Psych Testing and Assessment Chapter 7-TEST 2 Flashcards
What are Expectancy/Rosenthal Effects?
- Data can sometimes be affected by what an experimenter expects to find.
- Subjects actually provide data that confirm the experimenter’s expectancies as expectancies shape our judgement.
- The expectancy effect can impact intelligence tests (scoring)
What is Drift?
-When trained in behavioral observation methods methods, observers receive extensive feed-back and coaching. After they leave the training sessions, observers have a tendency to drift away from the strict rules that they followed in training and to adopt idiosyncratic definitions of behavior.
in the same context.
-Drift and Contrast effect biases can be reduced when observers are periodically retrained (refresher on methods). Reiko suggests every 3 years.
What is contrast effect?
-Tendency to rate the same behavior differently when observations are repeated in the same context.
in the same context.
-Drift and Contrast effect biases can be reduced when observers are periodically retrained (refresher on methods) Reiko suggests every 3 years.
What is Deception?
- Most people feel confident that they can accurately judge other people.
- Systematic studies show that most people are not well at detecting liars.
What is Reactivity?
- Many studies have found that accuracy and inter rater agreement decrease when observers believe that their work is not being checked.
- reaction to being checked (studies have shown that reliability/accuracy are highest when someone is checking in on observers).
What is test anxiety?
- may be a serious source of error that can greatly affect test scores.
- has 3 components
1) Worry
2) Emotionality
3) Lack of self-confidence
Types of Training for Test Administration (3 Levels)
1) Behavioral Assesments-usually require training/evaluation but not a formal degree or diploma
2) Clinical-Licensed or registered
3) Specific Test-Special training
Race of the Tester
- Some feel that children should not be tested by anyone except those who are of the same race
- some claim that African American children received lower scores when tested by a white person.
- Sattler concluded that there is little evidence that the race of the examiner significantly affects test scores.
Language and Test Assessment
- important to consider that the extent to which test instructions assume that the test taker understands (even if it does not require verbal responses).
- it cannot be assumed that the validity and reliability of tests for those who cannot speak English is sufficient.
- Test interpreters can produce bias into a testing situation.
- Tests should be given to the test taker in their most proficient language (translation is not always reliable or valid)
Therapist Qualities
- Self-awareness, honesty, congruence, ability to communicate and knowledge.
- Perceived expertness, attractiveness, trustworthiness.
First Interview
- Identifying data, Presenting Problems, Current Life -Setting
- Personal History
- Description of client during interview
- Summary & Goal Setting
Micro Skills of Counseling
- Basic attending
- Client observation skills
- Non- verbal skills: SOLER
Therapeutic Alliance in Counseling
- Warmth, flexibility, accurate interpretations
- Best predictor of treatment outcome
- Progress monitoring/rating scales
Presenting Problem (Counseling)
- Higher initial distress, the more sessions needed.
- Large gains initially then slower
- Some conditions require longer treatment than others
Structure of Counseling
- Joint understanding of procedures and parameters
- Consent, confidentiality, fees, gifts, time limits, rules of behavior, etc.
Initiative (of Counseling)
- Motivation to change- hard working, reserved or difficult.
- Stigmatization of seeking help
- The Reluctant Client- third party referred
- The Resistant client-Lack of action (Figure 6.1)
Physical setting ( for Counseling)
- Office or other (outside, home)
- Desk, chairs, lighting, décor, etc.
- 8 common architectural characteristics