Nextstep Diagnostic Bio and Biochem Flashcards
Lipid soluble molecules pass through ____ on their way to the Vena cava.
Lipid soluble molecues such as Vitamin E pass thorugh the lacteals of the intestines on their way to the vena cava.
Water soluble pass through the liver.
what are granulocytic cells?
Granulocytic cells are white blood cells that have small granules or particles. These include Mast cells, Basophils, Neutrophils.
B cells and T cells are ____?
Salivary amylase aids in the digestion of ___?
Polysacharides, such as starches. Monosacharides are not broken down until glycolysis or other metabolic pathways.
What intermolecular factors influence acidity?
Polarity, resonance structures, and atomic radius.
How do you find the number of stereoisomers?
To find the number of stereoisomers raise 2 to the number of chiral centers. i.e: 2^2=4
What kind of current travels through distilled water?
No current is Water is a pure conductor. Water requires ions dissolved in it to carry current. As charged ions move in the water along their voltage gradient, they carry current.
Continuity equation and an example?
r1=5 and V1=3.6 r2=10
Continuity equation is A1xV1=A2xV2. If the radius is reduced by half the velocity is reduced by one fourth. Do the math to prove it.
Intracelullar pathogens are dealt with by?
cytotoxic T cells
The dorsal side of the spinal cord___ whereas the ventral side _____?
Receives where as the ventral sends.
Sensory afferent, Motor efferent, Dorsal afferen, Ventral efferent
The closer the genes are it means that?
The more likely they are to be inherited together, or lower the chance of recombination
The frequency of a wave traveling through a medium does what?
Increases when the tension increases, and decreases when the mass or thickness increase.
Sound waves travel faster or slower in water versus air?
Sound waves travel faster in water
When the source of a sound wave is moving towards the receiver the frequency and wavelenght seem?
Shorter wavelength and higher frequency.
What are the lipid soluble vitamins?
A,D, E an K
The weight of a mole of galactose is about?
G coupled receptors (GPCR) pass through the membrane how many times?
Seven. GPCR have seven transmembrane domains.
When using reverse transcriptace what should match?
When using reverse transcriptase the 5 prime end of the RNA template matches with the 5 prime of the amplified sequence
Restriction sites are where?
Sequences of DNA where restriction enzymes cut. This results in additonal bands showing on a southern blot.
When you breakdown Fat (triglycerides) what are the components that result?
Glycerol and 3 fatty acids
What is the reason cells produce lactate during intense exercise?
To regenerate important molecules that help dribe the production of ATP such as NAD+
Insulin is what type of hormone?
Insulin is a peptide hormone.
If a compound is a competitive inhibitor of an amino acid how most it be?
This compound should bind tightly to the substrate, making it similar to the orginal amino acid
Cytopasmic Cytochrome C is a marker for?
Protein denaturation leaves which structure intact?
If the recessive genotype is not viable the result is?
The result will be like the heterozygous.
Stabilizing selection refers to?
When natural selection selects the intermediate states of continuous variation.
Disruptive selection refers to?
When natural selection favors the extremes on a continuous variation.
What is the Hardy-Winberg Equation and what it is used for?
How many heterozygous if you have 4 recessive out of 100?
p^2+2pq+q^2= 1
To find the heterozygous, homozygous genotypes .
Edward’s syndrome is?
Trisomy 18
Three disorders due to nondisjunction of the sex chromosomes?
Turner’s , Klinefelter, and Poly-Y syndrome
What cartilage covers the bones at the point of contact?
Hyaline cartilage.
What muscle type is always uninucleated?
Smooth muscle
What component of the cell maintains fluidity?
Cholesterol prevents the cell from forming a tight crystaline by disrupting the phospholipids.
Myogenic acitivity refers to?
Activity resulting from the muscle and not from nerve impulses. Cardiac and smooth muscle show myogenic activity.
Yellow bone marrow function is?
Yellow bone marrow is yellow due to its high levels of fat. Serving as a site of storage.
As food passes from the esophagus to the stomach it passes through the?
Cardiac Sphincter.
Bile that is stored in the liver is made on the?
Active immunity happens when?
When antibodies are created in response to an antigen.
Artificial active immunity refers to?
Active refers o an antibodies developed from an antigen and artificial refers to the vaccine instead of the actual antigen.
Natural passive refers to?
Mother to child through placenta or milk.
Pepsin works in a pH of _____. Whereas aminopepsinogen works on a___
Pepsin works in the stomach, a very acidic environment. Aminopeptidases are a class of enzymes that work throughout the body, but the digestive aminopeptidase enzyme works in the duodenum, where the environment is slightly basic.
Cohort and case studies are a form of ____
Longitudinal studies
James-Lange theory says that?
The physiological response to an external event drives the experience of the emotion. A person’s heart rate increases and then they feel frightened.
How do you find the number of stereoisomers in a molecule?
You cound the number of chiral centers and raise 2 to that number.
What controls the timing of genes transcription?
