PSY2002 SEMESTER 1 - WEEK 9 Flashcards
summarise cognition regarding basis of behaviour, type of goal, systems, abilities
basis of intelligent behaviour, overriding reflexive/habitual response to favour complex, long-term goal, control sensory, memory, motor system
core vs higher order cog abilities, effort/attention required with no autopilot, top-down mental process
name core cog abilities
name some higher order cognitive abilities
object permanence, self recognition, tool use/causal reasoning, ToM, mental time travel
summarise Scala Naturae/ladder of being
instinct think certain animal more intelligent than others in hierarchical ‘degree of perfection’ related to how close they’re related to us (gorilla most intelligent, then reptiles, then fish)
summarise Bloch (2019) fish sample delay for scala naturae
got them to learn a pattern to get rewards and believed this showed fish have WM, found frogs can do learned inhibition (can inhibit instinctual response)
what is found in lizards, and birds
lizard= IC
crows, ravens= WM
why are human seen as dominant?
cortex, PFC larger than other mammal, associated with core cognition, EF
what is cortex
laminated (layered) multiple layers with different neurons doing different role, allowing complex higher order cognition
compare birds to humans regarding cortex
no neocortex/laminated cortex but can do similar tasks to humans
= debate about why cortex is viewed as special
summarise WM
short-term representation of items held in consciousness and can be manipulated. key neural structure is in PFC
not passive
what can action potentials (spike trains) measure, tell us
can measure electrical activity of extracellular space around neuron and amount of firing to tell us how much processing taking place in neurons
summarise monkey delay activity (Niki, 1974) finding a neural correlate between neuronal activity and WM- method
delayed response task; 2 lights, 2 buttons. 1/2 cue lights illuminated for 1s on left/right
cue illumination off for 2-3s (delay period)
monkey pick between l/r button
summarise monkey delay activity (Niki, 1974) finding a neural correlate between neuronal activity and WM- results
performed well
measured PFC- found spike trains (neuron firing) with initial spike at presentation of cues, sustained spike trains during delay (delay activity- persistent firing rate, bridging gap between stimulus presentation and choice being made)
then see sharp increase/sustained increase in firing rate, reflecting WM (monkey hold onto info, makes decisions)
describe what delay period tasks find regarding WM in monkeys (mention firing rates, spike trains)
delay activity is persistent firing rate bridging gap between stimulus and choice
monkey holds onto info during delay period and then see sharp increase then sustained increase in firing rate, reflecting WM processing (hold onto info, make decision)
less activity = monkey no longer needing info, its made its decision
give strength of delay activity tasks in monkeys
high validity, seen in multiple studies
outline role of dopamine in classical conditioning, found with neuron fires
providing reward shows sustained spike activity of neuonrs firing dopamine
but if provide with CS, see actual dopaminergic responses tied to CS not reward (anticipation) and actual reward shows decreased activity