seen?
Projection, somatization, acting out, splitting; people with personality disorders and individuals ages 3-15
What is projection? Example?
Attributing one’s own unacknowledged feelings to others; “This guy hates me!”
What is somatization?
Turning an unacceptable impulse or feeling into complaints of pain and illness
What is acting out? Example
Direct expression of an unconscious wish or impulse in order to avoid being conscious of the affect that accompanies it; Delinquent activity to avoid being aware of one’s anger
What is splitting?
Seeing people/events as ALL good or ALL bad
What are the Level III (Neurotic) Defenses?
Denial, Displacement, Dissociation, Identification, Intellectualization, Isolation of Affect, Rationalization, Reaction Formation, Regression, Undoing
How are the level III defenses utilized by user and observed?
Alter private feelings; quirks or “hang-ups”
What is denial?
Unable to accept intolerable facts about reality
What is displacement? Example?
Redirection of feelings toward a relatively less cared for object than the person or thing arousing the feelings; Kicking dog when you have a shitty boss
What is dissociation?
Temporary but drastic modification of one’s character or of one’s sense of personal identity to avoid emotional distress
What is identification?
Unconscious patterning one’s behavior after a powerful, influential person
What is intellectualization?
Thinking about instinctual wishes in formal, affectively bland terms, and not acting on them. The idea is in consciousness, but the feeling is missing
What is isolation of affect? Example?
Intellectual knowledge and understanding of a negative event without experiencing the feelings; Doctor describing a mutilated accident victim in cool clinical terms
What is rationalization?
Providing superficially reasonable accounts to explain away negative events, feelings, and actions
What is reaction formation?
Behavior in a fashion diametrically opposed to an unacceptable instinctual impulse; Wanting to drink but instead being vehemently against it
What is regression?
Appearance of child-like behavior during periods of stress
What is undoing?
Protecting against a negative past event by acceptable “corrective” behavior; Exercise 5 times per day to correct for cirrhosis of your liver
What are the Level IV (Mature) Mechanisms?
Altruism, Sublimation, Anticipation, Suppression, Humor
What age group are mature mechanisms found?
What is altruism?
Vicarious but constructive and instinctually gratifying service to others
What is sublimation? Example?
Indirect or attenuated expression of instincts without either adverse consequences or marked loss of pleasure; kickboxing
What is anticipation?
Realistic anticipation of or planning for future inner discomfort
What is suppression? Example?
Conscious or semiconscious decision to postpone paying attention to a conscious impulse or conflict; “I’m not gonna think about it until tomorrow”
What is humor?
Overt expression of ideas and feelings without individual discomfort or immobilization and without unpleasant effect on others.
What is transference?
Patient’s unconscious “transfer” and replay of relationship with influential figures from the past
What is countertransference?
Doctor’s transference to the patient