Sen if the genes specific regulatory elements, even if the genes are not close to one another, this regulatory elements control the timing.
The differentiation of cells during development is extremely sensitive to?
The timing of mRNA turnover.
A Lewis acid ____ where as a Bronsted acid ______
Accepts electrons where as a bronsted acid donates protons
The liver makes produces vile that helps on the proccessing of ___ by____
fats by the small intestine
An important function of the Pentose Phosphate Pathway is the generation of ___ for _____
NADPH for the synthesis of fatty acids
___ this hormone triggers ovulation
Lutenizing hormone
What is the formula used to find the possible number of aminoacids combinations posssible?
3 aminoacids?
n factorial
321 = 6
Where is lactose broken down at?
Small intestine
Just prior vulation, what kind of hormone level peaks?
LH. This peak is known as the LH surge triggers ovulation.
At what time are estrogen levels lowest for a women?
Estrogen and progesteron help to build the uterine lining. During menstruation this two hormones are at their lowest.
What is the average weight of an Amino acid?
110Da. a 288 amoni acid therefore should weight about 32ka
Which of the following most closely resembles the structure of bacterial DNA?
Circular loops of dsDNA
What path does sperm take from production to ejaculation?
Seminiferous tubules → epididymis → vas deferens → ejaculatory duct → urethra → penis
Compound X binds to alcohol dehydrogenase at a different site than the enzyme’s target substrate, only after the enzyme and substrate have been bound. What type of inhibition is this?
Uncompetitive inhibition
Since this inhibitor binds only after the formation of the enzyme-substrate complex, it is uncompetitive. If it bound before the enzyme and substrate attached to each other, then it would represent noncompetitive inhibition.
Angiotensin II can do what?
increase aldosterone.
Increased potassium reabsorption
Angiotensin II also increases aldosterone levels, and aldosterone excretes potassium. Lower aldosterone levels due to ACE inhibitors would then raise potassium levels.
Aldosterone does what?
Increase sodium absorption and potassium excretion.
During denaturation which protein structures become affected?
Tertiary and quaternary and primary and secondary remain unaffected.
What is the formula for identifying pressure of a fluid?
P= pgh+ atmospheric pressure
p is the density of the liquid. g gravity. h depth or height.
The rate of a reaction increases with temperature regardless if it is___
Endothermic or exothermic
What is the dissasociation constant of a weak acid?
much less than one, but not zero.
The reducing agent does what? And becomes what?
Donates electrons and becomes oxidized. For example turns from 0 to +1
A reducing agent is used during SDS-PAGE to _____?
Cleave disulfide bonds. disulfide bonds results on more than one band when the reducing agent is utilized.
Phosphodiester bonds link what?
Adjacent nucleotides in DNA.
Uncompetitive inhibitors do not alter the?
slope of the lineweaver-burk plot which is equal to Km/ Vmax
What differes between cells that activated genes?
Nuclear factors. They provide temporal and spatial regulation
What is the average weight of an amino acid? How many how amino acids are in a 50kDa protein?
110Da. 455 amino acids
SDS-PAGE separates proteins based on??
Affinity chromatography separates proteins based on?
Their interactions with specific ligands.
Which enzyme catalyses the final step of both gluconeogenesis and glycogenolysis?
Glucose 6-phosphatase
Starting materials of gluconeogenesis?
Lactate, oxaloacetate, alpha-ketoglutarate
dissipation of the electrochemical gradient across the inner mitochondrial membrane will cause what?
Decreased level of protons across the inner mitochondrial membrane.
electrical force depends on?
The particle’s charge and the strength of the electrical field experienced by the particle.
In the case of parallel plates, capacitance depends on?
The plates area and the distance between the plates.
When in series capacitors are added they are added in what fashion?
1/C1+ 1/C2
The bond that joins monosacharides together in an oligosaccharide is a special type of acetal linkage known as?
Glycoside bond.
Traditional michaelis-menten describes a _____ dependence of V0 on substrate concentration.
The use of histine tagging and nickel column is a form of _____
Affinity chromatography.
The stimulus registered by sensory receptors such as a pattern of light falling on the retina is know as?
Proximal stimulus.
Distal stimulus?
Incentive stimulus?
Sensory stimulus?
The more the charged the protein is the higher concetration of ___ is required
Anion-exchange columns bind?
anionic proteins
How to use snell law?
Sin(incoming ray)/Sin(refraction)
Km by the definition is?
The substrate concentration necessary to reach 1/2Vmax
Pyruvate kinase?
An order mechanism is one on which?
Is one where the components bind in an order instead of random.
If two molecules such as ATP and glycerol occupy the catalytic cleft of an enzyme they make a ____
Complex, specifically a terniary complex.
Which amino acids make covalent bonds?
Unfolding of proteins is a cooperative process. Cooperative processes are shown through ____ curves
Hyperbolic curves result from what kind
A magnetic force acts on a moving charge on a direction that is?
Perpendicular to both the velocity of the charge and the direction of the magnetic field.
transmembrane domain is a….?
nonpolar region