Nextstep 3 Psych Flashcards
What is refered as groupthink? Whar are three hallmarks of the concept?
Groups affected by groupthink ignore alternatives and tend to take irrational actions that dehumanize other groups. A group is especially vulnerable to groupthink when its members are similar in background, when the group is insulated from outside opinions, and when there are no clear rules for decision making.
illusion of invulnerability, self-censorship, stereotyping, between others
Quantitative research refers to?
Quantitative research involves the use of tests or questionnaires to produce numerical scores that can be evaluated statistically.
The Weber’s law postulates?
Weber’s law postulates that there is a linear relationship, not a non-linear relationship, between the intensity of a stimulus and its detection.
Mind control is a type of?
Mind control is a type of formal control typically attained through torture, murder, imprisonment, and exile.
Expectation bias refers to?
Expectation bias is when expectations influence attitudes or behavior.
Normative influence refers to?
Normative influence is an influence to conform with the expectations of others to gain social approval.
Implicit attitudes are?
Implicit attitudes towards smoking are unconscious attitudes.
social reproduction refers to?
Social reproduction describes a phenomenon in which poverty tends to beget poverty, and wealth tends to beget wealth across generations.
Exchange-rational theory refers to?
Exchange-rational theory posits that patterns of behavior in societies reflect the choices made by individuals as they try to maximize their benefits and minimize their costs.
Formal social control refers to?
Formal social control is establishing or improving conformity to norms by enforcing laws or imposing sanctions.
Internal consistency refers to?
Internal consistency refers to how well the items of a test assess the construct of interest. In this context, whatever the researchers used to measure depression, anxiety, etc. could be evaluated on its internal consistency.
Motor neurons, sensory neurons, and interneurons are?
You should know that motor neurons carry signals outward, so they are efferent neurons. You should also know that sensory neurons carry signals inward, so they are afferent neurons. Interneurons are neurons that connect afferent and efferent neurons, so they fall into neither of the two categories.
People with Wernicke’s aphasia have problems with?
People with Wernicke’s aphasia have difficulty connecting meaning to language
Framing refers to?
In the social sciences, framing comprises a set of concepts and theoretical perspectives on how individuals, groups, and societies organize, perceive, and communicate about reality. Framing involves social construction of a social phenomenon - by mass media sources, political or social movements, political leaders, or other actors and organizations. It is an inevitable process of selective influence over the individual’s perception of the meanings attributed to words or phrases
Fundamental attribution error refers to?
Fundamental attribution error describes the tendency for individuals to overemphasize internal characteristics, such as personality, in attempting to explain someone’s behavior at the expense of situational factors.
It is about someone else’s behavior.
One of the symptoms of Korsakoff syndrome, confabulation refers to?
One of the symptoms of Korsakoff’s syndrome is confabulation – making up memories to fill in gaps and then believing that those memories are true. When asked to recognize sentences, Korsakoff’s patients (at a rate vastly higher than normal) picked incorrect sentences, suggesting they were confabulating the memory of having heard those sentences.
Status quo bias refers to?
Status quo bias is the tendency to avoid situations or actions that may produce change, instead preferring to choose action that will keep normalcy, or the status quo.
Legitimate power refers to?
Those with legitimate power, such as a president, exert power through the legitimacy of their role. There is no indication that this would lead either group to be more persuaded
Fundamental attribution error refers to?
Fundamental attribution error is the tendency for people to overestimate dispositional influences of another person’s behavior (like saying the student is stupid or lazy) while underestimating situational influences (like the actual difficulty of the test).
Coercive power refers to?
Those with coercive power exert control through force or its threat. It is likely that both groups would be persuaded by this
Free choice reduction of conflict or paradigm refers to?
Free choice reduction of conflict happens when a person has a binary choice which may conflict with their current views or beliefs. Once they make a decision and act, their attitudes can change to be more congruent with their decision
Availability heuristic refers to?
The availability heuristic is recalling information that is most readily available.