Psych Overview: U4 CH. 9 Flashcards
What did Pavlov do in his Nobel Prize address of 1904
He publicly introduced his idea of conditioned reflexes.
Stimulus component of a Pavlovian unconditioned reflex
Unconditioned stimulus
The response component of a Pavlovian unconditioned reflex
Unconditioned response
An originally neutral stimulus that, after being paired with an unconditioned stimulus, triggers a conditioned response in a Pavlovian conditioned reflex.
Conditioned Stimuli
The learned response in a Pavlovian conditioned reflex.
Conditioned Response
Type of conditioning that occurs when a conditioned reflex is first established to one stimulus, which then goes on to serve as the unconditioned stimulus in a further series of pairings.
Higher-order conditioning
Conditioned reflexes could be elicited by stimuli similar but not identical to the original conditioned stimulus.
If the dissimilar stimulus was then presented repeatedly, but never “reinforced” by a succeeding unconditioned stimulus, a further kind of learning occurred.
A dramatic behavioral change that occurred in some of Pavlov’s animal subjects when they were forced to confront an ambiguous differentiation task. This behavior appeared to be similar to stress-induced breakdowns in human beings.
Experimental Neurosis
What is the name of Watson’s famous “manifesto” and when did it appear?
Psychology as the behaviorist views it (1913)
The view that environmental factors have overwhelmingly greater importance than heredity or constitution in determining behavior.
Radical environmental
Conditioning that occurs when organisms learn to actively manipulate, control, and “operate upon” their environments by encountering consequences.
Operant conditioning
a cage for a white rat with a lever-bar mounted on one wall near a food tray and connected to a mechanism that dropped a food pellet into the tray when the bar was pressed.
Skinner box
The graphical representation of rates of response under different reinforcement schedules generated by an automated recorder in operant condition experiments
Cumulative record
A stimulus that follows a response and increase the probability of similar responses under similar conditions.
The specific conditions under which the responses were reinforced or not with food pellets.
Contingency of reinforcement
Discontinuing reinforcement from a previously reinforced response that decreases similar responses under similar circumstances.
Operant extinction
Interval or fixed time and ratio contingencies that increased the responding required for reinforcement
reinforcement schedules
What was the title of Skinner’s first book and when was it published,
The Behavior of Organisms (1938)
Reinforcers that do not require any pairing with another stimulus to function as a reinforcer.
Primary reinforcement
Reinforcers that acquire their power only after having been paired with other, primary reinforcers.
Secondary reinfocement
Complicated subjects such as mathematics are broken down into simple, stepwise components that are presented to students in order of increasing difficulty, such that students are positively reinforced for every incremental response.
Programmed instruction
Presentation of a stimulus that follows a response and increases the probability of similar responses under similar conditions.
Positive reinforcement
Removal of a stimulus that follows a response and increases the probability of similar responses under similar conditions.
Negative reinforcement