Psych Sexuality Exam #2 Flashcards
Woman takes a pill that contains estrogen and progestin, both at higher doses than natural levels, for 21 days and a placebo for 7
Combination birth control pills
the number of women out of 100 that use a contraceptive method and who become pregnant during their first year
Failure rate
Can create blood clots, increase depression, and increase/decrease sexual desire
Problems of the pill
Can decrease blood flow, decrease cramps, and clear up acne
Pros of the pill
(1900s)Crusader for birth control; nurse who saw people kill themselves from unwanted pregnancy
Margaret Higgins Sanger
progestin only pills–good for breastfeeding
Same hormone as the pill, through skin, apply every 7 days for 3 weeks, 1 week off
The patch
Remains in vagina for 21 days, 7 days without, same typical-user failure rate as the pill
Vaginal ring
shot every 3 months, inhibits ovulation, no periods, lower failure rate than the pill
Depo shot
more than a year and can be reversed; implants and IUDs; more effective than the pill
LARC (Long-Acting, Reversible Contraceptives)
Thin tubes/rods containing progestin; highly effective for 4 years
small piece of plastic or metal or hormone inserted until removed; more effective than the pill and depo; 5 different kinds
Intrauterine device (IUD)
thin sheath that fits over the penis; protects against pregnancy and STIs
Male condom
molded, silicone rubber device that goes against the cervix; put in 6 hours before, take out 6 hours after
silicone rubber barrier shaped like a sailor’s hat that covers cervix and conforms to vaginal walls
shaped like a pillow; covers cervix; unreliable
The sponge
sperm killers; ineffective so use with other form; tastes bad
man withdraws his penis from his partner’s vagina before he has an orgasm and ejaculates outside the vagina; unreliable
abstaining from intercourse during the woman’s fertile period; accepted by catholic church
Rhythm methods
for women with perfectly regular cycles, 8 days of abstinence are required in the middle of each cycle (28 day cycle); 3 days before ovulation, 2 after
Calendar method
the woman takes her temp every day immediately upon waking. during the preovulatory phase her temp will be at a fairly constant low level. on the day of ovulation it drops (although this does not always occur), and on the day after ovulation it rises sharply and then stays at that high level for the rest of the cycle
Basal body Temp (BBT)
judge if sex is safe based on mucus in vagina
Cervical mucus method
combines 2 rhythm methods to produce better effectiveness
Symptom-thermal method
surgical procedure whereby an individual is made permanently sterile (unable to reproduce)
male sterilization; vas deferent is tied or cut; not positively safe for sex until 3 months after; ejaculate is normal but doesn’t contain sperm
cuts Fallopian tubes and ties them off or blocks them in some way
termination of a pregnancy
during 1st trimester; done w local anesthetic; suction device; most common
Vacuum aspiration method
used for a medication or medical abortion; pill
anti-abortion; home remedies; done in secret
Ekiti Yoruba
want many people; banned contraceptives; had access to safe abortions in secret; would “be careful”
occurs when a great deal of blood flows into the blood vessels in the genitals as a result of dilation of the blood vessels in the region–causes erection and lubrication of vagina
occurs when muscles contract in the genitals and body
beginning of erotic arousal; vasocongestion occurs; males get an erection; women’s clit swells; women nipples become erect; inner lips swell and open up
Excitement phase
make erection go away following orgasm
as a woman becomes more aroused and closer to orgasm, the bulbospongiosis muscle tightens around the entrance of the vagina–vaginal entrance gets smaller
Orgasmic platform
a series of rhythmic contractions of the pelvic organs at 0.8-second intervals including preliminary stage and second stage
Male orgasm
vas, semi vesicles, and prostate contract, forcing the ejaculate into a bulb at the base of the urethra–coming can’t be stopped
Preliminary stage male orgasm
urethral bulb and penis contract rhythmically, forcing semen through urethra and tip of penis
Second stage of male orgasm
series of rhythmic muscular contractions of the orgasmic platform; 0.8-second intervals; contractions vary in number; uterus contracts rhythmically
Female orgasm
the body returns physiologically to the unaroused state (reversal process of excitement)
Resolution phase
the loss of erection in the penis
During the resolution phase, men are incapable of being aroused again, having an erection, or having an orgasm (can last minutes to hours)
Refractory period
Sigmund Freud thought vaginal is “better/more mature”; reality is physiologically all orgasms are the same and clitoral stimulation is almost always involved in producing orgasms
Clitoral orgasm and viginal orgasm
