Psychodynamic Paradigm Flashcards
Goal is to become aware of one’s underlying issues/problems
basic instincts/ pleasure principle (gratification of urges)
rational thoughts/plans/ reality principle
moral values
Neurotic anxiety
feelings of fear that is unrealistic and not connected to any real threat
Objective anxiety
real anxiety/fear
Moral anxiety
right and wrong
Stages of development (5)
oral, anal, phallic, latency, genital
Basic needs (birth-1 yr); infant’s greatest source of gratification is sucking, a process necessary for feeding
Urination and defecation (6mo-3yrs); anus provides major source of pleasurable stimulation
sexual organs (3-7); self stimulation of genitals provides primary source of pleasure
lack of sexual identity/impulses (5-12); sexual motivations decrease as child focuses more on developing skills and other activities
sexual impulses (adulthood); deepest feeling of pleasure comes from sexual relations
Defense mechanisms
Projection, sublimation, rationalization, repression, reaction formation (unconscious reaction), displacement (taking feelings out on others) and regression
Psychoanalytic therapy
Underlying issues in a person involves conflict in consciousness; free association (say a word and pt says first thing that comes to mind when they hear this word); dream analysis
Attributing negative self-concepts onto others
Using bad experiences for good or to help others rather than being ashamed by it
What we tell ourselves to feel better about something
Pushing a painful memory out of the conscious awareness
Reaction formation
Being overly nice to mask hatred for someone; passive aggressive
Ones feeling being taken out on someone else
Retreating to infantile defenses; ex- as an argument heats up one person starts throwing things
Psychoanalytic therapy
Talk therapy; aims to bring unconscious or deeply buried thoughts and feelings to the conscious mind so that repressed experiences and emotions can be brought to the surface to be examined
Free association
Expression of the content of the consciousness without censorship in hopes of gainful access to the unconscious processes
Dream analysis
Determining underlying meaning of dreams; believes unconscious mind protects you from repressed desires by expressing those desires in dreams