Psych Overview: U5 Ch12 Flashcards
It encompasses methodologies ranging from individual case studies through the large-scale statistical analysis of the interrelationships among innumerable personality traits.
What the field of personality psychology encompasses
Three forces of psychology
(1) Behaviorism (2) Psychoanalysis (3) Humanistic psychology
Know what was the outstanding characteristic of human beings
What is the Latin experession:
Scientia non est individuorum (“ Science is not about individuals.”).
What does science seek to establish:
Drives from the Greek word nomos for “law,” and it studies people in terms of general laws or characteristics on which they vary to quantitatively specifiable degrees.
Derives from idios, the Greek for “one’s own” and the root for English words such as idiosyncrasy. This research attempts to investigate and describe what it is that makes a given person unique, and its methods are much more likely to be qualitative than quantitative.
A term to describe the state achieved by motives that may have originated in childhood but that are maintained because they have become reinforcing or rewarding in their own right and are thus autonomous of their earliest origins.
Functional Autonomy
Three primary clusters proposed by Eysenck
Extroversion/introversion, neuroticism, and psychoticism.
Big Five
openness, conscientiousness, extroversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism.
William Sheldon’s three somatypes:
ectomorphic, endomorphic, or mesomorphic.
A theoretical approach based on the idea that the deepest source of human motivation lies in the ability to overcome feelings of inferiority.
Individual psychology
A construct proposed by alder to denote the pattern of inferiority feelings, and motives to overcome those feelings, that arises in all children.
Inferiority Complex
occurs when the individual is doing what he is fitted for.
Arranging motives in a hierarchy. Maslow’s hierarchy of needs.
Maslow’s contribution
Five general categories of needs
Physiological, safety, love, esteem and self-actualization.
What were Maslow’s lower four levels categorized as:
Deprivation needs
What was Maslow’s fifth level categorized
being needs
What Maslow referred “to the new and more universal science”:
Positive Psychology
Rogers’ counseling approach
Client-centered therapy
The title of Roger’s approach was epitomized by:
approach and philosophy
The therapist must consistently try to react to the client with an unthreatening respect.
Unconditional positive regard