a series of orgasms occurring within a short period of time; if a woman is stimulated again after orgasm, she can have another; usually done through hand stimulation or oral because men can’t go that long
Multiple orgasms
desire and passion are not part of the model and participants were chosen only if they had a history of orgasm
Criticisms of Masters and Johnson
Kaplan; sexual response has 3 relatively independent phases: sexual desire, vasocongestion of the genitals, and the reflex muscular contractions of orgasm (2 components are physiological, 1 is psychological); useful in understanding the nature of sexual response and treating disturbances in it
Kaplan’s Triphasic Model of sexual response
2 basic processes underlie human sexual response: excitation (responding with arousal to sexual stimuli) and inhibition (inhibiting sexual arousal); almost all sex research has focused on the excitation component, but it is equally important to understand inhibition; most fit in range, but too much excitation can lead to high-risk sexual behaviors (26-40) and too much inhibition can lead to erectile disfunction
Dual Control Model of sexual response/sexual excitation-inhibition model
occurs when the ejaculate empties into the bladder rather than going out the tip of the penis, resulting in dry orgasm; external sphincter closes so ejaculate can’t flow out of penis and internal sphincter opens so it goes into bladder; not as much pleasure
Retrograde ejaculation
where female ejaculation occurs, on top side of vagina, about halfway between public bone and cervix; stroking produces sexual pleasure
Gräfenberg spot (G-spot/female prostate)
most important sexual organ
the brain
sexual interest network; the nucleus accumbent (in the center of the brain close to hypothalamus), amygdala(emotion), anterior cingulate cortex, and hypothalamus; role is to recognize sexual opportunity in environment; not associated with erection
Limbic system
hormone effect that cause a relatively preeminent change in the organization of some structures (nervous system or reproductive system); hormones present during prenatal development that create male/female genitals
Organizing effects
hormone effects that activate certain behaviors; cut off testes of mouse, they will not engage in sexual/aggressive behaviors. Inject with testosterone, they will engage
Activating effects
the most important hormone to sexual desire in men and women
helps decrease testosterone, but the hormone effects are not as clear. Intensive psychotherapy should be included
castrating sex offenders
biochemicals secreted outside the body; somewhat like hormones; in urine or perfume
the convergence, over several months, of the dates of onset periods among women who are in close contact with each other
Menstrual synchrony
parts of the body that are sexually sensitive; stroking stimulates sexual arousal; Freud’s work
Erogenous zones
sexual self-stimulation; masturbation/fantasy
self-stimulation; very popular; with hand or object
any conscious mental imagery or daydream that includes sexual activity or is sexually arousing
Sexual fantasy
a rubber/plastic cylinder, often shaped like a penis; inserted into the vagina or anus
sexual intercourse
“eating”; the woman’s genitals are stimulated by the partner’s mouth; stimulates clit; one of only ways women orgasm
“sucking”; the man’s penis is stimulated by the partner’s mouth
fellatio abd cunnilingus performed simultaneously
man inserts his penis into his partner’s rectum
Anal intercourse
the tongue and mouth stimulate the anus
substance (food, drug, perfume) that excites sexual desire
the most common method for measuring sexuality (paper questionnaire, interviews, online)
Self reports
scientist directly observes behavior and records it
Direct observation
participants in the lab wear an eye-trafficking device that measures their point of gaze over time, as they are shown pictures on a computer
experimented on people in 1954 to see how their genitals looked when they were sexually stimulated
Masters and Johnson
in the eye, indicates interest/arousal
pupil dilation
if the people in the sample refuse to participate, the great probability is ruined
Problem of refusal or nonresponse
intentionally giving self-reports that are distortions of reality
Purposeful distortion
ask participant a question, then ask again sometime later–measures reliability of responses
Test-retest reliability
offers the privacy of written questionnaire while accommodating poor readers
Computer-assisted self-interview (CASI)
participants have a right to be told, before they participate, what the purpose of the research is and what they will be asked to do
Informed consent
the risks of participating in research and the benefits of the results of the research should be distributed fairly across groups in society
Justice principle
the stress to the research participants should be minimized as much as possible, but some stresses will remain; they are the cost
Cost-benefit approach
directed study of interviews and questionnaires; bisexual; old research; is it valid?
