Psych- Moral, psychosocial, and piaget's Flashcards
Focus on avoiding punishment and a tit for tat mentality.
Sees individuals as filling social roles. Law and order as highest ideals, social obedience is a must to maintain a functional society.
Realizes that other people may have different values. And that law is contingent on culture. Develop internal moral principles.
Trust vs. Mistrust
Birth to 18 months
It develops when the caregiver provides care, affection and reliability. Trust when they are given and mistrusts if they are not satisfied.
Autonomy vs, Shame & Doubt
2-3 years
Child begins to develop a sense of independence over physical skills. Sense of autonomy when they do and shame when they do not
Intiative vs. Guilt
3-5 years
The need to control and have power over their environment. Achieving it provides a sense of purpose. Too much leads to disapproval, and feelings of guilt.
Industry vs. Inferiority
6-11 years
Need to cope with academic demands. Success leads to feelings of competence and of inferiority if he or she does not.
Identity vs. Role confusion
12-18 years
Teens need to develop sense of self and personal identity. Success leads to feelings of being true to one self and failure confusion.
Intimacy vs. Stagnation
19-40 years
Need to form intimate relationships. Success leads to strong relationships and failure to isolation.
Generativity vs. Stagnation
40-65 years
Adults have a need to create and nurture something that will outlast them. Success leads to feelinfs of accomplishment and failure leads to feelings of shallowness.
Ego Integrity vs. Despair
Older adults need to look back and feel a sense of fulfillment. Success leads to feelings of wisdom. Failure leads to feelings of regret, bitterness, and despair.
Mead’s concept of ME
The socialized and conforming aspect of self.
Mead’s concept of I
The spontaneous, unpredictable, and creative aspect of self
Ectoderm gives rise to?
Gives epidermis and nervous system.
Mesoderm give rise to?
Blood cells, connective tissue (bones, muscles and tendons), and several organs (heart, kineys, gonads),
Skeleton and muscles
The endoderm gives rise to?
The lining of the digestive tube and associated organs including the liver.
Digestive organs and intestines