Alfred C Kinsey
involved a probability sampling of households in the United States; one of the best sex surveys of the general population of the United States; sampled only people between ages 18 and 59
NHSLS study (Edward Laumann)
probability sample was identified based on a combination of random-digit dialing of telephone numbers and sampling of residential addresses from the U.S. Postal Service’s list of deliverable addresses
asking people who are already enrolled in the study to nominate others who would be eligible to participate
Snowball sampling
approach that considers how people create group differences, interpret those differences, and maintain the group differences over time
Diversity science
Psychologists should be aware of the critical role that science plays in informing policy and therefore strive to conduct research that promotes the well-being of racial and ethnic minorities, Psychologists should strive to reduce the effects of race bias in their research methods, Researchers should be mindful of historical patterns of oppression and inequality, Research teams should be racially diverse, especially if they are conducting research on race
research/psychologist roles
analyze the media
Content analysis
researcher trains another person the coding scheme, then they individually code texts from the study, two then compare correlations
Intercoder reliability
results are conveyed not in numbers, but in words–thick description
Qualitative research
research method that aims to provide a complete, probing description of a human society
the scientist actually becomes a part of the community to be studied, and makes observations from inside the community
Participant-observer technique
They were all studies of people’s sexual behavior as it occurs naturally, conducted by means such as self-reports or direct observations.
what all the studies have in common
the data obtained can tell us that certain factors are related
one factor must be manipulated while all other factors are held constant
manipulated variable
Independent variable
measured variable
Dependent variable
inferring that the independent variable actually influences the dependent variable
Casual inferences
technique that allows researchers to bring order out of the seeming chaos of contradictory studies; formula d=…; can be used to synthesize the results of any group of studies that all used a two-group design to investigate the same question
percentage of people in a population who have engaged in a certain behavior (masturbation) or have a certain condition at a specific point
refers to how often people do something
number that measures the relationship between two variables; can be positive or negative (range between +1.0 and -1.0)
illegal in Connecticut until 1965
use of contraceptives
developed in the early years and effect the person’s capacity for emotional attachments in adulthood
Lifespan development
bond developed in the early years and effect the person’s capacity for emotional attachments in adulthood
seeing or hearing parents engaging in sexual intercourse
Witnessing the primal scene
period of childhood following the resolution of the Oedipus complex
what cild sex play is motivated by
the maturation of the adrenal glands (8-10)
boys play separately from girls and children spend most of their time with members of their own gender
gender-segregated social organization
the belief that heterosexuality is the only pattern that is normal and natural
when a person’s value comes only from their sexual appeal or behavior, a person is held to a standard that equates physical attractiveness with being sexy, a person is sexually objectified, and sexuality is inappropriately imposed on a child
proposed a theoretical model that recognizes that both social factors and biological factors are potent in adolescent sexuality showed that testosterone levels had an impact on the sexuality of adolescent girls and boys
Symbolic interaction theory
the sending of sexually charged messages or images by cell phone or other electronic media
an extreme social response to the belief that the moral condition of society is deteriorating at a rapid pace
Moral panic
a sexual encounter that involves people who are strangers or brief acquaintances, without an expectation of forming a committed relationship
Hooking up
postulated a model of psychosocial development according to which we experience crises at each of 8 life stages
Erik Erikson
Median married age of men
Median married age of women
involved in 2 or more sexual relationships prior to marriage
Serial monogamy
preparation of genders (showing skin, dressing up) for nightlife participation
Sporting rituals
a heterosexual man who is an involuntary celibate (wants to have sex with a woman but can’t find a partner)
living with someone before marriage often results in divorce
Cohabitation effect
Partnered men have more frequent intercourse than married men
Partnered Men vs Married Men Sex
engage in behaviors to preserve the relationship (buying gifts, looking attractive)
Mate retention tactics
adultery, sex with someone other than the spouse
Extramarital sex
type of IUD that changes enzymes in the uterus
Copper IUD (no progestin)
Increases the chance of STIs
birth control/spermicides
blocks sperm and uses spermicide to kill sperm
Diaphragm, sponge, cap
29% of married people reported to engage in
changing partners
no experimental manipulations in type of research, in which relationships among variables are studied
correlational research
risk of this occurring does not increase by sexual intercourse
heart attack
a Dutch study found that this was correlated with infidelity (approved by CEOs)
each member has equal chance of being included
random sampling
last minute form of contraceptive–not good
condoms can be made of–less prone to tearing than latex
to do research about magazine ads
content analysis
sampling through social media
snowball sampling
type of rhythm method in which body temp and cervical mucus are used to determine ovulation
sympto-thermal method
broad category with open-ended questions and in depth interviewing
qualitative research
major advantage of experimental over correlational research
casual inference
each member of population has a known probability of being in the sample
probability sampling
term for providing exaggerating responses (add/subtract info)
purposeful distortion
Janus Report is accused of this, in which samples are chosen nonsystematically
convenience sampling
2 types of observational research
direct observation and participant-observer technique
involves scientist becoming part of community to make observations from inside the community
participant-observer technique
direct observation and biological measures (who?)
Johnson and Masters
only certain people respond to mail
volunteer bias
represent # of people out of 100 women that get pregnant
failure rate
% of people who get pregnant without birth control
approved by the Roman Catholic Church
rhythm method
emergency contraception works best in
12-24 hours
narratives we follow because we think it’s how it’s supposed to happen/how people are supposed to interact
sexual scripts
This is changing a bit over time, and feminist scholar Dr. Bay-Cheng has identified a new factor called “________,” which shifts how people perceive the virgin-slutty continuum. Of course, none of these are particularly positive for women (agentive=have the power to)
The Agency Line
Men gain social status and respect when they have a high number of sexual partners, whereas women can be labeled a “slut” for engaging in the same sexual activities
The Double Standard
wrote a booked called “Mating in Captivity” about sexual desire in marriage
Esther Perel
People who intend to marry someday and those who have decided to remain single. Among ages 30-34, 43% of men and 38% of women are never married. By age 40-44, the percentages drop to 24% and 19% respectively.
Never married
Once you leave the confines of college, you gave to find new ways to meet people given that you do not have the same structure (no classes, activities, co-housing with large groups of people who are relatively the same age). People go to bars, joining activities, and use dating apps to try to meet potential partners
Being single
-The average married American couple has sex 2-3 times per week when they are in their 20s, and the frequency declines as they get older
-The frequency of marital sex has remained the same from about the 1940s through 2002.
-In 2003, among couples in their 50s, the frequency was still once per week
a public vow to be sexually faithful to the partner
negotiations involving partners and others as well; swinging, polyamory
Nonmonogamous relationships
sexual activity involving a person in a committed relationship with a third person without the knowledge of the partner
Nonconsensual nonmonogamy
sexual activity involving a person in a committed relationship with a third person with the consent of the partner
Consensual nonmonogamy
Men are ___ times more likely to engage in extramarital sex than women
anger, sexual desire, lack of love, feeling neglected, lack of commitment, situational factors, boosting self-esteem, and wanting more variety
8 common motives for infidelity
a romantic or sexual relationship initiated by online contact and maintained primarily via online communication
a website for people seeking an affair
a social-psychological theory designed to predict and explain many kinds of human relations; predicts patterns of extramarital sex
Equity theory
focuses on the rewards and costs associated with the sexual relationship
Interpersonal exchange model
associated with both satisfaction with the relationships and the likelihood that one will become involved inn extramarital sexuality
Rewards and costs in intimate relationships
form of open nonmonogamy in which couples exchange partners with other couples, or engage in sexual activity with a 3rd person, with the knowledge and consent of all involved (not prone to jealousy)
the nonpossessive, honest, responsible, and ethical philosophy and practice of loving multiple people simultaneously (others react negatively toward)
period (45-60) during which a woman’s body makes the transition from being able to reproduce to not being able to reproduce/ovaries stop functioning
(“change”) refers to an event in climacteric period when the ovaries age and become less able to respond to the pituitary hormones; the brain ages; decline in eggs and the sex hormones estrogen and progesterone
in menopause; hot flashes and night sweats; treated by hormone therapy (estrogen and progesterone)
Vasomotor symptoms
in menopause; feeling tense, irritable, depressed
Psychosomatic symptoms
surgical procedure to remove the uterus
surgical removal of the ovaries
prostate surgery/removal
Masters and Johnson emphasized that 2 factors are critical in maintaining sexual capacity in old age…
1)good physical and mental health 2)regularity of sexual expression
have sex 2-3 times per week
married couples
Percent of married men who engage in extramarital sex at some time
Percent of married women who engage in extramarital sex at some time
declining levels of estrogen, less lubrication
older women problems
lowered testosterone production, increased vascular disease, slower erections, longer refractory periods
older men problems
may aggravate already existing great cancer
the pill
perfect and typical user failure rates of ____(0.3%; 7%)
the mini-pill
perfect and typical user failure rates of the ring are like…
the pill
what percent is emergency contraception effective?
perfect and typical user rate of ____ (0.2%; 6%)
the shot
typical user failure rate of ____ (5%)–more effective than the pill
perfect and typical user failure rates of ____ (0.2%; 0.2%)
IUD, progestin
perfect and typical user failure rates of ____ (0.3%; 9%)
Combination pill
perfect and typical user failure rates of ____(2%; 18%)
Condom, male
perfect and typical user failure rates of ____+____ (6%;12%)
Diaphragm + jelly
perfect and typical user failure rates of ____ (18%; 28%)
perfect and typical user failure rates of ____(3-5%;24%)
perfect and typical user failure rates of ____ (85%;85%)
Unprotected sex
perfect and typical user failure rates of ____ (0.5%; 0.5%)
Sterilization, female
when a fertilized egg implants and grows outside the main cavity of the uterus
ectopic pregnancy
prevent ovulation (type of IUD)
Hormonal IUD
inhibits movement of sperm (type of IUD)
copper IUD
The Turnaway study determined that
a woman who gets and abortion and one that is too late to do not differ in depression 5 years later
Developed the Human Response Cycle
Masters and Johnson
Human response cycle 4 stages:
excitement, plateau, orgasm, and resolution
vasocongestion is controlled by the _____ decision of the automatic nervous system
ejaculation and orgasm are controlled by the ____ and are more about ___
sympathetic; muscles
In the sexual excitation-inhibition model, most people fall into the moderate range on ____ and ____ and function well.
excitation and inhibition
sexual desire leads to arousal though sometimes arousal can lead to sexual desire
responsive desire
proposes that sexual desire and arousal are reciprocally-reinforcing such that sexual desire emerges from experiencing sexual arousal and that arousal reinforces sexual motivations/desire
The Incentive Motivation Model (IMM)
a group of people the researcher wants to study and make inferences about
a part of that population that is used to make generalizations
each member of the population has a known probability of being included in the sample
probability sampling
a sample that is based on convenience of recruiting the participants rather than trying to reflect an accurate proportion of the true population
convenience sampling
random sample and probability samples can be used to create a ____ sample, which can tell us about statistics and averages across an entire population
dress up as opposite gender, explore body differences, self-touch, play make believe (doctor), enjoy nudity, gender differences are understood, prefer same gender
preschool (4-6)
at the ages of ____, children should be taught gender differences, accurate names for body parts, babies come from adults, rules about personal boundaries
less than 4 years old
at the ages of ___, children should be taught that bodies change when they get older, sexual abuse is not ok (not child’s fault), don’t go with a stranger
4-6 years
puberty begins around ___, increased focus on body image, peer pressure, empathy, interested in sex media, aware of sex, sex games, increase in masturbation
7-12 years; 10
at the ages of ___, children should be taught the basics of pregnancy, consent, sex laws, masturbation is normal but private, risks of sexual activity
7-12 years
initiate behaviors that involve body parts considered sexual/private, potentially harmful to self or others, developmentally inappropriate
Problematic sexual behavior (PSB)
__% of college students had engaged in intercourse before entering college. by 20-24, __% engaged
44%; 85%
average married couple sex frequency
2-3 times per week, declines as they get older
What is false? The Cowper’s gland secretes a clear fluid that appears as droplets at the end of the penis before ejaculation, all males are born with foreskin on their penis, the glans of the penis is usually the most sensitive to sexual stimulation, the urethra runs through the middle of the corpora cavernosa
False: the urethra runs through the middle of the corpora cavernosa
in which structure are sperm manufactured?
Logan has XY chromosomes and is not intersex. Which of the following statements is true about Logan’s conception and anatomical development?
the egg had a Y chromosome and the sperm had an X chromosome, the sperm had an XY chromosome that it passed on to the egg at conception, the gonads began to release testosterone about 13-14 weeks after conception, the SRY gene directed the default ovaries to degenerate and become a penis
None of the above are true
Jesse’s body produces typical levels of testosterone, but as a result of genetic condition, their body tissues are insensitive to testosterone and so Jesse was born with a small vagina but no uterus and undescended testes. Which of the following conditions most likely explains Jesse’s anatomical development?
Androgen-insensitivity syndrome (AIS)
It produces estrogen and progesterone, it produces human chorionic gonadotropin
According to Dr. Chadwick’s lecture, which of the following terms follow the American Psychological Association’s (APA) guidelines for writing about people in line with their social gender categories?
women and men
Kelly watches soap operas every day during her lunch break and believes people in monogamous relationships cheat on each other frequently due to seeing people on her show demonstrating this behavior. Her roommate John watches reality TV during his lunch break and after viewing people having arguments on TV, gets into arguments with his coworkers more often. Which theory explains Kelly’s and John’s reactions to their shows?
cultivation theory; social cognitive theory
In learning about different sexual behaviors of other cultures, Sam finds them odd and thinks all cultures should react to sex the same way the US does. Sam is displaying:
When Jenna is filling out intake paperwork for her job, she is given the option to write in what her race is in a blank space. However, when asked her gender, she is given the options to mark “male” or “female.” What assumption is her employer operating under?
the gender binary
According to scholars who are critical of sexual selection theory, what explains Clark and Hatfield’s (1989) research findings showing that women were far less likely to accept an offer of casual sex than men?
Women think that casual sex with men will not be very pleasurable and is potentially unsafe.
Research asking college students to describe a typical hookup showed that they all reported a similar sequence of events: attending a party, friends present, drinking alcohol, flirting, hanging out/talking, dancing, and then a sexual encounter. This suggested that most people have a plan that they carry around in their head regarding how certain situations should go, what they should expect, and how they think they and others should behave. What are these plans called?
sexual scripts
Sociobiology is defined as the application of __ biology to understand the social behavior of animals, including humans.